Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Ivan Ignjatović
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 07.07.1964
- Mesto rođenja: Nis
- Fakultet: Medicinski
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Medicinski
- Godina diplomiranja: 1988
Spisak publikacija
Knjige i udžbenici:
Вишњић М, Игњатовић И. Ратне повреде урогениталног тракта. У: Вишњић М. (гл.ур) Ратна
хирургија. Нишки културни центар, Ниш 2000; 119-127.
Игњатовић И. Хирургија урогениталнох тракта. У: Вишњић М. (гл.ур) Хирургија. Уџбеник.
Медицински факултет у Нишу, Просвета, 2005, 287-306. -
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
- Ignjatovic I, Potic M, basic D, Dinic A, Skakic A. Laparoscopic minimally invasive sacrocolpopexy or hysteropexy and transobturator tape combined with native tissue repair of the vaginal compartments in patients with advanced pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence. Int Urogyn J Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. 2021. In press.
- Potić M, Ignjatović I, Ničković VP, et al. Two different melatonin treatment regimens prevent an increase in kidney injury marker-1 induced by carbon tetrachloride in rat kidneys. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2019 May;97(5):422-428.
- Ignjatovic I, Basic D, Potic M, Dinic L, Skakic A. A martius flap in the treatment of iatrogenic distal urogenital fistula. Int Braz J Urol. 2018 Nov-Dec;44(6):1265.
- Ignjatovic I, Basic D, Potic M, Dinic L, Stankovic J, Pavlovic S, Milic V, Skakic A. Simultaneous self-created transobturator tape and laparoscopic extraperitoneal vaginal support in patients with stress urinary incontinence and prolapse of the anterior and apical vaginal compartments. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016 Sep; 204:117-21.
- Ignjatovic I, Potic M, Basic D, Dinic L, Laketic D, Mihajlovic M, Skakic A. Resection of the Urethral Plate and Augmented Ventral Buccal Graft in Patients with Long Obliterative Urethral Strictures. Int Braz J Urol. 2015 Nov-Dec;41(6):1234-5.
- Stojanović N, Ignjatović I, Djenić N, Bogdanović D. Adverse Effects of Pharmacological Therapy of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia on Sexual Function in Men. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2015 May-Jun;143(5-6):284-9.
- Bašić D, Ignjatović I, Potić M. Iatrogenic ureteral trauma: a 16-year single tertiary centre experience. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2015 Mar-Apr;143(3-4):162-8.
- Ignjatovic I, Potic M, Basic D, Dinic L, Medojevic N, Laketic D, Skakic A, Mihajlovic M. Self-created transobturator tape treatment of stress urinary incontinence without prior urodynamic investigation. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2014 Nov;182:76-80
- Ignjatovic I, Potic M, Basic D, Dinic L. Stress urinary incontinence and ectopic ureteral orifice unmasked by the renal colic after transobturator tape procedure. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2014 Oct;181:345-6.
- Ignjatović IM, Potić MB. Experimental and clinical use of meshes in urogynecology. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2014 Jul;71(7):673-8.
- Potic M, Ignjatovic I, Velickovic Jankovic L. A rare case of isolated kidney cysticercosis. Urol Int. 2013;90(2):246-8.
- Stojanović N, Ignjatovic I, Kostov M, Mijović Z, Zivković S, Kosević B. Giant renal oncocytoma. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2013 Jan;70(1):68-71.
- Potic M, Ignjatovic I, Savic V, Djekic P, Radenkovic G. Mechanical properties and tissue reinforcement of polypropylene grafts used for pelvic floor repair--an experimental study. Hernia. 2011 Dec;15(6):685-90.
- Stojković I, Ignjatović I, Bašić D. Results of the modification of antireflux subserosal and submucosal implantation of the ureter into the rectosigmoid urinary reservoir after total cystectomy. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2011 Jul-Aug;139(7-8):491-5.
