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Datum kreiranja: 13.12.2013.

Aleksandar Miltenović

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 31.12.1978.
  • Mesto rođenja: Leskovac
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Mašinske konstrukcije, razvoj i inženjering
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2003.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Miltenović A., Mitrović R., Banić M.: Crossed Helical Gears With Wheels From Sintered Steel With Pyrohydrolysis, Advanced Materials Research (ISSN 1662-8985), Trans Tech Publications, 633 (2013), pp. 197 - 208.

    Miltenović V., Banić M., Miltenović A.: Load Capacity of Worm Gears, Power Transmissions - Series: Mechanisms and Machine Science (ISBN 978-94-007-6557-3), Springer Netherlands, 13/XVI (2013), pp. 141 - 153.

    Miltenović V., Banić M., Miltenović A.: The New Engineering Education Model on University of Niš, Power Transmissions - Series: Mechanisms and Machine Science (ISBN 978-94-007-6557-3), Springer Netherlands, 13/XVI (2013), pp. 729 - 741.

    Miltenović, ADamage types, Load Capacity and Efficiency of Crossed Helical Gears With Wheels From Sintered Steel, Theory and Practice of Gearing and Transmissions In Honor of Professor Faydor L. Litvin, Machine and Mechanism Science, 34 (2016), Edt. Marco Ciccarelli, (ISSN 12211-0984, ISBN 978-3-319-19739-5), DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19740-1, pp. 189 - 232.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Милтеновић В., Буркардт Н., Митровић Р., Стефанов С., Милтеновић А., Банић М., Тица М. „Иновациони менаџментˮ, Универзитет у Нишу, 2015, ISBN 978-86-6055-081-3

    Милтеновић В., Анишић З., Марјановић Н., Адамовић Д., Банић М., Милтеновић А. Развој производаˮ, Универзитет у Нишу, 2015, ISBN 978-86-6055-082-0

    Милчић Д., Банић М., Милтеновић А., Милчић М. „Машински елементиˮ, Универзитет у Нишу, 2016, ISBN 978-86-6055-078-3

    Милтеновић, А., Ракоњац, И., Рајић, М., „Развој производа“, универзитетски уџбеник, Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу, 2024, ISBN 978-86-6055-178-0

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Tomović R., Miltenović V., Banić M., Miltenović A: Vibraton Response of Rigid Rotor in Unloaded Rolling Element Bearing, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (ISSN 0020-7403), 59/9 (2010), pp. 1176-1185

    Predki, W., Miltenović, A.: Influence of Hardening on the Microstructure and the Wear Capacity of Gears Made of Fe1.5Cr0.2Mo Sintered Steel, Science of Sintering, 42 (2010), pp. 205-214

    Miltenović, A., Predki, W.: Damage Types of Crossed Helical Gears with Wheels from Sintered Steel, Science of Sintering, 43 (2011), pp. 183-191

    Miltenović, A., Nikolić, V., Mitrović, R.: Efficiency of Crossed Helical Gears with Wheels made of Sintered Steel Fe1.5Cr0.2Mo with Sinter-Hardening Treatment, Transactions of FAMENA XXXVI-2, Faculty of mechanical engineering and naval architecture, ISSN 1333-1124, pp. 31-40, Zagreb 2012.

    Banić M., Stamenković D., Miltenović V., Milošević M., Miltenović A., Đekić P., Rackov M.: Prediction of Heat Generation in Rubber or Rubber-Metal Springs, Thermal Science (ISSN 0354-9836), 16/Suppl. 2 (2012), pp. 593-606.

    Miltenović, A., Kuzmanović, S., Miltenović, V., Tica, M., Rackov, M.: Thermal Stability of Crossed Helical Gears with Wheels made from Sintered Steel. Thermal Science (ISSN 0354-9836), 16/Suppl. 2 (2012), pp. 541-553. 

    Miltenović A., Nikolić V., Milovančević M, Banić M: Experimental and FEM analysis of sintered steel worm gear wear, Transactions of FAMENA XXXVI-4, Faculty of mechanical engineering and naval architecture, ISSN 1333-1124, pp. 85-96, Zagreb 2012.

    Banić M., Stamenković D., Milošević M., Miltenović A.: Tribology aspect of rubber shock absorbers development, Tribology in Industry, Vol. 35, No. 3 (2013) 242-248,

    Stamenković, D., Nikolić, M., Milošević, M., Banić, M., Miltenović, A., Mijajlović M.: Tribological Aspect of Rubber Based Parts used in Engineering, Tribology in Industry, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 9-16, 2014.

    Rackov, M. Milovančević, M., Kanović Ž., Vereš, M., Rafa, K., Banić, M., Miltenović, A.: Optimization of HCR gearing geometry using generalized particle swarm optimization algorithm, Tehnički vjesnik, Vol.21 No.4, 08.2014.

    Miltenović Đ., Tica M., Miltenović A., Banić M., Živković S., Mišković Ž.: Pitting of Teeth Flanks of Crossed Helical Gears Made from Sintered Steel, Transactions of FAMENA XXXVIII-4. Faculty of mechanical engineering and naval architecture. Zagreb 2014, pp 77-88,

    Miltenović A., Banić M., Stamenković D., Milošević M., Tomić M., Bucha J: Determination of Friction Heat Generation in Wheel-Rail Contact Using FEM, Facta Universitatis Series: Mechanical Engineering (ISSN 0354-2025) 13/ 2 (2015), pp. 99–108.

