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Datum kreiranja: 13.01.2019.

Jelena Bijeljic

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 02.12.1989.
  • Mesto rođenja: Niš
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Doktorandi van Univerziteta
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: konstruktivni
  • Godina diplomiranja: 2013
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    - А. Boričić, Ј. Bijeljić: „Praktikum iz reciklabilnih materijala“Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija Niš, Niš 2018. ISBN 978-86-85391-36-1

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    - S. Marinković, M. Protić, S. Paunović, I. Nešović, J. Bijeljić: “Application of industrial by-products as mineral admixtures for self-compacting concreteJournal Gradevinar, 70 (2018) 1, pp. 31-38, doi: (M 23)

     - J. Bijeljić, N. Ristić, Z. Grdić, G. Topličić-Ćurčić, D. Đorđević: “Durability Properties of Ladle Slag Geopolymer Mortar Based on Fly Ash”, Science of Sintering, 52 (2020) 2, pp. 231-243, doi: 676.017.2; 678.7; 664.64.016.3 petogodisnji IF za 2018. 0.941 (M 22)


    - N. Ristić, E. Petrović, J. Bijeljić, M. Simonović, D. Grdić, V. Nikolić, Z. Grdić: “Gaussian Regression Process for Prediction of Compressive Strength of Thermally Activated Geopolymer Mortars”, Technical Gazette, 29 (2022) 6, pp. 1833-1840, doi:, petogodisnji IF za 2017-2021. 0.789 (M 23)

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    - J. Bijeljić, N. Ristić, Z. Grdić, G. Topličić – Ćurčić, N. Stojković: "Influence of used waste cathode ray tube glass on alkali silicate reaction and mechanical properties of mortar mixtures", Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol. 16, No3 (2018) ISSN 0354-4605, COBISS.SR-ID 98807559, PP. 437-448, (M 24)

    Nenad Ristić,  Jelena Bijeljić, Zoran Grdić, Gordana Topličić-Ćurčić, Dušan Grdić: "Otpornost na smrzavanje i odmrzavanje geopolimernih maltera na bazi elektrofilterskog pepela sa dodatkom crvenog mulja", "Nauka+Praksa", izdavač: Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, br. 22/2019, ISSN 1451-8341, str. 28-34

    - N. Ristić, D. Grdić, J. Bijeljić, Z. Grdić, G. Topličić – Ćurčić: "Properties of steel-polypropilene hybrid fibers rainforced concrete", Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol. 19, No3 (2021), PP. 235-244, (M 24)

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

    - J. Bijeljić, N. Ristić, Z. Grdić, G. Topličić - Ćurčić"Alkali – silica reaction testing of mortar with added waste CRT glass“International Symposium on Researching and Application of Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering in the Field of Materials and Structures",  Procedings, 624/628(082), 69(082), 666.7/.9(082), ISBN 978-86-87615-08-3, COBISS.SR-ID 247427852, DIMKS, Vrsac, 18-20. oktobar 2017., p.p. 185-193 (M 33) 

    - J. Bijeljić, M. Protić, S. Marinković, N. Ristić, Z. Grdić: “Mechanical properties of steel-polypropylene hybrid fiber - rainforced concrete” University of Novi Sad, International Scientific Conference planning, design, construction and building renewal, iNDiS 2015, Vol.13. No.3, pp 152-160, (M 33)

    - J. Bijeljić, M. Protić: „Regional construction waste management” The sixth international conference Transport and logistics, Niš 25-26 May 2017. pp 270-280 33)

    - J. Bijeljić, S. Paunović, I. Nešović, B. Milošević: „Influence of calcined clays on the fresh properties of self-compacting concrete” Journal of faculty of civil engineering, International Scientific Conference contemporary achievements in civil engineering – Subotica 2014, ISSN 0352-6852, pp 509-515, 33)

    - S. Paunović, J. Bijeljić, I. Nešović: „Phase change materials as an universal solution for termoregulation“ Second Conference for PhD students in Civil Engineering Cluj-Napoca, Romania 10-13 December 2014, 33)

    - J. Bijeljić, M. Protić, N. Tošić: “Impact of different thermal activated calcined clays to properties of concrete”, 10th  International Conference "Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development" SED 2017. 33)

    - N. Tošić, J. Bijeljić, N. Petrović, M. Pavlović:  “Analysis of the evaluation plan and procedure from college of applied technical scienсe Niš”, 10th  International Conference "Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development" SED 2017. 33)

