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Datum kreiranja: 22.01.2014.

Jelena Nikolić

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 27.12.1978.
  • Mesto rođenja: Prokuplje
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Elektronski fakultet
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Telekomunikacije
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2003
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Јелена Р. Николић, Зоран Х. Перић, Апроксимације Гаусове Q функције и примене у квантизацији, Едиција: Монографије, Издавач: Електронски факултет Универзитета у Нишу, 2023, ISBN 978-86-6125-261-7. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Електронског факултета у Нишу, бр. 07/05-001/23-004 од 09.02.2023. године, рукопис је одобрен за штампу као монографија) (М42)


  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Зоран Х. Перић, Александра Ж. Јовановић, Јелена Р. Николић, Велимир Илић, Александар В. Јоцић, Дигиталне телекомуникације I – практикум за лабораторијске вежбе, Едиција: помоћни уџбеници, Електронски факултет у Нишу, 2010, ISBN: 978-86-6125-013-2. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Електронског факултета у Нишу, бр. 07/05-018/08-003 од 18.12.2008. године, рукопис је одобрен за штампу као помоћни уџбеник)

    2. Зоран Х. Перић, Владимир М. Деспотовић, Јелена Р. Николић, Александра Ж. Јовановић, Никола Б. Симић, Практикум из Дигиталних телекомуникација I са MATLAB примерима, Едиција: помоћни уџбеници, Издавач: Електронски факултет у Нишу, 2017, ISBN: 978-86-6125-191-7. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Електронског факултета у Нишу, бр. 07/05-008/17-006 од 28.09.2017. године, рукопис је одобрен за штампу као помоћни уџбеник)

    3. Зоран Х. Перић, Александра Ж. Јовановић, Јелена Р. Николић, Збирка задатака из Дигиталних телекомуникација I – одабрана поглавља, Едиција: помоћни уџбеници, Издавач: Електронски факултет у Нишу, 2016, ISBN: 978-86-6125-169-6. (Одлуком Наставно-научног већа Електронског факултета у Нишу, бр. 07/05-004/16-009 од 03.11.2016. године, рукопис је одобрен за штампу као помоћни уџбеник)


  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "An Effective Method for Initialization of Lloyd-Max’s Algorithm of Optimal Scalar Quantization for Laplacian Source", Informatica, I O S Press, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 279‑288, 2007, ISSN 0868‑4952 (M22, IF 2008=0.734, IF5god=0.914)   

    2. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, "Lloyd-Max’s Algorithm Implementation in Speech Coding Algorithm Based on Forward Adaptive Technique", Informatica, I O S Press, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 255‑270, 2008, ISSN 0868‑4952 (M22, IF=0.734, IF5god=0.914)

    3. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandar Mosić, Stefan Panić, "A Switched-adaptive Quantization Technique Using μ-law Quantizers", Information Technology and Control, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 317‑320, 2010, ISSN 1392‑124X (M22, IF 2011=0.880)

    4. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Dragan Antić, Aleksandra Jovanović, Dragan Denić, "Low Complex Forward Adaptive Loss Compression Algorithm and its Application in Speech Coding", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 19‑24, 2011, ISSN 1335‑3632 (M23, IF=0.370)

    5. Zlatan Eskić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "A Method of Designing Adaptive Uniform Quantizer for LPC Coefficient Quantization", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA – N O T Sp. Z o.o., Vol. 87, No. 7, pp. 245‑248, 2011, ISSN 0033‑2097 (M23, IF=0.244)

    6. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Design of Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantizer with Geometric Progression of Segment Width", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 37‑40, 2011, ISSN 1582‑7445 (M23, IF=0.555)

    7. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "An Adaptive Waveform Coding Algorithm and its Application in Speech Coding", Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 199‑209, 2012, ISSN 1051‑2004 (M21, IF=1.918, IF5god= 1.871)   

    8. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Aleksandra Jovanović, Dragan Antić, "Design of Forward Adaptive Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantizer with Optimized Reproduction Level Distribution per Segments", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Kaunas University of Technology, Vol. 119, No. 3, pp. 19‑22, 2012, ISSN 1392‑1215 (M22, IF2011=0.913)     

    9. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Design of Novel Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantizer for Gaussian Memoryless Source", Radio Science, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 47, No. 2, RS2005, 2012, ISSN 0048‑6604 (M22, IF=1.000, IF5god=1.026)     

    10. Danijela Aleksić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Support Region Determination of the Quasilogarithmic Quantizer for Laplacian Source", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA – N O T Sp. Z o.o., Vol. 88, No. 7A, pp. 130‑132, 2012, ISSN 0033‑2097 (M23, IF 2011=0.244)

    11. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Jelena Lukić, Dragan Denić, "Two-stage Quantizer with Huffman Coding Based on G.711 Standard", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA – N O T Sp. Z o.o., Vol. 88, No. 9A, pp. 300‑302, 2012, ISSN 0033‑2097 (M23, IF 2011=0.244)

    12. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "High-quality Laplacian Source Quantisation Using a Combination of Restricted and Unrestricted Logarithmic Quantisers", IET Signal Processing, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 633‑640, 2012, ISSN 1751‑9675 (M22, IF2014= 0.911, IF5god=1.028)

    13. Zoran Perić, Dragan Denić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandar Jocić, Aleksandra Jovanović, "DPCM Quantizer Adaptation Method for Efficient ECG Signal Compression", Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, M A I K Nauka – Interperiodica, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1241‑1250, 2013, ISSN 1064‑2269 (M23, IF=0.359, IF5god=0.303)

    14. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Asymptotic Analysis of Switched Uniform Polar Quantization for Memoryless Gaussian Source," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 75-78, 2013, ISSN 1070-9908 (M21, IF 2012=1.674, IF5god= 1.595).