    Miltenović A., Nikolić V., Banić M.: Wear Load Capacity of Crossed Helical Gears With Wheel Made From Sintered Steel, Science of Sintering (ISSN 0350-820X) 47 (2015), pp. 153–163.

    Milošević, М. Banić, M., Stamenković, D., Pavlović, V., Tomić, M., Miltenović, A., Distribution of Generated Friction Heat at Wheel-Rail Contact During Wheel Slipping Acceleration, Thermal Science, VINCA INST NUCLEAR SCI, 20, 5, pp. 1561 - 1571, 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI16S5561M, 2016.

    Milošević, M., Мiltenović, A., Banić, М.,  Tomić, M., Determination of Residual Stress in the Rail Wheel During Quenching Process by FEM Simulation, Facta Universitatis Series: Mech. Engin., 2017, 15, 3, pp. 413 - 425, 0354-2025, 10.22190/FUME170206029M

    Banić, M., Miltenović, A., Pavlović, M,. Ćirić, I., Intelligent Machine Vision Based Railway Infrastructure Inspection and Monitoring Using UAV, Facta Universitatis Series: Mech. Engin., 2019, 17, 3, pp. 357 - 364, 0354-2025, 10.22190/FUME190507041B

    Мiltenović, A., Tica, M., Banić, M.,  Miltenović, Đ., Prediction of Temperature Distribution in the Worm Gear Meshing, Facta Universitatis Series: Mech. Engin., 2020, 2, 18, pp. 329 - 339, 0354-2025, UDC: 629.4

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Thermal Analysis of a Crossed Helical Gearbox Using FEM. TRANSACTIONS OF FAMENA, 2020, Vol. 44(1), pp. 67-78. DOI: 10.21278/TOF.44106

    Banić, M., Stamenković, D., Miltenović, A.,  Jovanović, D., Tica, M.: Procedure for the Selection of Rubber Compound in Rubber-Metal Springs for Vibration Isolation. Polymers, 2020, DOI: 10.3390/polym12081737, 12, 1737.

    Pavlović, I., Stamenković, D., Nikolić, V., Miltenović, A., Despenić, N., Stamenković-Atanasov, M., Janevski, G., Train Obstacle Detection System Stabilization and Stochastic Vibrations Analysis Using the Moment Lyapunov Exponent Method, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 19, No. 6, 2022, 10.12700/APH.19.6.2022.6.5

    Banić, M., Pavlović, I., Miltenović, A., Simonović, M., Mladenović, M., Jovanović, D., Rackov, M. Prediction of dynamic response of vibration isolated railway obstacle detection system. ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA, 2022, 19(3), pp.51-64. DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.3.2022.3.5

    Petrović, A.D., Banić, M., Simonović, M., Stamenković, D., Miltenović, A., Adamović, G., Rangelov, D., Integration of Computer Vision and Convolutional Neural Networks in the System for Detection of Rail Track and Signals on the Railway. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 6045. DOI: 10.3390/app12126045 

    Miltenović, A., Rakonjac, I., Oarcea, A., Perić, M., Rangelov, D., Detection and Monitoring of Pitting Progression on Gear Tooth Flank Using Deep Learning. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5327. DOI: 10.3390/app12115327

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Tanasković, J., Stefanović-Marinović, J., Rangelov, D., Perić, M., Wear load capacity of crossed helical gears, Facta Universitatis Series: Mech. Engin., 2024, 1, 2 DOI: 10.22190/FUME220114015M

    Vitković, N., Marinković, D., Stan, S. D., Simonović, M., Miltenović, A., Tomić, M., Barać, M. (2024). Decision Support System for Managing Marshalling Yard Deviations. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Journal of Applied Sciences, Special Issue on Up-to-Date Problems in Modern Railways and Optimization in Engineering Structures, 21(1), 121–134. DOI: 10.12700/APH.21.1.2024.1.8

    Miltenović, A., Milan Banić, M., Vitković, N., Simonović, M., Perić, M., Rangelov, D., Investigation of the Influence of Contact Patterns of Worm-Gear Sets on Friction Heat Generation during Meshing, Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(2), 738, DOI: 10.3390/app14020738

    Nikolić, M., Banić, M., Stamenković, D., Simonović, M., Miltenović, A., Pavlović, V., The Influence of Rubber Hysteresis on the Sliding Friction Coefficient During Contact Between Viscoelastic Bodies and a Hard SubstrateAppl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11820. DOI: 10.3390/142411820

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Miltenović, A., Milovančević, M., Miltenović, Đ.: Optimal geometry of worm gear transmitters from loadcarrying capacity aspect. Proc. of Monograph “Machine Design”, on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Faculty of Technical Sciences 1960 – 2008. Editor: Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad 2008. pp. 275-280.

    Stefanović-Marinović J., Banić M., Miltenović A.: Selection of CVT Transmission Construction Design for Usage in Low Power Wind Turbine, Machine Design, Monograph on the Occasion of 49th Anniversary of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, 2009, pp. 101-104.

    Милтеновић А.: Contact pattern optimization of worm pairs. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Design. UDK 62‐1/8. ISSN 1450‐5401. Vol.8. N°2. January, 2005. p.33-40.

