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Datum kreiranja: 27.12.2013.

Vladimir Antić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 18.02.1985.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Medicinski fakultet Niš
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Medicina
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2010.
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Bubanj, S. ... Antić, V. et al. (2016). A study on anthropological status and biomechanical efficiency of the elite Serbian athletes. Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-87249-64-6

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Šajber, D., Gilić, B., Okičić, T., Antić, V., Praznik, K., Dopsaj, M., & Đurović, M. (2024). Water Activities: Water-Based Activities for Enhanced Health. University of Ljubljana Press. ISBN 978-961-297-510-4

    Antić, V. (2023). Anatomija čoveka za studente fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. Niš. Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. Galaskijanis. ISBN 978-86-81474-22-8

    Antić, V., & Antić, M. (2019). Praktikum iz anatomije za studente fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. Niš. Fakultet sport i fizičkog vaspitanja. Galaksijanis. ISBN 978-86-6233-280-6

    Antić, V., & Antić, M. (2017). Lokomotorni aparat u sportu. Niš: Galaksijanis ISBN: 978-86-6233-169-4

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Antić, V. M., Antic, M., Stojiljkovic, N., Stanković, N., Pavlović., & Sokolović, D. (2025). Role of Melatonin in Regulating Rat Skeletal Muscle Tissue Inflammation and Damage Following Carbon Tetrachloride Intoxication. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 26(4), 1718.                               

    Antic, M., Dakovic Bjelakovic, M., Petrovic, A., Bjelakovic, M., Radenkovic, G., Zivkovic, N., Krstic, M., & Antic, V. (2023). Developmental characteristics of the glomerular and tubular portion of the nephron in the human foetal kidney cortex: Morphometrical and immunohistochemical analysis. Cell Tissues Organs. doi: 10.1159/000525185. Online ahead of print.

    Antic, V., Antic, M., Rakic, M., Stanković, S., Jevremovic, A., & Kochumbovski, M. (2022). Modalites of therapy of temporomandibular disorders and their importance in public health. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 23(1): 352-359

    Živković, M., Stojiljković, N., Trajković, N., Stojanović, N., Đošić, A., Antić, V., & Stanković, N. (2022). Speed, Change of Direction Speed, and Lower Body Power in Young Athletes and Nonathletes According to Maturity Stage. Children9(2), 242

    Antic, M., Dakovic-Bjelakovic, M., Antic, V., Pavlovic, M., Zivkovic, V., & Kochubovski, M. (2021). Endemic nephropathy and its significance for public health. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 22(4): 1735–1744.

    Antić, V., Stojiljković, N., & Antić, M. (2020). Comparative histochemical and morphometric analysis of muscle fibers of the psoas muscle in individuals of both genders with ageing. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2020 OnLine-First Issue 00, Pages: 107-107.

    Antic, V., Antic, M., Rakic, V., Stankovic, S., Jevremovic, A., & Kochubovski, M. (2020). Epidemiological significance of mandibular fracture and its public health relevance. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 21(2): 719–724.

    Rakic, V., Antic, V., Antic, M., Jevremovic, A., & Kochubovski, M. (2019). Prevalence of ostheoarthritis of the temporomanibular joints and importance in public health. Journal of environmental protection and ecology, 20(2): 995-1000.

    Stojanovic, E., Stojiljkovic, N., Scanlan, A. T., Dalbo, V. J., Stankovic, R., Antic, V., & Milanovic, Z. (2019). Acute caffeine supplementation promotes small to moderate improvements in performance tests indicative of in-game success in professional female basketball players. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 44(8): 849-856

    Scanlan, A. T., Dalbo, V. J., Conte, D., Stojanović, E., Stojiljković, N., Stanković, R., Antic, V., & Milanović, Z. (2019). Caffeine Supplementation Has No Effect on Dribbling Speed in Elite Basketball Players. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 14(7): 997-1000.

    Bjelakovic, L., Trajkovic, T., Kocic, G., Radovanovic, D., Zivkovic, N., Klisic, A., Antic, V., Kavaric, N., & Bjelakovic, B. (2016). The Association of Prenatal Tocolysis and Breastfeeding Duration. Breastfeeding Medicine. 11(10), 561-563.