    15.  Aleksandra Jovanović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Nenad Milošević, "The Influence of Probability Density Function Discretization on Geometric Lattice Quantizer Design for Memoryless Gaussian Source", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Kaunas University of Technology, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 99‑103, 2013, ISSN 1392‑1215 (M22, IF 2011=0.913)

    16. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Jelena Lukić, Dragan Denić, "Analysis of Two-stage Quantizer with Embedded G. 711 Quantizer and Segmental Uniform Quantizer", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Kaunas University of Technology, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 88‑91, 2013, ISSN 1392‑1215 (M22, IF 2011=0.913)

    17. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Danijela Aleksić, "Optimization of µ-law Companding Quantizer for Laplacian Source using Muller’s Method", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA – N O T Sp. Z o.o., Vol. 89, No. 3a, pp. 206‑208, 2013, ISSN 0033‑2097 (M23, IF 2011=0.244)

    18. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandar Mosić, Marko Petković, "Design of Fixed and Adaptive Companding Quantizer with Variable-length Codeword for Memoryless Gaussian Source", Informatica, I O S Press, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 71‑86, 2013, ISSN 0868‑4952 (M21a, IF 2011=1.627, IF5god= 1.074)

    19. Zoran Perić, Jelena Lukić, Jelena Nikolić, Dragan Denić, "Design of Nonuniform Dead-Zone Quantizer with Low Number of Quantization Levels for the Laplacian Source", Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 93‑100, 2013, ISSN 0035‑4066 (M23, IF=0.368, IF5god= 0.264).

    20. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Lazar Velimirović, "Simple Solution for Designing the Piecewise Linear Scalar Companding Quantizer for Gaussian Source", Radioengineering, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 194‑199, 2013, ISSN 1210‑2512 (M23, IF=0.796, IF5god=0.837).

    21. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, Miomir Stanković, Danijela Aleksić, "Asymmetrical Two-Level Scalar Quantizer with Extended Huffman Coding for Compression of Laplacian Source", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 39‑42, 2013, ISSN 1582‑7445 (M23, IF=0.642, IF5god=0.580)

    22. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Dejan Milić, "Variable-length Coding for Performance Improvement of Asymptotically Optimal Unrestricted Polar Quantization of Bivariate Gaussian Source", Information Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 252, No. 10, pp. 157‑167, 2013, ISSN 0020‑0255 (M21a, IF=3.893, IF5god=3.969)

    23. Zoran Perić, Aleksandar Jocić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, Dragan Denić, "Analysis of Differential Pulse Code Modulation with Forward Adaptive Lloyd-Max’s Quantizer for Low Bit-rate Speech Coding", Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Ser. Electrotechnique et Energetique, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 424‑434, 2013, ISSN 0035‑4066 (M23, IF=0.368, IF5god= 0.264)

    24. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Design of Asymptotically Optimal Unrestricted Polar Quantizer for Gaussian Source", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 20, No. 10, pp. 980-983, 2013, ISSN 1070-9908 (M21, IF 2012=1.674, IF5god=1.595)

    25. Zoran Perić, Jelena Lukić, Jelena Nikolić, Dragan Denić, "Application of Mean-square Approximation for Piecewise Linear Optimal Compander Design for Gaussian Source and Gaussian Mixture Model", Information Technology and Control, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 277-285, 2013, ISSN 1392-124X (M22, IF 2011=0.880) 

    26. Zoran Perić, Danijela Aleksić, Mihajlo Stefanović, Jelena Nikolić, "New Approach to Support Region Determination of the µ-law Quantizer", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Kaunas University of Technology, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 111-114, 2013, ISSN 1392‑1215 (M22, IF 2011=0.913)

    27. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Danijela Aleksić, Dragan Antić, "Linearization of Optimal Compressor Function and Design of Piecewise Linear Compandor for Gaussian Source", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 73‑78, 2013, ISSN 1582‑7445 (M23, IF=0.642, IF5god=0.580)

    28. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Jelena Nikolić, "Design of Compandor Based on Approximate the First-Degree Spline Function", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Kaunas University of Technology, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 151‑154, 2013, ISSN 1392‑1215 (M22, IF 2011=0.913)

    29. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandar Mosić, "Design of Forward Adaptive Hybrid Quantiser with Golomb-Rice Code for Compression of Gaussian Source", IET Communications, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 372‑377, 2014, ISSN 1751‑8628 (M23, IF=0.742, IF5god=0.809)

    30. Zoran Perić, Milan Savić, Jelena Nikolić, "Coding Algorithm Based on the Simplified Semilogarithmic Compression Law for Discrete Input Samples with Laplacian Distribution", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Kaunas University of Technology, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 63-68, 2014, ISSN 1392‑1215 (M23, IF=0.561, IF5god=0.358)