- Ignjatovic I, Stojkovic I, Stankovic J, Basic D, Potic M, Ignjatovic B. Simultaneous correction of anterior and apical vaginal prolapse with the modified placement of the transobturator-guided mesh (Anterior Prolift™) set. Urol Int. 2011;87(1):14-8.
- Cukuranovic R, Ignjatovic I, Visnjic M, Velickovic LJ, Petrovic B, Potic M, Stefanovic V. Characteristics of upper urothelial carcinoma in an area of Balkan endemic nephropathy in south Serbia. A fifty-year retrospective study. Tumori. 2010 Sep-Oct;96(5):674-9.
- Ignjatović I, Kovacević P, Medojević N, Potić M, Milić V. Reconstruction of the penile skin loss due to "radical" circumcision with a full thickness skin graft. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2010 Jul;67(7):593-5.
- Ignjatovic I, Stojkovic I, Basic D, Medojevic N, Potic M. Optimal primary minimally invasive treatment for patients with stress urinary incontinence and symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse: tension free slings with colporrhaphy, or Prolift with the tension free midurethral sling? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 May;150(1):97-101.
- Potić MB, Ignjatović IM. Two centuries of urologic endoscopy. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2009 Feb;66(2):169-72.
- Ignjatovic I, Basic D, Stosic D, Potic M, Mitic P, Milic V. Reutilization of the Prolift mark system for the simultaneous correction of prolapse and incontinence in patients with pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2008 Nov;141(1):79-82.
- Ignjatovic I, Stosic D. Retrovesical haematoma after anterior Prolift procedure for cystocele correction. . Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2007 Dec;18(12):1495-7.
- Ignjatovic I, Stojkovic I, Dinic LJ, Jovanovic M, Ivanovic D. Bilateral fused pelvic kidney ectopia with a single draining ureter solved by craniolateral displacement of the kidney and Boari-modified bladder-calyceal anastomosis with bladder augmentation. Int J Urol. 2007 Jun;14(6):552-4.
- Ignjatovic I, Vuckovic M, Srzentic Z. Transobturator tension-free composite sling for urethral support in patients with stress urinary incontinence: favorable experience after 1 year follow up. Int J Urol. 2006 Jun;13(6):728-32.
- Nikolic J, Djokic M, Ignjatovic I, Stefanovic V. Upper urothelial tumors in emigrants from Balkan endemic nephropathy areas in Serbia. Urol Int. 2006;77(3):240-4.
- Markovic N, Ignjatovic I, Cukuranovic R, Petrovic B, Kocic B, Stefanovic V. Decreasing incidence of urothelial cancer in a Balkan endemic nephropathy region in Serbia. A surgery based study from 1969 to 1998. Pathol Biol (Paris). 2005 Feb;53(1):26-9.
- Stojkovic I, Savic V, Djokic M, Balint B, Ljubenovic S, Ignjatovic I. Possibilities and limitations of fibrin glue usage in nephron-sparing surgery:experimental study. Urol Int. 2005;74(4):355-60.
- Ignjatović IM. Urology at the beginning of the 20th century. From the general surgeon to highly-trained specialists. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2003 Jan-Feb;131(1-2):92-5.
- Ignjatovic I, Stojkovic I, Kutlesic C, Tasic S. Infestation of the human kidney with Dioctophyma renale. Urol Int. 2003;70(1):70-3.
- Ignjatović I, Potić B, Stojković I, Marković N, Stamenić T. Preoperative radiologic evaluation of tumors of the renal parenchyma. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2002 Nov-Dec;130(11-12):382-5.
- Ignjatovic I, Potic B, Paunkovic L, Ravangard Y. Automutilation of the penis performed by the kitchen's knife. Int Urol Nephrol. 2002;34(1):113-5.
- Ignjatovic I. Symptoms and urodynamics after unsuccessful transurethral prostatectomy. Int Urol Nephrol. 2001;32(4):655-8.
