Ukoliko želite, kartone naučnog osoblja ovog fakulteta možete da pogledate i na sajtu Prirodno - matematičkog fakulteta
Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Aleksandar Nastić
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Mesto rođenja: Beograd
- Fakultet: Prirodno-matematički fakultet
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Matematika/Diplomirani matematičar za računarstvo i informatiku
- Godina diplomiranja: 2003.
Spisak publikacija
Knjige i udžbenici:
1. Б. Ч. Поповић, А. С. Настић, М. С. Ђорђевић (2014) Збирка задатака из математичке статистике, Универзитет у Нишу, Природно-математички факултет, ISBN: 987-86-6275-030-3.
2. Александар С. Настић, Мирослав М. Ристић (2018) Теорија одлучивања, Универзитет у Нишу, Природно-математички факултет, ISBN: 978-86-6275-078-5.
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
21. P. M. Popović, P. N. Laketa, A. S. Nastić (2019) Forecasting with two generalized integer-valued autoregressive processes of order one in the mutual random environment, SORT Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, вол. 43, бр.2, стр. 355–384. DOI: 10.2436/20.8080.02.92 (M22, IF=1.125, 58/123)
20. M. M. Ristić, M. Bourguignon, A. S. Nastić (2019) Zero-Inflated NGINAR(1) process, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, вол. 48, бр. 3, стр. 726-741., (M23, IF =0.424, 120/123)
19. A. S. Nastić, P.N. Laketa, M. M. Ristić (2019) Random environment INAR models of higher order, RevStat: Statistical Journal, вол. 17, бр. 1, стр. 35–65. (M23, IF=0.365, 121/123)
18. P.N. Laketa , A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić (2018) Generalized random environment INAR models of higher order, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, вол. 15, бр.1, редни број чланка 9., (M21, IF=1.181, 66/313)
17. A. V. Miletić-Ilić , M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić, H. S. Bakouch (2018) An INAR(1) model based on a mixed dependent and independent counting series, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, вол. 88, бр. 2, стр. 290-304. (M23, IF=0.767, 84/123)
16. P. M. Popović , A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić (2018) Residual Analysis with Bivariate INAR(1) models, RevStat: Statistical Journal, вол. 16, бр. 3, стр. 349–363. (M23, IF=0.365, 121/123)
15. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, Ana D. Janjić (2017) A mixed thinning based geometric INAR(1) model, Filomat, вол. 31, бр. 13, стр. 4009–4022. (M22, IF= 0.635, 188/310)
14. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, A. V. Miletić-Ilić (2017) A geometric time series model with an alternative dependent Bernoulli counting series, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, вол. 47, бр. 2, стр. 770-785. (M23, IF=0.353, 119/123)
13. A. S. Nastić, P.N. Laketa, M. M. Ristić (2016) Random Environment Integer-Valued Autoregressive process, Journal of Time Series Analysis, вол.37, бр. 2, стр. 267–287. (M22, IF=0.975, 64/124)
12. P. M. Popović, M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić (2016) A geometric bivariate time series with different marginal parameters, Statistical Papers, вол. 57, бр.3, стр. 731-753. (M22, IF=0.727, 83/124)
11. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, M. Djordjević (2016) An INAR model with discrete Laplace marginal distributions, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, вол. 30, бр. 1, стр. 107–126. DOI: 10.1214/14-BJPS262 (M23, IF=0.419, 113/124)
10. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, P. M. Popović (2016) Estimation in a Bivariate Integer-Valued Autoregressive Process, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, вол. 45, бр. 19, стр. 5660 - 5678. (M23, IF=0.311, 121/124)
9. M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić, A. V. Miletić-Ilić (2013) A geometric time series model with dependent Bernoulli counting series, Journal of Time Series Analysis, вол. 34, бр. 4,стр. 466-476. (M22, IF=0.808, 64/119)
8. M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić, K. Jayakumar, H. S. Bakouch (2012) A bivariate INAR(1) time series model with geometric marginals, Applied Mathematics Letters, вол. 25, бр. 3, стр. 481-485., (M21, IF=1.501, 33/247)
7. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, H. S. Bakouch (2012) A combined geometric INAR(p) model based on negative binomial thinning, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, вол. 55, бр. 5-6, стр. 1665-1672., (M21a, IF=1.420, 38/247)
6. M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić (2012) A mixed INAR(p) model, Journal of Time Series Analysis вол. 33, бр. 6, стр. 903–915., (M22, IF=0.787, 66/117)
5. A. S. Nastić. (2012), On shifted geometric INAR(1) models based on geometric counting series, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, вол. 41, бр. 23, стр. 4285-4301. (M23, IF=0.298, 111/117)
4. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić (2012) Some geometric mixed integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) models, Statistics and Probability Letters, вол. 82, бр. 4, стр. 805-811. (M23, IF=0.531, 90/117)
3. M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić, H. S. Bakouch (2012) Estimation in an integer-valued autoregressive process with negative binomial marginals (NBINAR(1)), Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, вол. 41, бр. 4, стр. 606-618. (M23, IF=0.298, 111/117)
2. M. M. Ristić, H. S. Bakouch, A. S. Nastić (2009) A New Geometric First-Order Integer-Valued Autoregressive (NGINAR(1)) Process, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, вол. 139, бр. 7, стр. 2218-2226. (M23, IF=0.725, 67/100)
1. M. M. Ristić, B. Č, Popović, A. Nastić, M. Djordjević (2008), A bivariate Marshall and Olkin exponential minification process, Filomat , вол. 22, бр.1, стр. 69-75. (M23, IF=0.101, 272/279).