    Milanović, Z., Stojiljković, N., Pavlović, L., Antić, V., & Stanković, N. (2016). Accupedo pedometer: daily walking step counter. British journal of sports medicine, 50(22), 1417-1418.

    Antić, VM., Stefanović, N., Jovanović, I., Antić, M., Milić, M., Krstić, M., Kundalić, B., & Milošević, V. (2015). Morphometric analysis of somatotropic cells of the adenohypophysis and muscle fibers of the psoas muscle in the process of aging in humans. Annals of Anatomy,  200: 44–53.

    Kundalić, B., Ugrenović, S., Jovanović, I., Stefanović, N., Petrović, V., Kundalić, J., Stojanović, V., Živković, V., & Antić, V. (2014). Morphometric Analysis of Connective Tissue Sheaths of Sural Nerve in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients. Biomed Res Int 870930.

    Stanković, S., Vlajković, S., Bošković, M., Radenković, G., Antić, V., & Jevremović, D.(2013). Morphological and biomehanical features of the temporomandibular joint disc: An overview of recent findings. Arch Oral Biol. 58 (10): 1475–1482.

    Milenković, S., Mladenović Ćirić, M., Pavlović, S., Puletić, M., Raković, A., Stefanović, N., Stankovic, D., & Antic, V.  (2013). Analysis of somatotype and body constitution in Serbian top track and field athletes and swimmers, Human kinetics, Committee for Rehabilitation, Physical Education and Social Integration of the Polish Academy of Sciences, vol. 1, no. 40, pp. x - x, issn: 1899-7562, udc: , doi: , , 2013.

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Antić, V., & Antić, M. (2025). Sarcopenia - causes an managment. Facta Universitatis: Series Medicine and Biology ONLINE FIRST.

    Antić, M., Antić, V., Kundalić, B., Pavlović, M., & Živković, B. (2024). The KI-67 proliferation marker in human metanephrogenesis. Acta Medica Mediana, doi: 10.5633|amm.2024.0404

    Danković, G., & Antić, V. (2024). Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on recovery and physical performance: a systematic review. Acta Medica Mediana, 63(3): 1-13 ISSN 0365-4478.

    Antić, M., Antić, V., Graovac, I., Čukuranović Kokoris, J., Ilić, I., Pavlović, M., Živković, V., & Sokolović, D. (2023). Morphometric analysis of biceps muscle tissue obtained from rats acutely exposed to carbon-tetrachloride. Acta Medica Mediana. DOI:10.5633/amm.2023.0301

    Ranđelović, I., Jorgić, B., Antić, V., & Hadžović, M. (2020). Effects of exercise programs on upper crossed syndrome: A systematic review. Physical Education and Sport Through the Centuries, 7(2), 152-168.

    Antić, V., Rakić, V., & Antić, M. (2019). Musculoskeletal biomechanics in the human jaw. Acta Medica Medianae, 58(4): 137-140.

    Rakić, V., Antić, V., & Antić, M. (2019). The importance of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders. Acta Medica Medianae, 58(4): 120-123.

    Živković, M., Stojiljković, N., Antić, V., Pavlović, Lj., Stanković, N., & Jorgić, B. (2019). The motor abilities of handball players of different biological maturation. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(1), 125-133.

    Bjelaković Lj., Kocic G., Radovanovic D., Antic V., Bjelakovic B., & Antic Z. Antioxidants and their importance during muscular exercise: a review. Facta Universitatis, Series: Medicine & Biology. 2016, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p48-56. 9p.

    Antić, M., Antić, VM., Kundalić, B., Krtinić, D., Pavlović, M., & Čukuranović-Kokoris, J. (2016). Bilateral ossification of the stylohyoid ligament. Acta Medica Medianae 55(2): 46-49. 

