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Datum kreiranja: 09.06.2016.

Ana Marković

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 02.04.1989.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Medicinski fakultet
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Farmacija
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2013
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Gocić V, Marković A, Lazarević J. The potential of chalcone derivatives as human carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in the therapy of glaucoma. Medicinal Chemistry Research 2022; 31: 2103-2118.

    Lazarević J, Marković A, Šmelcerović A, Stojanović G, Ciuffreda P, Santaniello E. Carvacrol derivatives as antifungal agents: synthesis, antimicrobial activity and in silico studies on carvacryl esters. Acta Chimica Slovenica 2022; 69: 571-583.

    Savić A, Nešić I, Martinović M, Marković A, Gajić I. Influence of different concentrations of surfactants on dissolution profiles of extemporaneously compounded pessaries with clindamycin phosphate. Dissolution Technologies 2021; 28: 24-29.

    Smelcerovic A, Zivkovic A, Ilic BS, Kolarevic A, Hofmann B, Steinhilber D, Stark H. 4-(4-Chlorophenyl) thiazol-2-amines as pioneers of potential neurodegenerative therapeutics with anti-inflammatory properties based on dual DNase I and 5-LO inhibition. Bioorganic Chemistry 2020; 95: 103528.

    Bondžić BP, Džambaski Z, Kolarević A, Đorđević A, Anderluh M, Šmelcerović A. Synthesis and DNase I inhibitory properties of new benzocyclobutane-2,5-diones. Future Medicinal Chemistry 2019; 11(18): 2415-2426.

    Kolarević A, Ilić BS, Kocić G, Džambaski Z, Šmelcerović A, Bondžić BP. Synthesis and DNase I inhibitory properties of some 4‐thiazolidinone derivatives. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2019; 120(1): 264-274.

    Kolarevic A, Pavlovic A, Djordjevic A, Lazarevic J, Savic S, Kocic G, Anderluh M, Smelcerovic A. Rutin as deoxyribonuclease I inhibitor. Chemistry and Biodiversity 2019; 16: e1900069.

    Stanojevic LjP, Stanojevic JS, Savic VLj, Cvetkovic DJ, Kolarevic A, Marjanovic-Balaban Z, Nikolic LjB. Peppermint and basil essential oils: chemical composition, in vitro antioxidant activity and in vivo estimation of skin irritation. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 2019; 22(4): 979-993.

    Mavrova ATs, Dimov S, Yancheva D, Kolarević A, Ilić BS, Kocić G, Šmelcerović A. Synthesis and DNase I inhibitory properties of some 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines. Bioorganic Chemistry 2018; 80: 693-705.

    Kolarević A, Ilić BS, Anastassova N, Mavrova ATs, Yancheva D, Kocić G, Šmelcerović A. Benzimidazoles as novel deoxyribonuclease I inhibitors. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2018; 119(11): 8937-8948.

    Ilić BS, Kolarević A, Kocić G, Šmelcerović A. Ascorbic acid as DNase I inhibitor in prevention of male infertility. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2018; 498(4): 1073-1077.

    Lazarević J, Kolarević A, Stojanović G, Šmelcerović A, Ciuffreda P, Santaniello E. Synthesis, antimicrobial activity and in silico studies on eugenol eters. Acta Chimica Slovenica 2018; 65(4): 801-810.

    Lazarević J, Kolarević A, Đorđević A, Stojanović G, Šmelcerović A, Ciuffreda P, Santaniello E. Synthesis, antimicrobial activity and in silico studies on thymol esters. Acta Chimica Slovenica 2017; 64(3): 603-612.

    Smelcerovic A, Miljkovic F, Kolarevic A, Lazarevic J, Djordjevic A, Kocic G, Anderluh M. An overview of recent dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors: linking their structure and physico-chemical properties with SAR, pharmacokinetics and toxicity. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 2015; 15(23): 2342-2372.

    Vukelić-Nikolić M, Kolarević A, Tomović K, Yancheva D, Cherneva E, Najman S, Šmelcerović A. Effects on MC3T3-E1 cells and in silico toxicological study of two 6-(propan-2-yl)-4-methyl-morpholine-2,5-diones. Natural Product Communications 2015; 10(8): 1423-1426. 