    Милтеновић А., Велимировић, М., Банић, М., Милованчевић, М: Modern trends in development and application of CVT transmitters. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Design. No1. Vol.5. February 2008.

    Милтеновић, В., Милисављевић, Ј., Милтеновић А., Банић, М.: Definition of Product Profile based on Innovation Management. Machine Design, Vol.3 (2011) No 1, ISSN 1821-1259 pp. 7-12. 

    Милтеновић, В., Велимировић, М., Банић, М., Милтеновић А.: Design of Windturbines Drive Train based on CVT. Balkan Journal of Mechanical Transmissions, Volume 1 (2011), Issue 1, pp. 46-56, ISSN 2069–5497. 

    Крстић, В., Милтеновић А.. Банић, М., Милтеновић, Ђ.: Thermal speed limit of axial roller bearings used in support of screw-nut transmissions. Balkan Journal of Mechanical Transmissions - BJMT, Volume 1 (2011), Issue 2, pp. 39-44. ISSN 2069–5497.  

    Predki,W., Милтеновић А.: FEM research of wear and contact pattern of crossed helical gear. Balkan Journal of Mechanical Transmissions - BJMT, Volume 1 (2011), Issue 2, pp. 62-68. ISSN 2069–5497.

    Radišić, S., Banić, M., Miltenović. A.: Development of Device for Measuring the Force in Ground Anchors Using TRIZ Method; Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara (ISSN 1584–2673), X/3 (2012), pp.333-338

    Banić, M., Miltenović, A.: Competence of the development engineers from aspect of future technologies, Machine design, 2012, Faculty of Technical science, University of Novi Sad 4, 4, ISSN 1821-1259, pp. 225-230

    Tica, M., Miltenović, Đ., Banić, M., A. Miltenović, A., Permissibile Temperatures and Thermal Stability of Worm Gears, Annals оf Faculty Engineering Hunedoara – International Journal of Engineering, XV, 3, 1584-2665, pp. 61 – 66

    Kovandžić, M., A. Miltenović, A., Application of TRIZ Method for Improvement of Black Welded Tubes, Machine Design, Vol.8(2016) No.1, ISSN 1821-1259, pp. 27-32

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Miltenović, Đ., Load Capacity of Cylindrical Worm Gears According to DIN 3996-2012, Machine Design, 10.24867/MD.9.2017.2.45-50, Vol.9(2017) No.2, ISSN 1821-1259, pp. 45-50

    Tica, M., Rackov, M., Miltenović, Đ., Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Selection of Optimal Concept Solution for Preventing Wrong Fuel Using in Cars, Machine Design, 10.24867/MD.9.2017.3.117-122, Vol.9(2017), No.3, ISSN 1821-1259 pp. 117-122

    Banić, M., Simonović, M., Stojanović, L., Rangelov, D., Miltenović, A., Perić, M., Digital twin based lightweighting of robot unmanned ground vehicles, Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics,Vol. 21, No 3, 2022, pp. 187 - 199, 10.22190/FUACR221121015B

    Vitković, N., Radović, Lj., Stojković, J, Miltenović, A. The geometrical personalization of human organs 3D models by using the characteristic product features methodology, Facta Universitatis Series: Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 39, No. 5 (2024), DOI: 10.22190/FUMI240916061V

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Kuzmanović S., Vulić A., Topić R., Miltenović A.: „Einfluss der Form und der Einbaulage auf die Wahl der Größe von Universalschneckengetrieben“. International Conference POWER TRANSMISSIONS”03. 11.-12. September 2003. Bulgaria, Varna. Tagungsbuch pp. I-26.

    Milčić D., Miltenović A.: Verschleiß als Tragfähigkeitskriterium von Schneckengetrieben. 8th International Tribology Conference, Jugoslawische Verein für Tribology, Belgrade, Oktober 2003. Proceedings, pp. 79 – 84.

    Milovančević,M,. Miltenović,A.: Actuators based on electrolytic phase transformation. 29th International Conference HIPNEF’04 Mai 2004. Proceedings, pp. 165 – 170.

    Đokić, V., Miltenović, A.: Hertz stresses on flanks of worm gear pairs. Proc. of  2nd International Conference POWER TRANSMISSIONS”06. 25th – 26th April, 2006.  pp. 183-188. Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro.

    Miltenović, Đ., Miltenović, A.: Determination of load spectrum at gear carrying capacity calculation. Proc. of 2nd Internat. Conference POWER  TRANSMISSIONS ”06. 25th – 26th April, 2006. pp. 85-90. Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro.

    Miltenović, A., Milovančević, M., Miltenović, Đ.: EHD Lubrication of worm. gear pairs. Proceedings the 5th International Symposium about Design in Mechanical Engineering.  KOD-08. pp. 129-134. Novi Sad 15-16 April 2008.

    Miltenović,Đ., Banić, M. Miltenović, A.: Effect of Lubricants at Efficiency Coefficient of Worm Gear Transmitters. Proceedings of 6th Int.Sym. about Forming and Design in mechanical Engineering – KOD 2010. (ISBN 978-86-7892-278-7) Novi Sad, 29-30 September 2010. pp.163-166.