    Čukuranović, Kokoris, J., Vlajković, S., Pavlović, M., Kundalić, B., Antić, V., & Čukuranović, R. (2015). Absolute and relative renal length in chronic kidney diseases. Acta Medica Medianae 54(2):17-22  

    Kundalić, B., Ugrenović, S., Jovanović, I., Stefanović, N., Petrović, V., Kundalić, J.,
    Pavlović, M., & Antić V. (2014). Analysis of Fascicular Structure and Connective Tissue Sheaths in Sural Nerve during Aging. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis. 31(2): 113–120.

    Pavlović, M., Jovanović, I., Pavlović, S., Stojanović, V., Živković, V., Bakić, M., Kundalić, B., & Antić, V. (2013). Morfometrijska studija vezivnog tkiva humane hipofize tokom procesa
    starenja. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 30: 79–84.

    Antić, V., Stefanović, N., Antić, M., Veličković, M., Virijević, D., Pavlović, M., Kundalić, B.,
    Živković, V., & Gligorijević N. (2012). Morfološke karakteristike apendiks vermiformisa u prenatalnom periodu kod čoveka. Acta Medica Medianae. 51: 26-31.

    Stefanović, N., Mladenović Ćirić, I., Pavlović, S., Kundalić, B., Bubanj, S., Petković, E., Puletić, M.,  & Antić V. (2012). Procena nekih anatomskih i antropometrijskih karakteristika grudnog koša analizom digitalne slike prednjeg aspekta trupa kod vrhunskih atletičara. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis. 29: 43–51.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    Herodek, R., Živković, M., Antić, V., Ilić, A., Herodek, K., & Catić Đorđević, A. (2024). Effects of combined exercise program on happiness and life satisfaction on physically active older adults: Systematic review. In P. Drid (Ed.), Abstracts from the 6thInternational Scientific Conference on Exercise and Quality of Life, (pp. 17). April, 11-13, 2024, Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Okičić, T., Antić, V., Trajković, N., Đurović, M., & Šajber, D. (2024). Post-Covid 19 water exercises and swim recovery program – post covid swim. 10th International Scientific Conference, Anthropological and teo-anthropological views on physical activity, Kopaonik, Serbia.

    Stojanović, N., Rajković, V., Savić, Z., Mitić, P., & Antić, V. (2023). Exploring factors influencing attitudes and motivation in school sports: A comparative of administrative districts, engagement frequency, and school types. Book of Abstracts of the XXIV Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2023“ in physical education, sport and recreation. October, 19–21, 2023, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Milanović, Z., Stojiljković, N., Pavlović, Lj., Antić, V., & Stanković, N. (2023). Fitness trackers – valid technology or advanced markenting. Book of Abstracts of the XXIV Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2023“ in physical education, sport and recreation. October, 19–21, 2023, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Antić, M., Daković Bjelaković, M., Antić, V., Kundalić, B., Živković, V., Čukuranović Kokoris, J., & Graovac, I. (2023). Morphometric analysis of the nephrogenic zone during human metanephrogenesis. VIII Congress of Serbian anatomical society with international participation. September 21-23, Faculty of Medicine, Univeristy of Niš, Serbia.

    Jorgić, B., Kostić, S., Đorđević, S., Hadžović, M., & Antić, V. (2022). Effects of exercise programs on the cervical syndrome: a systematic review. In T. Iancheva, S. Djobova, & M. Kuleva (Eds). International scientific congress “Applied sports sciences”, Volume 2 (pp. 560-566). Sofia: National sports academy „Vassil Levski“

    Stojanović, S., Nešić, T., Purenović-Ivanović, T., & Antić, V. (2021). Body composition in PE students: Gender differnces. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2021“ in physical education, sport and recreation, (pp. In press). October, 21–23, 2021, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Kovač, R., Stankovic, N., & Antic, V. (2019). Incidence and prevention of injuries in combat sports: a review. In O. Bajric & Dj. Nicin (Eds.), Proceedings book of 9th International Conference on “Sports Science and Health”, (pp. 91-97). Banja Luka: Paneuropean University "Apeiron".