    31. Zoran Perić, Marko Petković, Jelena Nikolić, "Optimization of Multiple Region Quantizer for Laplacian Source", Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 27, pp. 150‑158, 2014, ISSN 1051‑2004 (M21, IF 2012=1.918, IF5god=1.871)

    32. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Aleksandra Jovanović, "Variance Mismatch Analysis of Unrestricted Polar Quantization for Gaussian Source," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 540‑544, 2014, ISSN 1070-9908 (M21, IF 2012=1.674, IF5god=1.595)

    33. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Aleksandra Jovanović, "Two Forward Adaptive Dual-mode Companding Scalar Quantizers for Gaussian Source", Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 120, pp. 129‑140, 2016, ISSN 0165-1684 (M21, IF=3.110, IF5god=3.001).

    34.  Aleksandra Jovanović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Milan Dinčić, "Asymptotic Analysis and Design of Restricted Uniform Polar Quantizer for Gaussian Sources", Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 49, pp. 24‑32, 2016, ISSN 1051‑2004 (M22, IF=2.337, IF5god=2.174).

    35. Stefan Tomić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Modified BTC Algorithm for Audio Signal Coding", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 31‑38, 2016, ISSN 1582‑7445 (M23, IF=0.595, IF5god=0.661)

    36. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, Stefan Panić, Miomir Stanković, "Analysis of Switched Quantizer Based on the Quadratic Spline Functions", International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 94, No. 12, pp. 2348‑2355, 2017, ISSN 0020-7160 (M21, IF2019=1.600, IF5god=1.364)

    37. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Aleksandra Jovanović, "Novel Approximations for the Q-function with Application in SQNR Calculation", Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 65, pp. 71‑80, 2017, ISSN 1051‑2004 (M22, IF=2.241, IF5god=2.216)

    38. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Aleksandar Marković, "Proposal of Simple and Accurate Two-Parametric Approximation for the Q-function", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2017, Article ID 8140487, 10 pages, 2017, ISSN 1024-123x (M22, IF=1.145, IF5god=1.156)

    39. Zoran Perić, Marko D. Petković, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandra Jovanović, "Support Region Estimation of the Product Polar Companded Quantizer for Gaussian Source", Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 143, pp. 140‑145, 2018, ISSN 0165-1684 (M21, IF=4.086, IF5god=3.653)

    Награда Проф. др Илија Стојановић за допринос у области телекомуникација у категорији најбољег стручног рада објављеног у току протекле две године у реномираним међународним часописима (додељена од стране Теленор фондације 2017. године).

    40. Stefan Tomić, Zoran Perić, Milan Tančić, Jelena Nikolić, "Backward Adaptive and Quasi-Logarithmic Quantizer for Sub-Band Coding of Audio", Information Technology and Control, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 131‑139, 2018, ISSN 1392‑124X (M23, IF=0.707, IF5god=0.806)

    41. Stefan S. Tomić, Zoran H. Perić, Jelena R. Nikolić, "An Algorithm for Simple Differential Speech Coding Based on Backward Adaptation Technique", Informatica, IOS Press, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 539‑553, 2018, ISSN 0868‑4952 (M21a, IF 2019 =3.312, IF5god=2.351)    

    42. Aleksandra Ž. Jovanović, Zoran H. Perić, Jelena R. Nikolić, "An Efficient Iterative Algorithm for Designing an Asymptotically Optimal Modified Unrestricted Uniform Polar Quantization of Bivariate Gaussian Random Variables", Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 88, pp. 197-206, 2019, ISSN 1051‑2004 (M22, IF=2.871, IF5god=2.664) 

    43. Zoran H. Perić, Jelena R. Nikolić, Marko D. Petković, "Class of Tight Bounds on the Q-function with Closed-form Upper Bound on Relative Error", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1786‑1794, 2019, ISSN 0170-4214 (M21, IF=1.626, IF5god=1.466)

    44. Vlado Delić, Zoran Perić, Milan Sečujski, Nikša Jakovljević, Jelena Nikolić, Dragiša Mišković, Nikola Simić, Siniša Suzić, Tijana Delić, "Speech Technology Progress Based on New Machine Learning Paradigm", Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Vol. 2019, Article ID 4368036, 19 pages, 2019, ISSN 1687‑5265 (M22, IF=2.284, IF5god=2.197)

    45. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Bojan Denić, Vladimir Despotović, "Forward Adaptive Dual-Mode Quantizer Based on the First-Degree Spline Approximation and Embedded G.711 Codec", Radioengineering, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 729‑739, 2019, ISSN 1210-2512 (M23, IF=1.076, IF5god=1.002)

    46. Zoran Perić, Nikola Simić, Jelena Nikolić, "Design of Single and Dual-mode Companding Scalar Quantizers Based on Piecewise Linear Approximation of the Gaussian PDF", Journal of the Franklin Institute: Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, Vol. 357, No. 9, pp. 5663-5679, 2020, ISSN 0016‑0032 (M21a, IF=4.504, IF5god=4.339)