    Miltenović, V., Velimirović, M., Banić, M., Miltenović, A.: Increase of Energy Efficency of Windturbines by Application of CVT, International conference on Gears - Gears 2010. VDI Berichte 2108, (ISSN 0083-5560) Munich, 2010. (ISBN 978-3-18-092108-2) pp. 1095-1108.

    Predki, W., Miltenović, A.: Comparison of the wear load capacity of crossed helical gears with wheels of sinter and plastic, International conference on Gears - Gears 2010. VDI Berichte 2108, (ISSN 0083-5560) Munich, 2010. (ISBN 978-3-18-092108-2) pp. 63-74.

    Ianici,S., Banić,M. Miltenović, A.: Virtual Product Development on Venturi Pump.  Proceedings of the Int. Con. “Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, 25-26 November 2010. Niš, Serbia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. pp.117-120.

    Predki,W., Miltenović, A.: FEM Untersuchungen der Verschleiß und Tragbild der Schraubradgetriebe, Proceedings of The 7th International Conference „Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems.“ IRMES 2011. 27-28 April, 2011, Zlatibor, Serbia. pp. 341-547.

    Krstić, V., Miltenović, A. Banić, M. Miltenović, Đ.: Grenzdrehzahlermittlung an Axial-Schrägkugellager für Gewindetriebe, Proceedings of The 7th International Conference „Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems.“ IRMES 2011. 27-28 April, 2011, Zlatibor, Serbia. pp. 563-568.

    Banić, M., Miltenović, V., Velimirović, M., Miltenović, A. Ranđelović, D.: Test Bed for Experimental Research on Wind Turbine Drive Train Based on CVT, Proceedings of The 7th International Conference „Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems.“ IRMES 2011. 27-28 April, 2011, Zlatibor, Serbia. pp. 377-381.

    Miltenović,V., Banić,M., Miltenović, A.: Development of Cleaning/Disinfection Appliances used in Healthcare in The Frame of modern Approach In Engineer’s Education, Proceedings Of 1st Regional Conference – Mechatronics in Practice and Education, MECH - CONF 2011, 08.-10.12.2011, Subotica, Serbia.

    Miltenović, V., Banić, M., Miltenović, A.: Modern Approach for Load Capacity Calculation of Worm Gears. Proceedings of 7th International Symposium KOD 2012 “Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering” 24 - 26 May 2012, Hotel Marina, Balatonfüred, Hungary. pp.7-12.

    Miltenović,V., Banić,M., Miltenović,A.: Load Capacity Calculation of Worm Gears.  Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Power Transmissions, BAPT, June 20-23, 2012, Sinaia, Romania. pp.7-12.

    Miltenović, V., Banić, M., Miltenović, A.: The New Engineering Education Model on University of Niš. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Power Transmissions, BAPT, June 20-23, 2012, Sinaia, Romania. pp.7-12.

    Banić, M., Miltenović, V., Milošević, M., Miltenović, A., Jovanović, N.: Prediction of heat generation in railway draw gear ruber-metal spring, RAILCON 2012, 04-05. October 2012, Niš, pp. 29-32.

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Miltenović, V.: Transmission System of Wind Turbines – State of Art and Solution Proposal -, SAUM 2012, 14-16 November 2012. ISBN 978-86-6125-072-9, Niš, pp 193-197.

    Miltenović, V., Banić, M., Marković, B., Miltenović, A.: Future Technology аnd Education оf Engineers, 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications  - COMETa 2012, 28-30 November 2012.

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Miltenović, A.: Prediction of Heat Generation in Meshing of Crossed Helical Gears, International Conference Gears. VDI-Society for Product and Process Design. October 7th to 9th, 2013, Munich, Germany

    Miltenović A., Banić M., Miltenović V.: FEM and Experimental Determination of Friction Coefficient of Crossed Helical Gears With Wheels From Sintered Steel; International Symposium “THEORY AND PRACTICE OF GEARING”, Proceedings (ISBN 978-5-7526-0629-8), Izhevsk, Russia, 21-23. January 2014, pp. 205-213. 

    Miltenović, V., Ianici, S., Banić, M., Miltenović, A, University Teaching and Authoritative Competences of Product Development Engineers, 8th KOD 2014, Balatonfuered, Hungary, pp. 1-8.

    Ianici, S., Miltenovic, A., Ianici, D., Numerical Simulation Of Stress And Strain State Of The Flexible Wheel Of The Double Harmonic Transmission, 8th KOD 2014, Balatonfuered, Hungary, pp. 135-138

    Miltenović, A, Banić, M., Stamenković, D., Milošević, M., Tomić, M.: Determination of Friction Heat Generation in Contact of Wheel-Rail Set Using FEM, RAILCON ’14, 09-10. October 2014, Niš, pp. 21-24

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Miltenović, V.: Role and Importance of Lightweight Design in the Product Development, 2nd International Scientific Conference COMET-a, (ISBN 978­99976­623­2­3), Jahorina, Bosna and Hercegovina, 2014, pp. 529-538.

    Stamenković, D., Nikolić, M., Vasin, Lj., Banić, M., Miltenović, A.: Research on Tribology Phenomena in Every Day Life, 14th International Conference On Tribology – SERBIATRIB 2015, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6), Belgrade, Serbia, 13-15. May 2015, pp. 535-542.