    Paunović, M., Veličković, S., Đurović, M., Okičić, T., Antić, V., Milošević, N., & Ostojić, S. (2019). Influence of strength of lower extremities on performance succsess on floor exercise. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2019“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (pp. 49-54). October, 17–19, 2019, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-81474-01-3, UDC 796.412:616

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Maljković, N., Popović, R., Petković, E., & Antić, V. (2019). Sexual maturity in female rhythmic gymnasts of different compoetition programs and age group category. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2019“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (pp. 65-73). October, 17–19, 2019, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-81474-01-3, UDC 796.412:616

    Stanković, М., Jorgić, B., Milanović, Z., Antić, V., Đorđević, S., & Jezdimirović, M. (2018). The postural status of female football players in relation to levels of competition. In D. Suzović, N. Janković, G. Prebeg & M. Ćosić (Eds). International scientific conference: Effects of applying physical activity on anthropological status of children, adolescents and adults (pp. 143-155). Belgrade: Faculty of sport and physical education, University of Belgrade

    Stanković, N., Milošević, N., Nurkić, M., Antić, V., Jakovljević, V., & Escobar‐Molina, R. (2018). Frequency and type of penalties awarded in combats conducted by world top judokas. Book of Proceedings. XXI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2018" in physical education, sport and recreation. October 2018; Niš. Serbia. pp. 74-77.

    Antic, V., Radovanovic, D., & Ignjatović, A. (2018). Effects of eight weeks of bench press and squat power training on stable and unstable surfaces. 23rd annual Congress of the European collage of sport science. (pp. 451). July, 4th-7th, 2018 Dublin, Ireland.

    Živković, M., Jovanović, V., Herodek, K., Milanović, Z., & Antić, V. (2017). Differences in the motor abilities of football players in relation to their position on theteamIn T. Iancheva, S. Djobova & M. Kuleva (Eds.), International Scientific Congress "Applied Sports Sciences", (pp. 126-130). December, 01–01, 2017, Sofia: National Sports Academy – Sofia, Bulgaria. 

    Bjelaković, Lj., Ranđelović, L., Živković, M., & Antić, V. (2017). Self-perceived health status, health-related lifestyle habits and life satisfaction amnog students of fspe (with the focus on the year of stuyding and gender difference). In S. Pantelić (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XX Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2017“ in physical education, sport and recreation, (pp. 153-156). October, 19–21, 2017, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Živković, M., Antić, V., Mitić, P., & Stojiljković, N. (2017). Students’ Injuries During Skiing Course Practical Teaching – The Analysis Of Two Study Programme. In S. Pantelić (Ed.), 1st Scientific Conference SPE BALKAN SKI Science, Practise & Education, (pp. 56-57). March, 12–16, 2017, Kopaonik: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia.  

    Radovanovic, D., Bratic, M., Antic, V., & Ignjatovic, A. (2016). Seasonal variation of muscular outputs in competetive judo athlets. 10th Interantional Coference on Streight Training. November 30th- December 2th, 2016. Kyoto, Japan. pp. 50.

    Bjelaković, Lj., Živković, M., Antić, V., Ranđelović, L., Bjelaković, B., & Bjelica, B. (2016). Self-perceived health status and life satisfaction among students of Faculty of Sport and Physical Education students at University of Nis. In D. Madić (Ed.), 4thInternational Scientific Conference EXERCISE AND QUALITY OF LIFE, (pp. 140). April, 22-23, 2016, Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Bjelaković, Lj., Ćirić, M., Bjelaković, B., Antić, V. (2016). Usefulness of heart rate recovery in sport medicine. XIX Scientific Conference “FIS COMMUNICATION 2016” in physical education, sport and recreation and International Scientific Conference. October 20‐22th, Nis, Serbia. pp. 189–192.

    Stojiljković N, Đekić P, Pavlović Lj, & Antić V. (2015). The use of thermovision camera in sport. Book of Proceedings. XVIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2015" in physical education, sport and recreation and III International Scientific Conference. October 15‐17th 2015; Serbia, Niš; pp. 111–117.

    Živković, M., Bubanj, S., Herodek, K., Antić, V., & Živković, D. (2015). The effects of isometric training on anthropometeric characteristics. Book of Proceedings. XVIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2015" in physical education, sport and recreation and III International Scientific Conference. October 15‐17th 2015; Serbia, Niš; pp. 343–347.

