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Datum kreiranja: 11.12.2013.

Mihailo Antović

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 29.12.1976.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Anglistika
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1999.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Antović, M. (2024). Implications of the Theory of Multilevel Grounded Musical Semantics for Music Education. In: Malmberg, I. & M. Petrović (Eds.) Music and Meaning: European Perspectives on Music Education 12(pp. 17-34), Zurich: Helbling. M14 

    Antović, M. (2022). Form, meaning and intentionality: The case of metaphor in music. In: Wuppuluri, S. & Grayling, A.C. (Eds.) Metaphors and Analogies in Sciences and Humanities (pp. 553-577), Synthese Library 453: Springer,

    Antović, M. (2018). Persuasion in musical multimedia: A Conceptual Blending Theory Approach. In: Pelclova, J. & W. Lu (Eds.) Persuasion in Public Discourse: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives (pp. 303-328). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

    Antović, M. (2018), Waging war against oneself: A conceptual blend at the heart of Christian ascetic practice. In: P. Chilton & M. Kopytowska (Eds.) Religion, Language, and the Human Mind (pp. 386-406). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190636647. DOI:10.1093/oso/9780190636647.003.0015 M13

     Antović, M. & Pagan Canovas, C. (2016). (Eds.) Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-034853-8 M13

    Antović, M. (2018). Semantika, prostor i kognicija: da li spacijalni odnosi leže u osnovi izgradnje pojmova? U: Lopičić, V. i B. Mišić Ilić Jezik, književnost prostor, zbornik radova, str. 27-46, Niš: Filozofski fakultet, ISBN; 978-86-7379-473-0, UDK: 81'1: 159.95. M14

    Figar, V. & Antović, M. (2015). Metaphor Clusters in the New York Times Press Reports of the 2012 Presidential Elections in the U.S., U:  Jezik, književnost, diskurs: Jezička istraživanja, Mišić-Ilić, B. i V. Lopičić (ur.), str. 233-258. Niš: Filozofski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-7379-369-6, UDC 81’373.612.2:324(73)”2012”]070; 81’42:32. M14

    Antović, M. (2014). Metafora o muzici ili metafora u muzici? Jedan prilog za saradnju kognitivne lingvistike i kognitivne muzikologije. U: M. M. Stanojević (ur.), Metafore koje istražujemo: suvremeni uvidi u konceptualnu metaforu, Srednja Europa, Zagreb, p. 233-254. ISBN: 978-953-7963-12-5. M14

    Antović, M. (2010). From oceanic feeling to image schemata – embodied mind and the construction of identity. In: Lopičić, V. and B. Mišić Ilić (Eds.), Identity Issues – Literary and Linguistic Landscapes, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 177-194. ISBN (10): 1-4438-2557-3, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-2557-3 M14

    Antović, M. (2009). Lingvistika, muzikalnost, kognicija. Niški kulturni centar. M42

    Antović, M. (2004). Muzika i jezik u ljudskom umu. Niški kulturni centar M42

    Antović, M. (2013). Kognitivne nauke i muzika: implikacije za nastavu engleskog jezika struke u muzičkom obrazovanju. U N. Silaški i T. Đurović (ur). Aktuelne teme engleskog jezika nauke i struke u Srbiji (str. 121-131). Beograd: Centar za izdavačku delatnost Ekonomskog fakulteta. М44

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Antović, M. (2022). Multilevel Grounding: A Theory of Musical Meaning. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780367467388. M12 

    Antović, M. (2017). Od neurona do smisla: Lingvistika u kognitivnim naukama. Niš: Filozofski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-7379-449-5. UDK 81'1:165; 159.922:165. COBISS.SR-ID 247808780 M42

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Antović, M., Küssner, M. B., Kempf, A., Omigie, D., Hashim, S., & Schiavio, A. (2023). ‘A huge man is bursting out of a rock'. Bodies, motion, and creativity in verbal reports of musical connotation. Journal of New Music Research, 52(1): 73-86. 

