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Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.Lidija Rančić
Dodatne informacije
Lični podaci
- Datum rođenja: 16.05.1965.
- Mesto rođenja: Niš
- Fakultet: Filozofski fakultet
- Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Matematika
- Godina diplomiranja: 1988.
Spisak publikacija
Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:
1. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić, Dušan Milošević: Numeričko rešavanje nelinearnih jednačina, Elektronski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, (2009).
(ISBN 978-86-6125-000-2) (M42)
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
1. Miodrag S. Petković, Ljiljana D. Petković, . Lidija Z. Rančić: Higher-order simultaneous methods for the determination of polznomial multiple zeros, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 80, No.11, (2003), 1407--1427. (M23)
2. Snežana M. Ilić, Lidija Z. Rančić: On a modification of the Ehrlich-Aberth method for simultaneous approximation of the polynomial zeros, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 81, No. 4, (2004), 455-471. (M23)
3. Miodrag S. Petković, Snežana Ilić, Lidija Z. Rančić: The convergence of a family of parallel zero-finding methods ,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 48 (2004), 455--467. (M23)
4. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić: On the guaranteed convergence of the square-root iteration method, Jurnal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 170 (2004) 169--179. (M22)
5. Miodrag S. Petković, Tetsuya Sakurai, Lidija Z. Rančić: Family of simultaneous methods of Hansen-Patrick's type, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 50 (2004), 489--510. (M22)
6. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić: On the guaranteed convergence of the fourth order simultaneous method for polynomial zeros, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 155, (2004), 531--543. (M22)
7. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić: A new fourth order family of simultaneous methods for finding polynomial zeros, Applied Mathematics and Computation 164 (2005), 227--248. (M22)
8. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić: A family of root-finding methods with accelerated convergence, Computers and Mathematics with Applications Vol. 51 (2006), 999--1010.
(ELSEVIER,, ISSN 0898-1221) (M22)
9. Miodrag S. Petković, Ljiljana Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić: Point estimation of simultaneous methods for solving polynomial equations: A survey (II), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 205, (2007), 32—52.
(ELSEVIER,, ISSN 0377-0427) (M21)
10. Ljiljana D.Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić, Miodrag S. Petković: An efficient higher order family of root finders, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 216, Iss. 1, (2008) 56-72.
(ELSEVIER,, ISSN 0377-0427) (M21)
11. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić, Ljiljana Petković, Snežana Ilić: Chebyshev-like root-finding methods with accelerated convergence, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol. 16, (2009), 971--994.
(John Wiley\& Sons, Ltd.,, ISSN 1099-1506) (M21)
12. Lidija Z. Rančić, Miodrag S. Petković: A note on the improved derivative free root-solvers, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Vol. 223, (2009), 535—539. (ELSEVIER,, ISSN 0377-0427) (M21)
13. M. S. Petković, L. Z. Rančić, M. R. Milošević, On the new fourth-order methods for the simultaneous approximation of polynomial zeros, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235 (2011), 4056-4075. (M 21)
14. M. S. Petković, L. Rančić, M. Milošević, On the improved Farmer-Loizou method for finding polynomial zeros, Int. J. Comput. Math. 89 (2012), 499-509. (M 23)
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
1. Gradimir V. Milovanović, Lidija Z. Marinković (Rančić): Extremal problems for coefficients of algebraic polynomials, Facta Universitatis (Niš) Series: Mathematics and Informatics, 5 (1990), 25--36. (M51)
2. Gradimir V. Milovanović, Lidija Z. Rančić: An estimate for coefficients of polynomials in norm II}, Publications de l'Institut Mathematique, Nouvelle serie, tome 58 (72), (1995), 137--142. (M51)
3. Igor Ž. Milovanović, Lidija Z. Rančić, Radosav Ž. Đorđević:Inequalities for coefficients of algebraic polynomials, FILOMAT (Niš) 9:1 (1995), 93--99. (M51)
4. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić, Dušan Milošević: On the guaranteed convergence of the japanese zero-finding method, Publications de l'Institut Mathematique, Nouvelle serie, tome 73 (87), (2003), 59--72. (M51)
5. Snežana M. Ilić, Lidija Z. Rančić: On the fourth order zero-finding methods for polynomials, FILOMAT 17 (2003), 35--46. (M51)
6. Lidija Z. Rančić, Miodrag S. Petković: Square-root families for the simultaneous approximation of polynomial multiple zeros, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 35, No.1, (2005), 59--70. (M51)
7. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić, Dušan Milošević: Laguerre-like methods for the simultaneous approximation of polynomial multiple zeros, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 16 Num. 1 (2006), 31--44.
(Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu, ISSN 0354-0243) (M51)
8. Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić: On the guaranteed convergence of the Chebyshev-like method for computing polynomial zeros, Facta Universitatis (Niš),
Series: Mathematics and Informatics, 21 (2006), 77--86.
(University of Niš, Yugoslavia, ISSN 0352-9665) (M51)
9. Lidija Z. Rančić: Point Estimation of Cubically Convergent Root Finding Method of Weierstrass’ Type, Facta Universitatis (Niš), Series: Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 28 Num. 4 (2013), 417--428.(M51)
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
1. Miodrag S. Petković, Dušan Milošević, Lidija Z. Rančić: Family of iterative methods for computing the zeros of analytic functions, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 46, No. 2 (2008), 181--189. Invited Lecture Delivered at Forth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing (Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 12--18, 2007).
(Academic Publications, ISSN 1311-8080) (M31)
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
1. Lidija Z. Rančić: A new family of root-finders, Proceedings of the XVI Conference of Applied Mathema\-tics, Budva, 31.5.-4.6.2004, (N. Kreji\'c, Z. Lu\v zanin, eds.), Institute of Mathematics, Novi Sad 2006, (119-127). (M63)
2. Ljiljana D. Petković, Miodrag S. Petković, Lidija Z. Rančić: Higher-order methods of Chebyshev's type for solving polynomial equations, Proceedings of the XVII Conference of Applied Mathematics, Kragujevac, September 25-27, 2006, (Đ . Herceg, H. Zarin, eds.),
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Novi Sad 2007, (71-77). (M63)