- Ignjatović I, Potić B, Marković N, Stanković J, Mitić D, Stojković I. Critical approach to the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2000 Mar-Apr;128(3-4):130-4.
- Ignjatovic I, Stojkovic I. Trapping of the double-J stent in the urinary tract eight years after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Int Urol Nephrol. 2000;32(1):29-31.
- Stefanovic V, Mitic-Zlatkovic M, Ignjatovic I, Vlahovic P, Hadzi-Djokic J. beta2-microglobulin in patients with urothelial cancer. World J Urol. 1999 Oct;17(5):319-23.
- Stefanović V, Ilić S, Ignjatović I, Cukuranović R, Rajić M, Mitić-Zlatković M. Elevated tumour markers in patients with Balkan endemic nephropathy. Int Urol Nephrol. 1998;30(5):621-6.
- Ignjatovic I. Prediction of unfavourable symptomatic outcome of transurethral prostatectomy in patients with the relative indication for operation. Int Urol Nephrol. 1997;29(6):653-60.
- Pejovic M, Djordjevic V, Ignjatovic I, Stamenic T, Stefanovic V. Serum levels of some acute phase proteins in kidney and urinary tract urothelial cancers. . Int Urol Nephrol. 1997;29(4):427-32.
- Stefanović V, Mitić M, Golubović E, Rajić M, Avramović V, Ignjatović I. Transperitoneal removal of osteocalcin, calcitonin and parathyroid hormone in patients treated by CAPD. Nephron. 1996;74(1):216-7.
- Stefanović V, Mitić M, Bogićević M, Ignjatović I, Stamenić T, Golubović E. Inversed diurnal rhythm of urinary prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha excretion in kidney graft recipients. Nephron. 1996;72(2):362-3.
- Ignjatović I, Ilić M, Marković N, Stamenić T. Idiopathic thrombosis of the renal vein. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 1995 Jul-Aug;123(7-8):218-20.
- Stefanovic V, Bogicevic M, Stamenic T, Ignjatovic I, Vlahovic P, Mitic M. Cytokine levels in patients with urinary tract cancer. Pathol Biol (Paris). 1994 Nov;42(9):842-6.
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
- Basić D, Stanković J, Potić M, Ignjatović I, Stojković I. Holmium laser enucleation versus transurethral resection of the prostateB: a comparison of clinical results. Acta Chir Iugosl. 2013;60(1):15-20.
- Basic DT, Hadzi-Djokic J, Ignjatovic I. The history of urinary diversion. Acta Chir Iugosl. 2007;54(4):9-17
- Potić M, Ignjatović I, Bašić D. Tension free vaginal tape (TVT) vs Transobturator tape (TOT) complications and outcomes. Acta Chir Iugosl. 2014;61(1):81-4.
- Ignjatovic I, Stojkovic I, Basic D, Stankovic J, Potic M, Dinic L. Reconstruction of urethral strictures in patients with a long history of blind urethral dilatation. Urol J. 2014 May-Jun;11(3):1660-5.
- Bašić D, Ignjatović I, Potić M, Radovanović M. Complications of Camey-Le Duck ureteral reimplantation technique in modified ureterosigmoidostomy (Mainz pouch II) urinary diversion. Acta Chir Iugosl. 2014;61(1):95-101.
- Ignjatović I, Bašić D, Stanković J, Potić M, Dinić L. Reconstruction of the long urethral strictures with the buccal mucosal free graft. Acta Chir Iugosl. 2014;61(1):41-4.