    Antović, M., Jovanović, V. & Figar, V. (2023). Dynamic schematic complexes: Image schema interaction in music and language cognition reveals a potential for the detection of affective meaningPragmatics and Cognition, 30(2): 258-295. M23

    Antović, M. (2021). Multilevel grounded semantics across cognitive modalities: Music, vision, poetry. Language and Literature, 30(2): 147-173. M23 

    Antović, M., Mitić, J., & Benecasa, N. (2020).  Conceptual rather than perceptual: Cross-modal binding of pitch sequencing is based on an abstract underlying structurePsychology of Music. 48(1): 84-104. M22

    Athanasopoulos, G. & Antović, M. (2018). Conceptual integration of sound and image: A model of perceptual modalitiesMusicae Scientiae, 22(1), 72-87. M23

    Antović, M. (2018). Schemas, grounds, meaning: On the emergence of musical concepts through conceptual blendingMusicae Scientiae, 22(1), 57-51. M23

    Antović, M. & Pagán Cánovas, C. (2018). Not dictated by metrics: Function words in the speech introductions of South-Slavic oral epicLanguage and Communication 58: 11-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.langcom.2017.11.002. M22

    Antović, M., Stamenković, D., & Figar, V. (2016). Association of meaning in program music: On denotation, inherence, and onomatopoeiaMusic Perception, 34(2): 243-248. DOI: 10.1525/MP.2016.34.2.243, M23

    Pagán Cánovas, C. & Antović, M. (2016). Formulaic creativity: Oral poetics and cognitive grammarLanguage and Communication, 47: 66-74. DOI 10.1016-j.langcom.2015.12.001 M21

    Antović, M., Bennett, A. & Turner, M. (2013). Running in circles or moving along lines: Conceptualization of musical elements in sighted and blind childrenMusicae Scientiae 17(2): 229-245. DOI 10.1177/1029864913481470 M23

    Antović, M. (2009). Musical metaphors in Serbian and Romani children: An empirical study. Metaphor and Symbol, 24(3): 184-202. DOI: 10.1080/10926480903028136; (AN 42869306), SSCI Linguistics, 2009 27/93,  M21

    Antović, M. (2009). Towards the semantics of music – the 20th century, Language and History, 52(1): 119-129. DOI 10.1179/175975309X452003, M23


  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Tošić, A., & Antović, M. (2024). Conflicting music and dialogue in popular TV show scenes through the lens of multilevel grounded semantics. TEME, 18(2): 479-497. M23

    Schiavio, A., Morran, N., Antović, M. & van der Schyff, D. (2022). Grounding creativity in music perception: A multidisciplinary conceptual analysis. Music and Science, 5, available online:

    Antović, M. (2021). Contrasting English and Serbian through the lenses of multilevel-grounded semantics. Nasleđe,. 48: 165-181. UDC 811.111’37:811.163.41’37. M24

    Petrović, M. & Antović, M. (2018). Multimodalna interakcija u "Grivni" Alekse Šantića i Stanislava Biničkog. Književna istorija 50(165): 205-222. UDK 78.02:81-11]:81´37
    821.163.41.09-1 Шантић А. 78.071.1 Бинички С M23

    Antović, M. (2016). From expectation to concepts: Towards multilevel grounding in musical semantics. Cognitive Semiotics, 9(12): 105-138, DOI:

    Stamenković, D., Bennett, A. & Antović, M. (2014). The Roles of Vision, Space and the Body in Interpreting Unfamiliar Serbian and English Idiomatic Expressions. Respectus Philologicus 25 (30): 11–32. ISSN: 1392-8295. M23

    Stamenković, D., Tasić, M. & Antović, M. (2014). Stavovi studenata departmana za anglistiku filozofskog fakulteta u nišu prema upotrebi ćiriličnog i latiničnog pisma. TEME, 36(4):1631-1656. UDK 378.18:003.34 M24

    Antović, M., Stamenković, D. & Tasić, M. (2012). Odnos između znanja stranih jezika i percepcije identiteta u pograničnim opštinama jugoistočne Srbije. TEME 36(4) 1631-1656., UDK 81'243:323.15(497.11-12-04) .M24

    Antović, M. & Tasić, M. (2011). Muzika na granici i teorija konceptualne integracije: analiza jedne pesme sa juga Srbije. TEME 35 (4). 1521-1542. UDK 316.722:784.4(497.11-13) M24

    Antović, M. (2009). Za i protiv neodarvinizma: primer jezika i muzike. TEME 33(4): 1169-1190. UDK 159.95:575.8  M24

    Antović, M. (2009). Neodarvinizam u društvenim naukama: od biologije ka sociologiji. TEME 33 (4): 1101-1108. UDK 316:57 575.8 M24

    Antović, M. (2008). Izgradnja muzičkih pojmova kod srpske i romske dece: da li razlike ukazuju na dubinske sličnosti?, TEME 32(1): 149-157. UDK 81.23 + 781.1] – 053.2(=214.58) (=163.41) M24