    47. Aleksandra Jovanović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Iterative Algorithm for Designing Asymptotically Optimal Uniform Scalar Quantisation of the One-Sided Rayleigh Density," IET Communications, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp.723‑729, 2021, ISSN 1751‑8628 (M23, IF=1.345, IF5god=1.276)

    48. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, Anastasija Perić, "Symmetric Quantile Quantizer Parameterization for the Laplacian Source: Qualification for Contemporary Quantization Solutions," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2021, Article ID 6647135, 12 pages, 2021, ISSN 1024-123x (M23, IF=1.430, IF5god=1.393)

    49. Zoran Perić, Bojan Denić, Milan Dinčić, Jelena Nikolić, "Robust 2-bit Quantization of Weights in Neural Network Modeled by Laplacian Distribution," Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 3-10, 2021, ISSN 1582‑7445 (M23, IF=0.825, IF5god=0.752)

    50. Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, Zoran Perić, Milan Dinčić, "Iterative Algorithm for Parameterization of Two-Region Piecewise Uniform Quantizer for the Laplacian Source," Mathematics, MDPI, Vol. 9, No. 23, 3091, 2021, ISSN 2227-7390 (M21a, IF=2.592, IF5god=2.542). (Special issue: Coding and Combinatorics)

    51. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Danijela Aleksić, Stefan Tomić, Aleksandra Jovanović, "Whether the Support Region of Three-Bit Uniform Quantizer Has a Strong Impact on Post-Training Quantization for MNIST Dataset?" Entropy, MDPI, Vol. 23, No. 12, 1699, 2021, ISSN 1099-4300 (M22, IF=2.738, IF5god=2.642). (Special Issue: Methods in Artificial Intelligence and Information Processing)

    52. Stefan Tomić, Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Danijela Aleksić, "Performance of Post-training Two-bits Uniform and Layer-Wise Uniform Quantization for MNIST Dataset from the Perspective of Support Region Choice", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2022, Article ID 1463094, 15 pages, 2022, ISSN 1024-123x (M23, IF 2021=1.430, IF5god=1.393).

    53. Zoran Perić, Danijela Aleksić, Jelena Nikolić, Stefan Tomić, "Two Novel Non-Uniform Quantizers with Application in Post-Training Quantization" Mathematics, MDPI, Vol. 10, No. 19, 3435, 2022, ISSN 2227-7390 (M21a, IF=2.4, IF5god=2.3). (Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Methods)

    54. Zoran Perić, Aleksandar Marković, Nataša Kontrec, Jelena Nikolić, Marko D. Petković, Aleksandra Jovanović, "Two Interval Upper Bound Q-function Approximations with Applications", Mathematics, MDPI, Vol. 10, No. 19, 3590, 2022, ISSN 2227-7390 (M21a, IF=2.4, IF5god=2.3). (Section: Mathematics and Computer Science)

    55. Jelena Nikolic, Zoran Peric, Stefan Tomic, Aleksandra Jovanovic, Danijela Aleksic, Sofija Peric, "Comparative Analysis of the Robustness of 3-bit PoTQ and UQ and their Application in Post-Training Quantization", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2024, pp. 47-56, 2024, ISSN 1582-7445 (M23 IF2023=0.7, IF5god=0.7).

    56. Jelena Nikolić, Stefan Tomić, Zoran Perić, Aleksandra Jovanović, Danijela Aleksić, "Accuracy Degradation Aware Bit Rate Allocation for Layer-Wise Uniform Quantization of Weights in Neural Network", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 75, No. 6, pp. 425-434, 2024, ISSN 1335-3632 (M23 IF2023=1.0, IF5god=0.9).

    57. Jelena R. Nikolic, Zoran H. Peric, Aleksandra Z. Jovanovic, Stefan S. Tomic, Sofija Z. Peric, "Performance Analysis of Two 8-Bit Floating-Point-based Piecewise Uniform Quantizers for a Laplacian Data Source", accepted for publication in Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 2025, ISSN 1392-1215 (M23 IF2023=0.9, IF5god=0.8).

    58. Zoran Vidović, Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, "Properties of k-record Posteriors for the Weibull Model", Statistical Theory and Related Fields, Taylor and Francis, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 152-162, 2024, ISSN 2475-4269, (ESCI, IF2023=0.7

    59. Zoran Vidović, Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, "Bayesian k-record Analysis for the Lomax Distribution Using Objective Priors", Journal of Mathematical Extension, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1-23, 2024, ISSN 1735-8299, (ESCI, IF2023=0.4).

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    1. Jelena Nikolić, Dragan Antić, Zoran Perić, "Simply Construction Method for Exponential Source’s Scalar Quantizers", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 11, No. 2(58), pp. 18‑21, 2005, ISSN 1392‑1215, (M51).

    2. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Dragoljub Pokrajac, "Estimation of the Support Region for Laplacian Source Scalar Quantizers", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 47‑51, 2007, ISSN 1335‑3632, (M51).

    3. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Zlatan Eskić, Srbislava Krstić, Nebojša Marković, "Design of Novel Scalar Quantizer Model for Gaussian Source", Information Technology and Control, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 321‑325, 2008, ISSN 1392‑124X, (M51).