- Ignjatovic I, Basic D. Modified Mainz pouch II (Sigma Rectum pouch) urinary diversion: 12 years experience. Acta Chir Iugosl. 2007;54(4):73-7
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
Dinić Lj, Ignjatović I, Bašić D, Potić M, Skakić A, Vučković B, Mihajlović Tošić M. laparoscopic treatment of varicocele – the results of our seven year experience. Balkan Congress of Urology, Ohrid (Macedonia), 05-07.04.2019; Abstract book: 42; Macedonian Medical Journal ISSN 0025-1097
2. Dinic L, Ignjatovic I, Basic D, Potic M, Skakic A, Mihajlovic Tosic M, Vuckovic B. Sensitivity of computerized tomography (CT) in the assesment of the clinical stage of the developement of prostate cancer. EAU 13th South Eastern European Meeting, 21/22 September 2018, Belgrade, Serbia: Programme Book:7
3. Potic M Ignjatovic I, Basic D, Dinic L, Skakic A, Mihajlovic Tosic M. Multivariate analysis of factors influencing overall urogynaecology synthetic graft success. EAU 13th South Eastern European Meeting, 21/22 September 2018, Belgrade, Serbia: Programme Book:8
4. Bašić D, Potić M, Ignjatović I, Pejić B, Medojević N, Đorđević Z, Dinić Lj, Skakić A. The role of a second transurethral resection for superficial bladder cancer. 2nd Congress of Macedonian Association of Urology; Skopje, 7-9.4.2017; Abstract book: 45
5. Ignjatović I, Pejić B, Medojević N, Skakić A. Urological management of ureteric injuries following obstetrics and gynaecological surgery: single center experience. 2nd Congress of Macedonian Association of Urology; Skopje, 7-9.4.2017; Abstract book: 46
6. Skakić A, Ignjatović I, Stanković J, Dinić Lj, Potić M, Mihajlović-Tošić M, Vučković B, Veljković A, Bašić D. Konzervirajuće operacije u lečenju tumora parenhima bubrega. The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, September, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 25
7. Medojevic N, Ignjatovic I, Basic D. Initial experience with the third generation suburethral sling "TVT Secur". The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, September, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 27
8. Potić M, Ignjatović I, Dinić Lj, Skakić A, Bašić D. Tension free vaginal tape (TVT) vs transobturator tape (TOT): komplikacije i ishod. The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, September, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 29
9. Potić M, Ignjatović I, Dinić Lj, Skakić A, Bašić D. Histološke karakteristike tkivnog urastanja u polipropilenske materijale koji se koriste u tretmanu stres urinarne inkontinencije i prolapsa organa male karlice kod žena. The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, September, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 29
10. Ignjatović I, Stanković J, Dinić Lj, Potić M, Mihajlović Tošić M, Vučković B, Skakić A, Bašić D. Self-created transobturator tape treatment of stress urinary incontinence without prior urodynamic
investigation. The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, September, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 30
11. Bašić D, Ignjatović I, Potić M, Skakić A. Jatrogene povrede uretera kod ginekoloških operativnih procedura: naše iskustvo. The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, Sept, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 32
12. Ignjatović I, Bašić D, Stanković J, Dinić Lj, Potić M, Mihajlović Tošić M, Vučković B, Skakić A. Reconstruction of urethral strictures in patient with a long history of blind urethral dilatation. The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, September, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 37
13. Dinić Lj, Ignjatović I, Stanković J, Potić M, Skakić A, Vučković B, Pavlović S, Dinić Lj, Golubović M, Bašić D. Da li se može poboljšati kontrola krvarenja iz dorzalnog venskog kompleksa kod otvorene radikalne retropubične prostatektomije primenom dodatnih intraoperativnih manevara – iskustvo jednog urologa. The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, September, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 38
14. Mihajlović Tošić M, Ignjatović I, Bašić D, Potić M, Janković Veličković Lj, Dinić Lj, Skakić A. Redak slučaj primarnog amelanotičnog malignog melanoma uretre. The 1st National Congress of the Urological Section of Serbian Medical Association and regional Joint Meeting, September, 28-30th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia; Abstract book: 39
15. Dinic L, Ignjatovic I, Stankovic J, Medojevic N, Basic D, Mitic P, Potic M. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patients with elevated PSA levels and prostate volume large. European Urology Supplements 2013;12(4): e1142