    Antović, M. (2015). A linguistic construct informs musicology: Ranking metrical constraints in music perception. Facta Universitatis: Linguistics & Literature, 13(2): 77-93. UDC 159.932:781.62. M51 

    Antović, M., & Stamenković, D. (2012). Children's understanding of unfamiliar idioms: A case for the spatial foundations of the conceptual system. Facta universitatis-series: Linguistics and Literature10(2), 57-67.UDC 81'373.72-053.5  M51

    Antović, M. (2009). Evoked potential P300 in metrical cognition – a pilot study, Facta UniversitatisLinguistics and Literature, 7(1), 29-45. ISSN 0354 – 4702, UDC 81 : 78    81 : 801.654 M51

    Antović, M. (2007). Half a century of generative linguistics: What has the paradigm given to social science? Facta Universitatis: Linguistics and Literature, 5(1): 31-46. ISSN 0354-4702, UDC 81 – 116.6  M51

    Antović, M. (2005). Musicolinguistics – from a neologism to an acknowledged field. Facta Universitatis: Linguistics and Literature, 3(2): 243-257. UDC 81: 78 M51

    Antović, M. (2003). The position of semantics within contemporary cognitive science. Facta Universitatis: Linguistics and Literature, 2(10): 415-425. UDC: 81'37:165.19 M51

    Antović, M. (2003). Tretman anglicizama u kompjuterskoj terminologiji: neki fonološki, morfološki, sintaksički i semantički problemi. Primenjena lingvistika 4: 105-117. M53


  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Antović, M. (2024). Image schemas in musical structure: Towards a new tool for music instruction for young participants. 12th Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, University of York, UK, 04 July 2024. M34

     Antović, M. (2023). Beyond Grammar: Multilevel-Grounded Semantics of Music. Musical Minds: Exploring Cognitive Links between Language and Music. University of Konstanz, Germany, 28-29 July 2023. M34

    Antović, M. (2022). Unity in Diversity: How Musical Verbalization Can Help Address Some Major Questions of Cognitive Science?, Lost in translation? The challenge of communicating music through words. Free University of Bolzano, Bressanone campus, Brixen, South Tyrol, Italy, 6-7 Oct 2022, keynote lecture, M32

    Antović, M. (2022). Embodiment and Multi-level Grounding in Naive Participant Descriptions of Musical Excerpts. 4th Conference of the Association for Cognitive Semiotics, University of Aachen, Germany, 15-18 June 2022. M34

    Antović, M. (2022). Multilevel Grounding: A Theory of Musical Meaning and Its Implications for Music Education, 29th Conference of the European Society for Music in Schools, "Music & Meaning“, University of Arts, Belgrade, 18-21 May 18th 2022. keynote lecture, M32

    Antović, M. (2021). Multilevel-grounded semantics of music: The Case of Beethoven’s Sonata No. 1. 15th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication, "Syntax and semantics of music and dance: Formal and experimental approaches", University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 26-27 Nov 2021. M34 

    Antović, M. (2021). Multilevel Grounding:
    A Theory of Musical Meaning on the Example
    of a Beethoven Sonata. 10th Virtual Bonn Humboldt Award Winners' Forum "Beethoven's 'Empire of the Mind': Artistic 'Effigies of the Ideal' and the Cultural Politics of Resistance, Bonn, Germany, 20-23 Oct 2021. M34 

    Antović, M. (2019). “Paths” are inferred from sharpnesses, distances, and sizes alike: An experimental program into schematic primitives underlying musical concepts. Psychology and Music, University of Arts, Belgrade, 21-23 October 2019. M34

    Antović, M. (2019). Multilevel-grounded semantics of music: Embodiment in five levels of musical meaning. Conference on Multidisciplinary Musicology CIM19, Graz, Austria, 26-28 September 2019. M34

    Antović, M. (2019). Multi-level grounded semantics across cognitive modalities: music, vision, poetry. BELLS90 - English Department, University of Belgrade, 29 May-1June 2019. M34

    Antović, M. & Benecasa, N. (2019). Up and down, thick and thin, or sharp and flat: An experimental study into the conceptualization of musical accidentals, Symposium: Music and Science, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 17-19 April 2019, M34

    Antović, M. (2018). Synchronization, fictive interaction, and phatic communication: More phenomena relating conceptual blending, multilevel grounding, and emergence of creative meaning. ASA18: Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, University of Oxford, UK, 18-21 September 2018. M34