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
2. P. N. Laketa, A. S. Nastić, (2019) Conditional least squares estimation of the parameters of higher order Random environment INAR models, Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, вол. 34, бр. 3, стр. 525-535. (M51)
1. A. S. Nastić, (2014), On suitability of negative binomial marginal and geometric counting sequence in some applications of combined INAR(p) model, Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, 29:1, 25-42. (M51)
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
1. M. Andjelkovic-Pesic, A. S. Nastić, (2007): The theory of constraints significance for product mix improvement, Proceedings of the International Conference in Economics- Izazovi ekonomske nauke i prakse u procesu pridruzivanja Evropskoj uniji, str. 273-282, October 18-19, 2007, Faculty of Economics, University of Nis, Serbia.
12. A. S. Nastić, P.N. Laketa, M. M. Ristić, (2019) On Random Environment Integer-Valued Autoregressive Process, Applied Statistics 2019 - 16th International Conference, September 22-25, 2019, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia.
11. A. S. Nastić, P.N. Laketa, M. M. Ristić (2018) ON RANDOM ENVIRONMENT INAR MODELS OF HIGHER AND VARIABLE ORDER, International Conference: Algebra and Analysis with Application, July, 1-4 2018, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
10. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, M.S. Đorđević (2018) APPLICATION OF INAR MODEL WITH DISCRETE LAPLACE MARGINAL DISTRIBUTION, International Conference: Algebra and Analysis with Application, July, 1-4 2018, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
9. M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić, M.S. Đorđević (2018) New estimators for the parameters of the SDLINAR(1) model, XIV Sebian Mathematical Congress, May 16–19, 2018, Kragujevac, Serbia,, ISBN 978-86-6009-055-5.
8. A. S. Nastić, P.N. Laketa (2018) Conditional least squares estimation of the parameters of Random environment INAR models of higher order, XIV Sebian Mathematical Congress, May 16–19, 2018, Kragujevac, Serbia,, ISBN 978-86-6009-055-5.
7. A. S. Nastić, P.N. Laketa, M. M. Ristić (2016) Random Environment Integer-Valued Autoregressive process, International Conference Mathematics: Applied, August 21-24, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
6. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, P. M. Popović (2014) On suitability of negative binomial marginal and geometric counting sequence in some applications of combined INAR(p) model, Applied Statistics 2014 - 11th International Conference, September 21-24, 2014, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia,
5. P. B. Popović, A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić (2014) Bivariate autoregressive models in time series of counts forecasting, 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress, May 22-25, 2014, Vrnjačka Banja,
4. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić (2014) On outperforming binomial thinning operator using geometric counting sequence in some real-life situations, 13th Serbian Mathematical Congress, May 22-25, 2014, Vrnjačka Banja,
3. M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić, P. M. Popović (2013), Bivariate models for time series of counts, International Conference Applied Statistics 2013, September 22-25, 2013, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia,
2. A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, H. S. Bakouch (2010), A combined geometric INAR(p) model based on negative binomial thinning, Analysis, Topology and Applications 2010 (ATA2010), June 20-25, 2010, Vrnjačka Banja,
1. M. M. Ristić, B. Č. Popović, A. S. Nastić, M. Đorđević (2006): A bivariate Marshall and Olkin exponential minification process, International Mathematical Conference, Topics in Mathematical Analysis and Graph Theory, MAGT 2006, August 31.-September 4, Belgrade,
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
5. P. M. Popović, M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić, (2016) Analysis of prediction errors generated by BINAR(1) models, Cetvrta nacionalna konferencija-Teorija informacija i kompleksni sistemi, TINKOS 2016, 27.-28. oktobar 2016, Niš, Srbija,
4. P. M. Popović, M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić (2015) Random coefficient bivariate INAR(1) model with dependent innovation processes, Četvrta nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike primene”, 29. i 30. oktobar 2015, Mathematical Institute, SANU, Beograd, Srbija.
3. P. M. Popović, M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić (2014) Estimation Methods in Bivariate Autoregressive Time Series of Counts, Četvrta nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike primene”, 2. i 3. oktobar 2014, Mathematical Institute, SANU, Beograd, Srbija.
2. P. M. Popović, A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić (2014) On Modelling Bivariate Time Series Of Counts, Druga nacionalna konferencija-Teorija informacija i kompleksni sistemi, TINKOS 2014, 16.-17. jun 2014, Niš, Srbija,
1. M. M. Ristić, P. M. Popović, A. S. Nastić (2012) INAR Models and Application, Druga nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene”, 27. i 28. septembar 2012, Mathematical Institute, SANU, Beograd, Srbija.