    4. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Analysis of Compressor Functions for Laplacian Source’s Scalar Compandor Construction", Data Recording, Storage and Processing, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 15‑24, June 2006, ISSN 1560‑9189 (M52).

    5. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Dragoljub Pokrajac, "New Method for Construction of Optimal Scalar Quantizers for Laplacian Source", International Scientific Journal of Computing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 50‑54, August 2006, ISSN 1727‑6209, (M52).

    6. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Dragoljub Pokrajac, "Hybrid Scalar Quantizer for the Laplacian Source", WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 60‑65, January 2007, ISSN 1109‑2742, (M52).

    7. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Jelena Nikolić, "Optimization of Quantizer’s Segment Treshold Using Spline Approximations for Optimal Compressor Function", Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, pp. 1430‑1434, 2012, ISSN 2152‑7385, doi:10.4236/am.2012.330201, (M52).

    8. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Jelena Nikolić, "Numerical Determination of the Optimal Value of Quantizer’s Segment Threshold Using Quadratic Spline Functions", British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 500‑508, 2013, ISSN 2231‑0851 (M52).

    9. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Miomir Stanković, "Design of Compandor Quantizer for Laplacian Source for Medium Bit Rate Using Spline Approximations", Facta Universitatis Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol. 25, No. 1, April 2012, ISSN 0353-3670, pp. 81‑92, DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1201081V, (M24).

    10. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, "Two Approaches to Design of Forward Adaptive Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantizers", Facta Universitatis Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2013, ISSN 0353-3670, pp. 61‑68, (M24).

    11. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, "Optimal compressor function approximation utilizing Q-function approximations", Facta Universitatis Series: Automatic Control and Robotics. Vol. 15, No. 2, 2016, ISSN 1820-6417, pp. 85‑94 (M24).

    12. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, "Novel Exponential Type Approximations of the Q-Function", Facta Universitatis Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 47‑58, ISSN 1820-6417, 2022. (M52)

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    1. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "On the Effect of Cochannel Interference on Average Symbol Error Probability of MQAM in Nakagami Fading Channels", Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication, and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 727‑729, Bitola, Macedonia, 16‑19 June, 2004, ISBN 9989‑786‑38‑0. (M33)

    2. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "Bennett’s Integral for Uniform Polar Quantization", Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication, and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 11‑14, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro, 29 June‑1 July, 2005, ISBN 86‑85195‑24‑1. (M33)

    3. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Dragoljub Pokrajac, "Analysis of Support Region for Laplacian Source’s Scalar Quantizers", Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2005, Vol. 2, pp. 491‑494, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro, 28‑30 September, 2005, ISBN 0‑7803‑9164‑0. (M33)

    4. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Designig of Scalar Quantizer Based on the Hybrid Model for the Laplacian source", Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication, and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 197‑199, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29 June‑1 July, 2006, ISBN 978‑954‑9518‑37‑5. (M33)

    5. Dragoljub Pokrajac, Aleksandar Lazarević, Jelena Nikolić, "Applications of Neural Networks in Network Intrusion Detection", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference NEUREL 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 59‑64, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 25-27 September, 2006, ISBN 1‑4244‑0432-0. (M33)

    6. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Dragoljub Pokrajac, "Optimal Designing Scalar Quantizers using a Hybrid Quantization Method for the Laplacian source", Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications, pp. 156‑162, Venice, Italy, 20‑22 November, 2006. (M33)

    7. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Dragoljub Pokrajac, "Average Complexity Analysis of Scalar Quantizer Design", Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on TELECOMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATICS (TELE-INFO '07), pp. 22‑27, Dallas, Texas, USA, 22‑24 March, 2007. (M33)

    8. Zoran Perić, Velimir Ilić, Jelena Nikolić, "Design of Hybrid Vector Quantizer for the Gaussian source", Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2007, Vol. 1, pp. 143‑146, Niš, Serbia, 26‑28 September, 2007, ISBN 1‑4244‑1467‑9. (M33)

    9. Dragoljub Pokrajac, Nataša Reljin, Michael Reiter, Stephanie Stotts, Robert Scarborough, Jelena Nikolić, "Adaptive Filters for Water Level Data Processing", Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2007, Vol. 1, pp. 321‑324, Niš, Serbia, 26‑28 September, 2007, ISBN 1‑4244‑1467‑9. (M33)

    10. Dragoljub Pokrajac, Longin Jan Latecki, Aleksandar Lazarević, Jelena Nikolić, "Variable Width Elliptic Gaussian Kernels for Probability Density Estimation", Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2007, Vol. 2, pp. 593‑596, Niš, Serbia, 26‑28 September, 2007, ISBN 1‑4244‑1467‑9. (M33)

    11. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandra Jovanović, Lazar Velimirović, "Design of Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantizer for the Backward Adaptive Algorithm", Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 591‑594, Niš, Serbia, 7‑9 October, 2009, ISBN 978‑1‑4244‑4383‑3. (M33)

    12. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, "Design of Novel Two-Level Quantizer with Extended Huffman Coding for Laplacian Source", Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication, and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2011, Vol. 1, pp. 235‑238, Niš, Serbia, 29 June‑1 July, 2011, ISBN 978‑86‑6125‑031‑6. (M33)