    Miltenović, Đ., Tica, M., Banić, M., Miltenović, A., Load Capacity of Worm Gears with Compact Design, 12th International Conference of Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, DEMI 2015, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8, 29-30. May 2015, pp. 469-474.

    Miltenović, A. Banić, M., Miltenović, V., Importance and Role of Competence in Professional Career of Product Develop Engineers, 7th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education MSE 2015 – ULBS, June 3-6, 2015, Sibiu, Romania.

    Tica, M., Čapljak, S., Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Product Design Case Study: Conceptual Solution Log Splitter, 3rd International Conference “Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century”-MASING 2015, pp. 125 - 130, ISBN 978-86-6055-072-1, Niš, Srbija, 17. - 18. Sep, 2015

    Stefanović-Marinović, J., Anđelković, B.,  Milovančević, М., Petković, M., Stanimirović, I., Мiltenović, A.Different Approaches to the Planetary Gear Trains Optimization Application, 3rd International Conference “Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century”-MASING 2015, pp. 137 - 140, 978-86-6055-072-1, Niš, Srbija, 17. - 18. Sep, 2015

    Milčić, D., Мiltenović, A., Banić, М., Milčić, M., Virtual Product Development Process in Education of Mechanical Engineer, MASING 2015, pp. 116 - 120, 978-86-6055-072-1, Niš, Srbija, 17. - 18. Sep, 2015

    Banić, M., Stamenković, D., Milčić, D., Milošević, M., Мiltenović, A., Topology Optimization of Rubber-Metal Springs, MASING 2015, pp. 121 - 124, 978-86-6055-072-1, Niš, Srbija, 17. - 18. Sep, 2015

    Мiltenović, A., Banić, M., Мiltenović, V.,  Rackov, M., Bucha, J., Prediction of heat generation in meshing of HCR gears, International Conference on Gears 2015, International Conference on Gears 2015, 2, 2255, pp. 871 - 882, 978-3-18-092255-3/0083-5560, Garhing, Nemačka, 5. - 7. Oct, 2015

    Buha, J., Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Utilization of CAD Skeleton Method for Interconnection of CAE Programs Used in Vehicle Design Process, 19th International Conference “Transport means – 2015”, Kaunas, Lithuania, 22. - 23. October, 2015, pp. 309 – 313.

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Мiltenović, Đ., Load Capacity of Cylindrical Worm Gears According to DIN 3996-2012, 9th International Conference KOD 2016, ISBN 978-86-7892-821-5, Balatonfired, Mađarska, 9. – 12. June 2016

    Milošević, M., Мiltenović, A., Banić, M., Tomić, M., Determination of Residual Stress in Rail Wheel During Quenching Process With FEM Simulation, XVII Scientific-expert Conference on Railways, RAILCON 2016, pp. 65 - 68, 978-86-6055-086-8, Niš, Srbija, 13. - 14. Okt, 2016

    Мiltenović, Đ., Banić, M., Мiltenović, A., Tica, M., Power Losses and Efficiency of Worm Gears in Extreme Operating Conditions, 3rd International Scientific Conference COMETa 2016, ISBN 978-99976-623-7-8, pp, 169-176, Jahorina, Bosna i Hercegovina7. – 9. Dec 2016

    Nikolić, M., Stamenković, D., Banić, M., Miltenović, A., Biomechanic and Tribology in Human Walking, 15th International Conference on Tribology SERIATRIB '17, pp. 631 - 636, 978-86-6335-041-0, Kragujevac, Srbija, 17. - 19. May, 2017

    Simonović, M., Мiltenović, A., Ćirić, I., Petrović, E., Towards Intelligent Management of Decision Making Processes in Marshalling Yards, The Sixth International Conference Transport and Logistics TIL 2017, pp. 219 - 222, Niš, Srbija, 25. - 26. May, 2017

    Мiltenović, A., Jovanović, V., Petrović, N., Simonović, M., Comparative analysis of marshaling yard sorting methods, The sixth international conference transport and logistics - TIL 2017, pp. 314 - 322, 978-86-6055-088-2, Niš, Srbija, 25. - 26. May, 2017

    Simonović, M., Petrović, E., Nikolić, V., Ćirić, I., Мiltenović, A., Advanced Optimization Techniques for Marshalling Yard Management Problem, 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 978-99938-39-72-9, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina, 26. - 27. May, 2017

    Miltenović, Đ., Tica, M., Miltenović, A., Banić, A., Analysis of Load Carrying Capacity of Worm Gears From the Aspect of Engineering Practice, 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 978-99938-39-72-9, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina, 26. - 27. May, 2017

    Мiltenović, A., Banić, M., Мiltenović, Đ. Load capacity of worm gear transmission from aspect of maximal use of available resources, 8th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE 2017 “Trends in New Industrial Revolution”, 121, 10.1051/matecconf/201712101009, Sibiu, Rumunija, 7. - 9. Jun, 2017

    Tica, М., Rackov, M., Мiltenović, Đ., Мiltenović, A., Banić, M., Concept Solution of the Safety System for Avoiding Wrong Fuel Using in Cars and Prevention of Damage, 8th International Scientific Conference on Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems - IRMES 2017, pp. 175 - 180, 978-9940-527-53-2, Trebinje, Bosna i Hercegovina, 7. - 9. Sep, 2017