    Antović, M. (2017). Schemas, metaphor, grounding: A research program on the relationship of music, language, and movement. Musica Movet: Affectus, Ludus, Corpus, University of Arts, Belgrade, 13-15 October 2017. M34

    Antović, M. (2016). Music, conceptualization, and the cognitive science of creativity. From Computational Creativity to Creativity Science, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 19-22 September 2016, M34

    Antović, M. (2016). From expectation to concepts: Towards multilevel grounding in music semiotics. Second Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics, University of Lublin, Poland, 20-22 June 2016. M34

    Figar, V. & Antović, M. (2016). Exploring EFL Students' Conceptualization of the Temporal Arrangement of Events through a Translation-Based Task. Language, Literature, Time, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, April 2016 M34

    Antović, M., Stamenković, D., and Figar, V. (2015). Is the distinction between "inherent" and "ad-hoc" musical meanings psychologically real? An experimental study. The International Conference on the Multimodal Experience of Music, University of Sheffield, UK, 23-25 March 2015. M34

    Antović, M. (2015). Integrating structure and semiotics: Music, creativity, and conceptual blending. Workshop on Conceptual Blending, Music, Language and Multimodal Communication, School of Music Studies and School of English Language and Literature, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, 27-28 February 2015. M34

    Pagán Cánovas, C. and Antović, M. (2014). Composition in performance: Construction grammar and formulaic oral poetry. 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar, University of Osnabrück, Germany, 3-6 September 2014. M34

    Antović, M. (2014). Music, the media, and ideology: Approach by the Conceptual Blending Theory. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines, University of Budapest, Hungary, 1-3 September 2014. M34

    Antović, M. (2014). Waging a war against oneself: A Conceptual Blending analysis of a metaphor from religious discourse, 5th Conference of the UK Cognitive Linguistics Association, University of Lancaster, England, 28-31 July 2014. M34

    Antović, M. & Mičić, A. (2014). Words about the ineffable: A research program into the relationship between music, language and meaning, Words and Music II, University of Maribor, Slovenia, 11-12 April 2014. M34

    Antović, M. (2013). Conceptual Blending and the Emergence of Music Theory: Towards Some Constraints on Musical Creativity. 1st International Conference on the Science of Creative Thinking. Bologna, Italy, 29 September - 1 October, 2013. M34

     Antović, M. and Pagán Cánovas, C. (2013). Formulaic style and construction grammar: Speech introductions. Conference on Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg, Germany, 24-26 January 2013.  M34

    Antović, M. & Stamenković, D. (2012). Vision, space and embodiment: Interpretation of  English idioms by Serbian students. In C. Hart (Ed.), Selected Papers from UK-CLA Meetings, Vol 1: 385 – 400.  ISSN 2046-9144, M33

    Petrović, M., Antović, M., Milanković, V. & Ačić, G. (2012). Interplay of tone and color: Absolute pitch and synesthesia. In E. Cambouropoulos, C. Tsourgas, P. Mavromatis & C. Pastiadis, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition,, ISBN 960-99854-1-7, M33

    Pagán Cánovas, C. & Antović, M. (2012). Towards a cognitive oral poetics:    Constructions, frames and mappings in oral poetry, 5th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Freiburg, Germany, October 2012 M34

    Antović, M. and Bennett, A. (2012). Conceptualization of musical elements in sighted and blind children. Language and the Creative Mind, 11th Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May, 2012 M34

    Antović, M. (2011). Musical metaphor revisited: Primitives, universals and conceptual blending. Stockholm Metaphor Festival, Department of English, University of Stockholm, Sweden, September 2011. M34

    Antović, M. (2008). High and low or big and small: Conceptualization of musical relations in children. Music, Language and the Mind, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA, July 2008. M34

    Antović, M. (2007). New model, old problem: An empirical investigation into metrical and grouping constraints in music perception. Language and Music as Cognitive Systems, University of Cambridge, England, May 2007. M34

    Antović, M. (2004). Linguistic Semantics as a vehicle for a semantics of music. In R. Parncutt, A. Kessler & F. Zimmer (Eds.) Proceedings: Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology CIM 04, Graz, Austria, , ISBN: 3-200-00113-5 M33

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Stamenković, D. i Antović, M. (2013). Vrednosni sudovi u vezi sa odnosom jezika i identiteta na granici Srbije i Bugarske. U: B. Mišić Ilić i V. Lopičić (ur.) Jezik, književnost vrednosti - jezička istraživanja: 457-471. Niš: Filozofski fakultet. ISBN 978-86-7379-278-1. UDK 811.163.41’27; 811.163.2’27. М14