    13. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "Cell Centroid and Cell Midpoint Forward Adaptive Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantizers", X International Conference ETAI 2011, ET-3, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 16‑20 September, 2011, ISBN 978‑608‑65341‑0‑3. (M33)

    14. Zoran H. Perić, Leonid V. Stoimenov, Jelena Nikolić, Goran M. Petković, "Switched Scalar Quantization of a Speech Signal Using Forward and Backward Adaptation", Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Broadcasting Services TELSIKS 2011, Vol. 1, pp. 152‑155, Niš, Serbia, 5‑8 October, 2011, ISBN 978‑1‑4577‑2016‑1. (M33)

    15. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Jelena Nikolić " Design of Compandor Quantizer Using Spline Approximations", Proceedings of the Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2013, on CD, pp. 428‑434, Beograd, 26‑28 Novembar, 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-1419-7. (M31)

    16. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, “Optimal Design of Piecewise Linear Companding Scalar Quantizer for Laplacian Source of Unit Variance”, XIII International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, Niš, Serbia, November 09th-11th, 2016, A2, pp. 31-34. (M33)

    17. Stefan Tomić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Wideband Speech Signal Coding with the Implementation of Modified BTC Algorithm", Proceedings of the 52th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2017, Issue 1, pp. 36‑39, Serbia, Niš, June 28 – 30, 2017. ISSN: 2603-3259 (Print) ISSN: 2603-3267 (Online).  (M33)

    18. Duško Lukač, Miljana Milić, Jelena Nikolić, "From Artificial Intelligence to Augmented Age An Overview", Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics 2018 (ZINC 2018), Novi Sad, May 30 – 31, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ZINC.2018.8448793. (M33)

    19. Aleksandra Jovanović , Zoran Perić , Jelena Nikolić, Anastasija Perić, "Analysis of Optimal Companding Quantization for Laplacian Source", 14th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - ПЕС 2019, August 26 – 28, 2019, Niš, Serbia. (M33)

    20. Zoran H. Perić, Aleksandra Ž. Jovanović, Jelena R. Nikolić, Anastasija Z. Perić, "Analysis of Semilogarithmic Companding Quantization", The 14th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications TELSIKS 2019, pp. 348-351, Niš, Serbia, October 23‑25, 2019, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-0878-0 (M33).

    21. Stefan S. Tomić, Zoran H. Perić, Jelena R. Nikolić, "High Quality Differential Speech Signal Coding Based on Backward Adaptation Technique," 2019 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), pp. 1-6, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019 (M31).

    22.  Aleksandra Jovanović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "The Effect of Uniform Data Quantization on GMM-based Clustering by Means of EM Algorithm", 20th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), pp. 1-5, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 17-19, 2021, ISBN: 978-99976-710-8-0, (M33).

    23. Dejan Ćirić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Nikola Vučić, "Audio Signal Mapping Into Spectrogram-Based Images for Deep Learning Applications", 20th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), pp. 1-6, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 17-19, 2021, ISBN: 978-99976-710-8-0, (M33).

    24. Dejan Ćirić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Nikola Vučić, "Intra-class and inter-class differences in mel-spectrogram images of DC motor sounds", 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications TELSIKS 2021, pp. 189-192, Niš, Serbia, October 20-22, 2021 (M33).

    25. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Stefan Tomić, Danijela Aleksić, "On Different Criteria for Optimizing the Two-bit Uniform Quantizer", XXI International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2022, Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-4, Jahorina, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 16‑18, 2022 (M33).

    26. Jelena R. Nikolić, Stefan S. Tomić, Zoran H. Perić, Danijela R. Aleksić "Analysis of Neural Network Accuracy Degradation due to Uniform Weight Quantization of One or More Layers", 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2022, pp. 1-4, Ohrid, North Macedonia, June 16-18, 2022, ISBN: 978-1-6654-8500-5 (M33).

    27. Zoran H. Perić, Bojan D. Denić, Nikola J. Vučić, Aleksandra Ž.  Jovanović, Jelena R. Nikolić, "Performance Analysis of Fixed-Point and Floating-Point 32-bit Quantizers for L1 Norm and Laplacian Source", 58th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2023), pp. 17-20, Niš, Serbia, 2023, ISBN:979-8-3503-1073-3 (M33).

    28. Aleksandra Ž. Jovanović, Jelena R. Nikolić, Zoran H. Perić, "On the Rate Redundancy of Uniform Scalar Quantization and Golomb-Rice Coding", 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS 2023), pp. 324-327, Niš, Serbia, 2023, ISBN: 979-8-3503-4702-9 (M33).

    29. Sofija Perić, Aleksandra Jovanović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Performance Analysis of Two-stage Uniform Quantization of Laplacian Data", XVII International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, pp. 47-50, Niš, Serbia, November 14-15, 2024 (M33).