    Banić, M., Stamenković, D., Milošević, M., Мiltenović, A., Determination of Wear in Contact of Wheel-Rail Set Using FEM, 8th International Scientific Conference on Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems IRMES 2017, pp. 71 - 74, 978-9940-527-53-2, Trebinje, Bosna i Hercegovina, 7. - 9. Sep, 2017

    Dimitrijević, B., Banić, M., Mišković, Ž., Mitrović, R., Мiltenović, A., Tomić, M., Determination of Muscle Tissue Properties for FEA Applications, 8th International Scientific Conference on Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems IRMES 2017, pp. 161 - 164, 978-9940-527-53-2, Trebinje, Bosna i Hercegovina, 7. - 9. Sep, 2017

    Мiltenović, A., Banić, M., Mišković, Ž., Mitrović, R., Мiltenović, V., Prediction of Heat Generation in Transmission Bearings by Application of FEM, International Conference on Gears 2017, International Conference on Gears 2017, 2284, 2, pp. 1199 - 1206, 978-3-18-092294-2, Garhing, Nemačka, 13. - 15. Sep, 2017

    Dimitrijević, B., Banić, M., Miltenović, A., Tica, M., Simulation of Structural Damping, MASING 2018, pp. 121 - 124, 978-86-6055-103-2, Niš, Srbija, 19. - 20. Apr, 2018

    Vitković, N., Simonović, M., Miltenović, A., Trifunović, M., Software Module for the Visualization and Planning of Marshalling Yard Operations, RAILCON 2018, pp. 213 - 216, 978-86-6055-105-6, Niš, 11. - 12. Oct, 2018

    Banić, M., Purgić, S., Miltenović, A., Slavchev, S., Maznichki, V., Lightweight Design of High Sided Open Freight Wagon Series Eamno, RAILCON 2018, pp. 17 - 20, 978-86-6055-105-6, Niš, Srbija, 11. - 12. Oct, 2018

    Jovanović, D.S., Jovanović, S., Banić, M.,  Мiltenović, A., Jovanović, M., Estimation of Eccentric Press Vibration and Shock Effect on Surrounding Construction - a Case Study, 14th International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements SAUM 2018, Niš, Srbija, 14. - 16. Nov, 2018

    Ćirić, I., Мiltenović, A., Banić, М., Simonović, M., Pavlović, M., Petrović, E., Intelligent Machine Vision Based Railway Infrastructure Inspection and Monitoring Using Drone, XIV International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. 276 - 281, 978-86-6125-205-1, 978-86-6125-205-1 (FEE), Niš, Srbija, 14. - 16. Nov, 2018ž

    Stamenković, D., Banić, Nikolić, M., Мiltenović, A., Đekić, P., Influential parameters of footwear slip resistance, 16th International Conference on Tribology, 1, 1, pp. 601 - 606, 2620-2832, Kragujevac, 15. - 17. May, 2019

    Мiltenović, A., Banić, M., Velimirović, N., Technical Solution of the Drive System for Mixing Dough Machine, MATEC Web of Conferences 290, 08013 (2019), 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE 2019 “Trends in New Industrial Revolution”, 10.1051/matecconf/201929008013, Sibiu, Rumunija, 5.-7. Jun 2019

    Мiltenović, A., Prodanović, M., Beju, L.,  Miltenović, V., Velimirović, N., Innovative Solution of Fine Horizontal Trash Rack for Small Hydroelectric Power Stations, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 9th International Scientific Conference - Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems - IRMES 2019, 659, 1, pp. 1 - 10, Kragujevac, Srbija, 5. - 7. Sep, 2019

    Prodanović, M., Мiltenović, A., Nikodijević, M., Determination of operating parameters of turbines for micro hydroelectric power plants for optimal use of hydropower, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 9th International Scientific Conference - Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems IRMES 2019, 659, 1, pp. 1 - 10, Kragujevac, Srbija, 5. - 7. Sep, 2019

    Мiltenović, A., Stamenković, D., Banić, M., Simonović, M., Technical solution of the under locomotives visual inspection system, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 9th International Scientific Conference - Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems IRMES 2019, 659, 1, pp. 1 - 10, Kragujevac, Srbija, 5. - 7. Sep, 2019

    Banić, M., Stamenković, D., Мiltenović, A., Simonović, M., Milošević, M., Design of housing and vibration suppression for obstacle detection system in railways, 24th International conference „CURRENT PROBLEMS IN RAIL VEHICLES - PRORAIL 2019“, 1, pp. 23 - 31, 978-80-89276-58-5, Žilina, Slovačka, 17. - 19. Sep, 2019

    Stamenković, D., Banić, M., Мiltenović, A., Simonović, M.New concept of train and railway infrastructure maintenance, The Seventh International Conference Transport and Logistics TIL 2019, pp. 111 - 114, 978-86-6055-127-8, Niš, Srbija, 6. Dec, 2019

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Miltenović, V., Prediction of Heat Generation of Crossed Axis Gearbox, International Conference on Gears 2019, 2355, pp. 583 - 594, 978-3-18-092335-0, Garhing, Nemačka, 18. - 19. Sep, 2019