    Antović, M. (2012). Evolutionism and creationism: Arguments from cognitive science. In Đorđević, D.B., D. Gavrilović & D. Todorović (Eds.). Religion, Religious and Folk Customs on the Border,  Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. (pp. 85-102). ISBN 978-86-86957-13-9, UDK 17:141.155, 17:2-172.2 M63

    Antović, M. (2009). Muzikolingvistika: muzikalnost i sposobnost govora u istraživanju kognicije. U: Karan, G. (Ur.): Pokret u muzičkim i scenskim umetnostima, zbornik radova. Beograd: Fakultet muzičke umetnosti i Signature. (pp. 236-249). ISBN: 978-86-6051-021-3 M63

    Milivojević, N. & Antović, M. (2008). Prevođenje lingvističke terminologije na srpski jezik: nešto o lokalizovanju, ekvivalentnosti, asocijativnosti i sličnim nedoumicama, U: Lopičić, V. i B. Mišić Ilić (Ur.). Jezik, književnost, globalizacija, Filozofski fakultet, Niš. (pp. 291-304). ISBN 978-86-7379-161-6, UDK 81’25:001.4 M63

    Antović, M. (2007). Konceptualna ili kognitivna semantika: suprotstavljeni ili komplementarni pristupi značenju pojmova?, Zbornik radova: Interkatedarska konferencija anglističkih katedri, Filozofski fakultet, Niš. (pp. 109-124). ISBN 978-86-7379-143-2  M63

    Antović, M. (2007). Konceptualizacija tonskih odnosa kod dece: od lingvističke semantike do semantike muzike. Primenjena psihologija: društvo, porodica, ponašanje. Filozofski fakultet, Niš. (pp. 177-189). ISBN 978-86-7379-139-5, UDK159.932-053.5 : 781.22  M63

    Antović, M. (2004).Pravila izbora i granične konstrukcije kod izvornih govornika. U: Perović, S. & V. Bulatović (Ur.), Lingvističke analize, Institut za strane jezike, Podgorica, Crna Gora (pp. 255-265). M63

    Mičić, A. i Antović, M. (2013). Uticaj muzike na izgradnju značenja: implikacije za scenske umetnosti. Pedagoški forum scenskih umetnosti, Univerzitet umetnosti, Beograd, decembar 2013. M64

    Antović, M. (2013). Teorija konceptualne integracije i nastanak muzičkog značenja: primer poznate filmske teme. Balkan Art Forum 2013, Fakultet umetnosti, Niš, oktobar 2013. M64

    Antović, M. i Pagán Cánovas, C. (2013). Marginalne gramatičke strukture u epskoj poeziji: jedan prilog argumentu o neodvojivosti gramatike od semantike. Jezik, kniževnost, marginalizacija, Filizofski fakultet, Niš, april 2013. М34

    Antović, M. & Stamenković, D. (2012). Vrednosni sudovi u vezi sa odnosom jezika i identiteta na granici Srbije i Bugarske. Konferencija: jezik, književnost, vrednosti. Filozofski fakultet, Niš, april 2012. M64

    Antović, M. (2011). Razumevanje muzike i izgradnja apstraktnih pojmova kod dece. U: Vidanović, Đ. (Ur): Prvi simpozijum iz kognitivnih nauka, Univerzitet u Nišu i Centar za naučna istraživanja SANU i Univerziteta u Nišu, Niš.  M64

    Milošević, V., Antović, M., Jolić, M., Lazarević, M., Đurić, S., Đurić, S. (2011). N400 komponenta evociranih potencijala kao pokazatelj semantičkih odnosa reči u srpskom jeziku. 8-14 Kongres neurologa Srbije, Kopaonik, septembar-oktobar 2011. M64

    Milošević, V., Antović, M., Jolić, M., Lazarević, M., Đurić, S., Đurić, S. (2011). N400 komponenta evocioranih potencijala. Simpozijum za kliničku neurologiju Srbije i Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vojnomedicinska akademija, Beograd, novembar 2011. M64

    Milivojević, N. & Antović, M. (2009). Digital identities as visual metaphors. Konferencija Jezik, književnost, identitet, Filozofski fakultet, Niš, april 2009. M64

Poslednji put izmenjeno petak, 18 oktobar 2024 15:33