    Kolarevic A, Yancheva D, Kocic G, Smelcerovic A. Deoxyribonuclease inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2014; 88: 101-111.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Marković A, Spasić M, Savić V, Sunarić S, Tasić Kostov M. Spectrophotometric method in comparative in vitro dissolution test of branded and generic ibuprofen tablets. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 2021; 38(2): 147-155.

    Kolarević A, Stojiljković D, Dinić S, Nešić I. Effect of application of emulsions with standardized wild apple (Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill., Rosaceae) fruit extract on biophysical skin parameters: an in vivo study. Acta Medica Medianae 2020; 59(3): 48-55.

    Nešić I, Savić V, Kolarević A. Investigation of efficacy of anti-aging liposomal intimate gel: an in vivo long-term study. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 2020; 37(1): 48-56. 

    Kolarević A, Kocić G, Yancheva D, Šmelcerović A. In silico pharmacokinetic and toxicological study of DNase inhibitors. Acta Medica Medianae 2016; 55(4): 5-13. 

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Kolarević A, Ilić B, Kocić G, Šmelcerović A. Heterocyclic DNase I inhibitors as potential cardioprotective and nephroprotective agents. Proceeding of the 4th International Cardionephrology and Hypertension Congress, Ribarska banja, Serbia, 2019, pp. 186.

    Džambaski Z, Kolarević A, Ilić BS, Rašović A, Šmelcerović A, Bondžić BP. DNA-se I inhibitory properties of 4-thiazolidinone S-oxides: experimental and docking studies. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018, pp. 463-466.

    Džambaski Z, Kolarević A, Ilić BS, Rašović A, Šmelcerović A, Bondžić BP. DNA-se I inhibitory properties of new benzocyclobutane-2,5-diones experimental and docking studies. Proceeding of 14th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018, pp. 483-486.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Marković A, Šmelcerović A. Deoxyribonuclease I inhibitors as potential neuroprotective agents. 8th Serbian Congress of Pharmacy. Belgrade, Serbia, October 2022, published in Archiv za farmaciju (Archives of Pharmacy) 72 (2022) pp. S184-S185.

    Yancheva D, Mavrova A, Anichina K, Argirova M, Anastasova N, Lumov N, Tomovic K, Markovic A, Guncheva M, Smelcerovic, A. Exploring the potential of benzimidazole core for development of multi-target agents. National conference with international participation "Innovations in drug molecules". Hisarya, Bulgaria, July 2022, pp. 19-21.

    Kolarević A, Ilić BS, Anastassova N, Mavrova ATs, Yancheva D, Kocić G, Šmelcerović A. Derivati benzimidazola kao pioniri inhibitora DNaze I na bazi supstrata (Benzimidazole derivatives as pioneers of substrate‐based DNase I inhibitors). Prvi simpozijum Sekcije za farmaceutske nauke SFUS „Od ideje do kliničke primene: Savremena istraživanja u farmaciji“ (First symposium of the SFUS Section for pharmaceutical sciences „From idea to clinical application: Current pharmaceutical research“) Novi Sad, 26. septembar 2019. Publikovano u: Arhiv za Farmaciju 2019; 69(4): S24-S27.

    Lazarević J, Kolarević A, Đorđević A, Stojanović G, Šmelcerović A. Sinteza i antimikrobna aktivnost esterskih derivata prirodnih fenolnih jedinjenja: uporedna studija (Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of ester derivatives of natural phenol compounds: a comparative study). Prvi simpozijum Sekcije za farmaceutske nauke SFUS „Od ideje do kliničke primene: Savremena istraživanja u farmaciji“ (First symposium of the SFUS Section for pharmaceutical sciences „From idea to clinical application: Current pharmaceutical research“) Novi Sad, 26. septembar 2019. Publikovano u: Arhiv za Farmaciju 2019; 69(4): S73-S76.

Poslednji put izmenjeno sreda, 23 novembar 2022 12:57