    Vitković, N., Mišić, D., Simonović, M., Banić, M., Мiltenović, A., Mitić, Ј. Milovanović, J., Novel Educational Methodology for Personalized Massive Open Online Courses. In: Zdravković, M., Konjović, Z., Trajanović, M. (Eds.) ICIST 2020, Vol.1, pp.5-9, 2020

    Ristić-Durrant, D., Haseeb, M., Banić, M., Stamenković, D., Simonović, M., Miltenović, A. 
    Nikolić, V., Nikolić, D.Obstacle detection for railways: Lessons learned from project SMART, RAILCON 20, pp. XI-XVII, ISBN 978-86-6055-134-6

    Banić, M., Miltenović, A., Simonović, M., Milošević, M., Perić, M., Random vibration analysis of the demonstrator housing,  RAILCON 20, pp. 25-29, ISBN 978-86-6055-134-6

    Perić, M., Miltenović, A., Stamenković, D., Aranđelović, J., Application of 3D printing in railway industry, RAILCON 20, pp. 149-152, ISBN 978-86-6055-134-6

    Simonović, M., Banić, M., Miltenović, A., Stamenković, D., Rajić, M., Perić, M., Rangelov, D., Tomić, M., Pavlović, V.ATUVIS – Autonomous robot for train undercarriage visual inspection, RAILCON 22, pp. XI-XVII, ISBN 978-86-6055-160-5

    Rangelov, D., Stamenković, D., Miltenović, A., Milošević, M., Development of devices of railway vehicles for maintanance of railway vehicles, RAILCON 22, pp. 121-124, ISBN 978-86-6055-160-5

    Perić, M., Miltenović, A., Rangelov, D., Rajić, M., Digital twin in railway applications, RAILCON 22, pp. 125-128, ISBN 978-86-6055-160-5

    Miltenović, A., Banić, M., Influence of misalignment of large cylindrical gears on contact pattern in operation, International Conference on Gears 2023, Sept 2023, Munchen, Germany, 10.51202/9783181024225-1257

    Stamenković, D., Banić, M., Miltenović, A., & Simonović, M. (2023). Modern approaches to condition monitoring of railway assets, Proceedings of 26th international conference „CURRENT PROBLEMS IN RAIL VEHICLES - PRORAIL 2023“, Žilina, Slovakia, 2023, p.p. 251-260.


    Perić, M., Živković, D., Mančić, M., Jovanović, D., Miltenović, A., Rangelov, D., Determination of the natural frequency of flexural oscillations of the rotor blade of the last stage of a stram turbine in laboratory conditions, MASING 2023, pp. 279-282, 978-86-6055-183-4, Niš, Srbija, 14. - 15. Dec, 2023

    Rangelov, D., Miltenović, A., Stamenković, D., Stojanović, L., Perić, M., Preventive maintenance in railway vehicles using new technologies, RAILCON 24, pp. 121-124, 2024

    Perić, M., Miltenović, A., Stefanović, M. J., Rangelov, D., & Kostić, N. (2024). Monitoring and object detection on railway vehicle undercarriages using deep learning. In Proceeding of scientific-expert Conference on Railway Railcon'24 (No. Vehicle and infrastructure maintenance, pp. 105-108).

    Peric, M., Miltenovic, A., Vitkovic, N., Petkovic, D., Rajić, M., Rangelov, D., The influence of printing positioning on surface roughness parameters obtain by SLS technology for PA12 material, "International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies“ Belgrade, June 24 - 27, 2024, ISBN 978-86-6060-191-1ž

    Milojković, M., Miltenović, V., Nikolić, Z., Antić, D., Perić, S., Banić, M., Milovanović, M., Spasić, M., Miltenović, A., Dimitrijevic Jovanovic, D. On the Experience of Joint Mechanical and Electronic Education in the Field of Smart Products and Services Engineering, The XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements - SAUM 2024, ISBN 978-86-6125-282-2, pp. 129-133

    Rangelov, D., Miltenovic, A., Vitkovic, N., Rajić, M., Peric, M., Arandjelovic, J., Stojanovic, L.The influence of printing orientation on tensile strength in SLS 3D printed specimens, „International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies“ Belgrade, June 24 - 27, 2024

    Nikolić, M., Banić M., Pavlović, M., Pavlović, V., Miltenović, A., Prediction of the Friction Coefficient Based on the Hysteresis Value of Rubber, XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024 (pp. 142-144) DOI: 10.46793/SAUM24.142N

    Nikolić, M., Banić M., Pavlović, M., Pavlović, V., Miltenović, A., Prediction of the Friction Coefficient Based on the Hysteresis Value of Rubber, XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024 (pp. 142-144) DOI: 10.46793/SAUM24.142N

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Миленковић, Д, Милтеновић А., Милованчевић М.: Идентификација вибрационих параметара вратила турбоагрегата. Конференција Превентивно инжењерство (Preventive Engineering) Dunav Preving, новембар 2003. Београд

    Јовановић, М., Милтеновић А.: Virtual approach of determine the contact pattern and wearing process of worm gears. 3rd Conference about construction, shaping and KOD-2004. Novi Sad, 19.5.2004. Proceedings: s.79-84.