    30. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, "A Novel Method for the Design of Piecewise Linear Compressor Function Based on the First Derivate Approximation of Optimal Compressor Function in the Case of Gaussian Source", Abstract Proceedings of the First International Conference TAKTONS, Novi Sad, 9‑12.11.2011. (M34)

    31. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Stefan Tomić, Aleksandra Jovanović (2015) “An Adaptive High Quality Speech Coding Algorithm”, 3rd Int. Acoustics and Audio Engineering Conference, TAKTONS-2015, 18-21.11.2015, Novi Sad, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-7892-555-9, Org: RTV Vojvodine, AES, Dirigent Acoustics, FTN-UNS, pp. 92-95, (M34)

    32. Nikola Simić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "BTC Algorithm with Variance Modelling Based Approach", Book of Abstracts – The Fifth International Conference TAKTONS, pp. 1-2, Novi Sad, Serbia, 6-9.11.2019. (M34)

    33. Aleksandra Jovanović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Semilogarithmic Companding Quantization for Laplacian Amplitudes with Wide Amplitude Dynamic", Book of Abstracts – The Fifth International Conference TAKTONS, pp. 3-5, Novi Sad, Serbia, 6-9.11.2019. (M34)

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "Mogućnost primene optimalnog zakona kompresije u A/D konverziji govornog signala", Zbornik radova           YU INFO 2004 - Simpozijuma o računarskim naukama i informacionim tehnologijama, CD izdanje, Kopaonik, 2004. (M63)

    2. Zoran Perić, Danijela Aleksić, Jelena Nikolić, "Benetov integral za uniformnu polarnu kvantizaciju", Zbornik radova 48. konferencije ETRAN, Sveska 2, str. 52-55, Čačak, 6‑10 Jun, 2004, ISBN 86‑80509‑50‑7. (M63)

    3. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "Analiza metoda skalarne kvantizacije za Laplasov izvor", Zbornik radova XII telekomunikacionog foruma TELFOR 2004, CD izdanje, Beograd, 2004. (M63)

    4. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "Primena μ-zakona kompresije kod neuniformne polare kvantizacije", Zbornik radova XII telekomunikacionog foruma TELFOR 2004, CD izdanje, Beograd, 2004. (M63)

    5. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "Analiza metoda konstrukcije skalarnog kvantizera za eksponencijalni izvor", Zbornik radova V simpozijuma Industrijske elektronike INDEL 2004, str. 96‑98, Banja Luka, 11‑12 Novembar, 2004. (M63)

    6. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "Procena amplitudskog opsega skalarnog kvantizera za Laplasov izvor", Zbornik radova YU INFO 2005Simpozijuma o računarskim naukama i informacionim tehnologijama, CD izdanje, Kopaonik, 2005. (M63)

    7. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Danijela Aleksić, "Procena amplitudskog opsega skalarnog kvantizera za Rejlijev izvor ", Zbornik radova 49. konferencije ETRAN, Sveska 2, str. 57‑60, Budva, 5‑10 Jun, 2005. (M63)

    8. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Inicijalizacija Lloyd-Max-ovog algoritma optimalne skalarne kvantizacije za Laplasov izvor", Zbornik radova 50. konferencije ETRAN, Sveska 2, str. 23‑26, Beograd, 6‑8 Jun, 2006, ISBN 86‑80509‑59‑0. (M63)

    9. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, "Projektovanje optimalnog skalarnog kompandora", Zbornik radova 51. konferencije ETRAN, Herceg Novi - Igalo, 4‑8 Jun, 2007, ISBN 978‑86‑80509‑62‑4. (M63)

    10. Stefan Panić, A. Mosić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Primena wavelets transformacije na sinusnom test signalu", Zbornik radova XV telekomunikacionog foruma TELFOR 2007, str. 373‑375, Beograd, 20‑22 Novembar, 2007. (M63)

    11. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Zlatan Eskić, "Projektovanje hibridnog skalarnog kvantizera za Gausov izvor", Zbornik  radova  INFOTEH  JAHORINA 2008, Vol. 7, str. 97‑101, Jahorina, 26‑28 Mart, 2008. (M63)

    12. Aleksandra Jovanović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Optimalna radijalna kompresorska funkcija kod geometrijske latis vektorske kvantizacije Laplasovog izvora bez memorije", Zbornik radova 52. konferencije ETRAN, Palić, 8‑12 Jun, 2008, ISBN 978‑86‑80509‑63‑1. (M63)

    13. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandra Jovanović, "Primena adaptacije unazad pri kvantovanju govornog signala", Zbornik radova VII konferencije Digitalna obrada govora i slike DOGS 2008, str. 98-101, Kelebija, 2-3 Oktobar, 2008, ISBN 978‑86‑7892‑136‑0. (M63)

    14. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Aleksandar Jocić, "Speech Coding Using a Novel Forward Adaptive Companding Technique", Zbornik radova VII konferencije Digitalna obrada govora i slike DOGS 2008, str. 102‑105, Kelebija, 2‑3 Oktobar, 2008, ISBN 978‑86‑7892‑136‑0. (M63)

    15. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandar Jocić, "Kodovanje govornog signala unazad adaptivnim optimalnim skalarnim kompandorom", Zbornik radova XVI telekomunikacionog foruma TELFOR 2008, CD izdanje, str. 420‑423, Beograd, 25‑27 Novembar, 2008. (M63)