    Antić, M., Daković-Bjelaković, M., Antić, V., Stojanović, V., Kundalić, B., Čukuranović-Kokoris., J. (2016). Incidence of types of the supraorbital transcranial passages on three-dimensional volume rendered images of the human adult skull acquired from multislice coputed tommography. 5th Congress of Serbian anatomical society of Serbia. September 8th-10th, 2016, Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia. pp. 27

    Antic, M., Djukic, D., Popovic, D., Sokolovic, D., Antić, V., Krtinic, D., & Sokolovic, D. (2015). Effect of L-arginine as hepatoprotective agens on polyamine metabolism in experimental cholestasis. Abstract book. 2nd World Conference on Targeting Liver Diseases. June. 25-26th 2015. Malta, St Julian’s; p. 45.

    Antić, V., Stefanović, N., Jovanović, I., Antić, M., & Bjelaković, Lj. (2014). Immunohistochemical
    and morphometrical analysis of muscle fibers of the psoas muscle in the process of aging of men. Book of Proceedings. XVII Scientific Conference “Fis communication 2014” in physical education, sport and recreation and International Scientific
    Conference. October 16‐18th 2014. Serbia, Niš; pp. 397–403.

    Bjelaković, Lj., Stefanović, N., Radovanović, D., Mladenović Ćirić, I., & Antić, V. (2014). Physical activity impact on lipid profile parametars in children with central obesity. Book of Proceedings. XVII Scientific Conference “Fis communication 2014” in physical education, sport and recreation and International Scientific Conference. October. 16‐18th 2014. Serbia, Niš; pp. 424–427.

    Čeković, N., Đorđević, M., Stefanović, N., Antić, V., & Živković, D. (2013). Somatotype analysis of the first year students of the faculty of sport and physical education in Niš. Book of Proceedings. XVI Scientific Conference “Fis communication 2013” in physical education, sport and recreation and International Scientific Conference. October. 18‐19th. Serbia, Nis; pp. 369–375.

    Čeković, N., Stefanović, N., & Antić, V. (2013). The applications of digital ImageJ program to
    determine the lenght of the antropometric parameters. Book of Proceedings. XVI
    Scientific Conference “Fis communication 2013” in physical education, sport and recreation and International Scientific Conference. October 18‐19th. Serbia, Niš; pp. 361–368.

    Stefanović, N., Puletić, M., Mladenović Ćirić, I., Bjelaković, Lj.,  & Antić, V. (2012). Mogućnosti primene ImageJ digitalnog programa u antropometrijskim merenjima. LI Kongres antropoliškog društva Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Niš; Abstract book: 156. 

    Kundalić, B., Stefanović, N., Milenković, S., Puletić, M., & Antić V. (2012). Obostrana osifikacija stilohioidnog ligamenta. Abstract book. III Kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva sa
    međunarodnim učešćem. 6 – 8. Septembar 2012. Srbija, Niš; p. 164–165.

    Stefanović, N., Vuksanović, A., Kundalić, B., Bakić, M., Kovačević, P., Krtinić, D., & Antić V. (2012). Varijacije početka spoljašnje cirkumfleksne butne arterije. Abstract book. III
    Kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva sa međunarodnim učešćem. 6 – 8. Septembar
    2012. Srbija, Niš; p. 190–191.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    Antic, M., Daković-Bjelaković, M., Antić, V., Kundalić, B., Pavlovic, M., & Čukuranović-Kokoris, J. (2018). Histomorphometric characteristics of human glomerulogenesis: radial glomerular count in relation to gestational age. 6th Congress of Serbian anatomical society of Serbia. September 7th-9th, Zlatibor, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia, pp 22.

    Antić, M., Daković-Bjelaković, M., Antić, V., Stojanović, V., Kundalić, B., & Čukuranović-Kokoris., J. (2016). Incidence of types of the supraorbital transcranial passages on three-dimensional volume rendered images of the human adult skull acquired from multislice coputed tommography. 5th Congress of Serbian anatomical society of Serbia. September 8th-10th, 2016, Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Serbia. pp. 27

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