    Милчић, Д., Стојичић, С., Милтеновић А.: Defining reliability parameters for railcar bogies. IRMES'04. Research and development of machine elements and systems. Kragujevac 16. - 17. September 2004. Proceedings, s. 283 - 288. M63

    Миленковић, Д, Милованчевић М., Милтеновић А.: Identification of vibration parameters for turboagregat shafts. IRMES'04. Research and development of machine elements and systems. Kragujevac 16. und 17. September 2004. Proceedings, s. 555 - 560.

    Милтеновић А., Маринковић, З., Милованчевић М.: Dynamical forces and efforts to increase working capacity of worm gears. IRMES'04. Research and development of machine elements and systems. Kragujevac, September 2004. Proceedings, S. 667 - 672.

    Стојичић, С., Милтеновић А.: Research of body reliability at locomotive series 461 according to the FMEA methods. Scientific-expert conference on railways RAILCON'04 October 2004. Proceedings, S. 189 - 194.

    Милованчевић М., Милтеновић А.: Analyses of method for collecting and application of vibration spectrum of railcars. Scientific-expert conference on railways RAILCON'04 October 2004. Proceedings, S. 215 - 218.

    Милтеновић А., Милчић, Д.: Software for WORM PAIR calculation. Scientific-expert conference on informatics technologies YUINFO'05 February 2005. Proceedings on CD.

    Велимировић, М., Милтеновић А., Василев И., Банић, М.: Конструкционо решење погона машине за пелетирање. Зборник радова са 4. Симпозијума са међународним учешћем Конструисање, обликовање, дизајн KOD-06. pp. 179-182. Палић 30-31 мај 2006.

    Милтеновић А., Милованчевић М., Банић, М.: Contact pattern and tooth flank load capacity of worm gear pairs. IRMES'06. Research and development of machine elements and systems. Banja Luka 21. and 22. September 2006. Proceedings, s. 205-212.

    Милованчевић М., Милтеновић А.: Rail vehicle dynamic behaviour simulation as part of construction process. XII RAILCON 06. Scientific - expert conference on railways. Niš, Srbija, 19-20. October 2006. Proceedings, s.115-118. M63

    Милованчевић М., Милтеновић А.: Applicative significant of software package vampire in determining dynamic characteristics of rail vehicles. XII RAILCON 06. Scientific - expert conference on railways. Niš, Srbija, 19-20. October 2006. Proceedings, s.119-122.

  • Patenti:

    Милованчевић, M., Стефановић Мариновић, J., Анђелковић, B., Банић, M., Милтеновић, A.: Уређај за пречишћавање воде применом ултра љубичастог зрачења и соларне енергије, Категорија техничког решења: М92, патент бр. 54613, уписан у регистар патената СР Србије 12.05.2016 године.

  • Tehnička rešenja:

    Милтеновић, В., Банић, М., Велимировић, М., Милтеновић, А., Милованчевић, М.: Систем за пречишћавање воде на бази Вентуријеве цеви. Категорија техничког решења: М85. Реализатори: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу. Корисници: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу. Почетак примене: 31.01.2007.

    Милтеновић, В., Банић, М., Милтеновић, А., Николић, В., Милованчевић, М.: Систем за за пречишћавање воде применом UV-C зрачења и соларне енергије. Категорија техничког решења: М85. Реализатори: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу. Корисници: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу. Почетак примене: 31.01.2007.

    Милованчевић, М., Николић, В.,  Милтеновић, В.,  Милтеновић, А.,  Банић, М.: Вибро-дијагностички уређај заснован на PIC микроконтролеру. Категорија техничког решења: М84. Реализатори: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу. Корисници: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу. Почетак примене: 01.05.2009.

    Милтеновић, В., Велимировић, М., Банић, М., Темељковски Д., Милтеновић А., Мијајловић М.: Систем за пресовање дрвног отпада пелетирањем. Категорија техничког решења: М82. Реализатор: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу. Корисници: HIDRAULIKA-FLEX d.o.o, Лакташи (Босна и Херцеговина). Почетак примене: 2012.

    Милтеновић В., Велимировић М., Стефановић-Мариновић Ј., Банић М., Милтеновић А., Кузмановић С., Анђелковић Б., Митић Д., Радић М., Данковић Н.: Комбиновани варијаторски преносник за пренос снаге код ветрогенератора. Категорија техничког решења: М82. Реализатори: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу, Електронски факултет Универзитета у Нишу и Факултет техничких наука Универзитета у Новом Саду. Корисници: Акционарско друштво Фоша Фабрика опреме и машина- GOŠA FOM A.D., Смедеравска Паланка. Почетак примене: 2012.

    Милтеновић А., Банић М., Велимировић М., Јовановић С., Милованчевић М., Рацков М., Ицић З, Станков С., Спасић М.: Испитни сто за испитивање преносника ветрогенератора базираног на CVT. Категорија техничког решења: М85. Реализатори: Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу, Електронски факултет Универзитета у Нишу и Факултет техничких наука Универзитета у Новом Саду. Корисници: Mikrotehnika d.o.o, Ниш. Почетак примене: 2012.

    Митић Д., Ицић З., Милојковић М., Станков С., Милтеновић В., Милтеновић А., Спасић М., Банић М., Јотовић Н., Данковић Н.: Трофазни линијски коректор напона. Категорија техничког решења: М82. Реализатори: Електронски факултет Универзитета у Нишу и Машински факултет Универзитета у Нишу. Корисници: POSMAK, Ниш. Почетак примене: 2013.

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