    16. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Lazar Velimirović, "Adaptacija deo po deo uniformnog kvantizera na osnovu memorije od jedne reči", Zbornik radova INFOTEH JAHORINA 2009, Vol. 8, Ref. B-I-9, str. 118‑121, Jahorina, 18‑20 Mart, 2009, ISBN 99938‑624‑2‑8. (M63)

    17. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Zlatan Eskić, "Projektovanje linearizovanog hibridnog skalarnog kvantizera za Gausov izvor", Zbornik radova INFOTEH JAHORINA 2009, Vol. 8, Ref. B-I-10, str. 122‑125, Jahorina, 18‑20 Mart, 2009, ISBN‑99938‑624‑2‑8. (M63)

    18. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Lukić, "Konstrukcija dvostepenog kvantizera sa ugrađenim G.711 kodekom", Zbornik radova 53. konferencije ETRAN, T.E.3.5.1-4, Vrnjačka Banja, 15‑18 Jun 2009, ISBN 978‑86‑80509‑64‑8. (M63)

    19. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Linearizacija optimalne kompresorske funkcije", Zbornik radova XVII telekomunikacionog foruma TELFOR 2009, CD izdanje, str. 572‑575, Beograd, 24‑26 Novembar, 2009. (M63)

    20. Zoran Perić, Goran Petković, Jelena Nikolić, "Prekidačka skalarna kvantizacija govornog signala u širokom dinamičkom opsegu varijansi", Zbornik radova 54. konferencije ETRAN, T.E.3.4, Donji Milanovac, 7‑10 Jun, 2010. (M63)

    21. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandra Jovanović, "Konstrukcija deo po deo uniformnog kvantizera i primena u kodovanju govornog signala", Zbornik radova VIII konferencije Digitalna obrada govora i slike DOGS 2010, str. 85‑88, Iriški Venac, 16‑18 Decembar, 2010, ISBN 978‑86‑7892‑311‑1. (M63)

    22. Jelena Nikolić, Zoran Perić, "Piecewise Uniform Scalar Quantization Technique for Laplacian Source with Application in Speech Coding", Proceedings of the Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, on CD, pp. 639‑646, Beograd, 22‑24 Novembar, 2011, ISBN 978‑1‑4577‑1500‑6, (invited paper). (M61)

    23. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "A Simple Improvement of Uniform Quantizer for Gaussian Source", Proceedings of the Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011, on CD, pp. 647‑650, Beograd, 22‑24 Novembar, 2011, ISBN 978‑1‑4577‑1500‑6. (M63)

    24. Danijela Aleksić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Određivanje opsega kvazilogaritamskog kompandora za Laplasov izvor", Zbornik radova YU INFO 2012, str. 355‑358, 29.02.‑03.03.2012., Kopaonik, 2012, ISBN: 978-86-85525-09-4. (M63)

    25. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Miomir Stanković, "Aproksimacija optimalne kompresorske funkcije pomoću splajn funkcija", Zbornik radova YU INFO 2012, str. 331‑334, 29.02.‑03.03.2012., Kopaonik, 2012, ISBN: 978-86-85525-09-4. (M63)

    26. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, "Optimizacija kvazilogaritamskog kompandora  za Laplasov izvor", Zbornik radova YU INFO 2013, str. 424‑427, 03.03.‑06.03.2013., Kopaonik, 2013, ISBN: 978-86-85525-11-7. (M63)

    27. Aleksandar Jocić, Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandra Jovanović, Dragan Denić, Goran Miljković, "Iterativni postupak adaptacije opsega kvantizera u okviru DPCM sistema", Zbornik radova YU INFO 2014, 09.03.‑13.03.2014., Kopaonik, 2014. (M63)

    28. Aleksandar V. Jocić, Zoran H. Perić, Jelena R. Nikolić, Dragan B. Denić, Goran S. Miljković, "Kompresija ECG signala primenom iterativnog postupka adaptacije kvantizera u okviru DPCM sistema", Zbornik radova X konferencije Digitalna obrada govora i slike DOGS 2014, Novi Sad, str. 7578, 5-9. oktobar 2014, ISBN: 978-86-7892-633-4. (M63)

    29. Stefan S. Tomić, Zoran H. Perić, Jelena R. Nikolić, "Kodovanje govornog signala primenom modifikovanog BTC algoritma", Zbornik radova XI konferencije Digitalna obrada govora i slike DOGS 2017, Novi Sad, str. 4548, 22-25. novembar 2017, ISBN: 978-86-7892-993-9. (M63)

    30. Lazar Velimirović, Zoran Perić, Miomir Stanković, Jelena Nikolić, "Design of Asymmetrical Scalar Quantizer with Extended Huffman Coding for Gaussian Source", Druga nacionalna konferencija Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene Beograd, str. 14‑16, Srbija, 27. i 28. Septembar 2012. (M64)

    31. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Vladica Đorđević, "Linearization of the Optimal Compressor Function for Gaussian Mixture Model", The first national conference Information theory and complex systems, Tinkos 2013, Beograd, str. 14‑16, Srbija, 27. i 28. Septembar 2013. (M64)

  • Tehnička rešenja:

    1. Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Novi algoritam adaptivnog skalarnog kvantizera, Elektronski fakultet u Nišu (М85).

Poslednji put izmenjeno subota, 01 februar 2025 22:04