    - J. Bijeljić, N. Tošić, S. Stanković: „Construction waste and impact on the environmention“ 12. Мeđunarodno savetovanje ''Rizik i bezbedonosni inženjering'', Kopaonik 9-11. Januar 2017. pp 208-217, (M 33)

    - N. Tošić, N. Petrović, J. Bijeljić: „Poplave kao uzrok degradacije životne sredine“ XIII međunarodno savetovanje ''Rizik i bezbedonosni inženjering'', Kopaonik, 9-11. januar 2018, p.p. 306-313. ISBN 978-86-6211-112-8, (M 33)

    - N. Tošić, J. Bijeljić, S. Stanković: „Thermal imaging approach fire protection in the instance of chimney drain“ 12. Мeđunarodno savetovanje ''Rizik i bezbedonosni inženjering'', Kopaonik 9-11. Januar 2017. p.p 369-377, (M 33)

    J. Bijeljić, N. Ristić, Z. Grdić , G. Topličić - Ćurčić, D. Grdić , D. Krstić: "Effects of ground granulated blast furnace slag on physical – mechanical characteristics of geopolymer mortars based on fly ash", Proceedings The 14th International Scientific Conference (iNDiS), with Subconference "Eco build", Novi Sad, 21-23 November 2018, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of tehnical sciences, Departman of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Department of Arcitecture and Urban Planning, 2018., ISBN 978-86-6022-105-8, CIP 69.05(082) 624(082) 72:502.1(082), COBISS.SR-ID 326766855, Novi Sad, Serbia, 21-23 November 2018, p.p 1231–1240 (M 33)

    - D. Grdić, N. Ristić, G. Topličić-Ćurčić, D. Krstić, J. Bijeljić: "Potential for making concrete paving blocks and tiles using cathode ray tube glass", Proceedings The 14th International Scientific Conference (iNDiS), with Subconference "Eco build", Novi Sad, 21-23 November 2018, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of tehnical sciences, Departman of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Department of Arcitecture and Urban Planning, 2018., ISBN 978-86-6022-105-8, CIP 69.05(082) 624(082) 72:502.1(082), COBISS.SR-ID 326766855, Novi Sad, Serbia, 21-23 November 2018, p.p 365–374 (M 33)

    J. Bijeljić, N. Ristić: "Ecological and mechanical characteristics of traditional and modern building materials", Fourth international symposium on corrosion and materials protection, environmental protection and protection against fire, 18.-21. september Bar, Montenegro, p 153 - 164, ISBN 978-9940-9334-3-2 (M 33)

    J. Bijeljić, N. Ristić, Z. Grdić, G. Topličić - Ćurčić, D. Grdić"Impact of by-products on characteristics of geopolymer mortar mixtures", Journal of faculty of civil engineering, 7th International Scientific Conference contemporary achievements in civil engineering, Subotica, UDK: 666.972.124, DOI:10.14415/konferencijaGFS2019.045, ISBN 978-86-80297-78-1, COBISS SR-ID 329059335, Subotica, april 2019, p.p. 505-514 (M 33)

    - J. Bijeljić, N. Ristić, G. Topličić – Ćurčić, Z. Grdić, D. Grdić, D. Krstić, "Freeze – thaw resistance of geopolymer mortar based on industrial byproducts", V International Symposium for Students of Doctoral Studies in the Fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Protection PhIDAC 2019, 24 - 25 October, Nis, Serbia - Proceedings, publisher: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, ISBN 978-86-88601-43-6, CIP - 624(082)(0.034.2);72(082)(0.034.2);502/504(082)(0.034.2), p.p. 312-381 (M33)

     Dusan Z. Grdic, Nenad S. Ristic, Gordana A. Toplicic - Curcuc, Jelena Bijeljić, Zoran J. Grdić: Resistance of concrete made with finely milled cathode ray tube glass as a supplementary cementitious materials to sulphate attack”, CoMS 2020/21, 2nd International Conference on Conctruction Materials for a Sustaniable Future , Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference CoMS 2020/21, Volume 1, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), Ljubljana, 2020, ISBN 978-961-94071-8-9 (pdf), CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani, COBISS.SI-ID=44042499, p.p. 96 -105 (M33)

    Jelena Bijeljić, Nenad Ristić, Natalija Tošić, Milan Protić, Impact of different thermal activated calcined clays to concrete properties: a review.  10th International conference science and higher education in function of sustainable development, SED 2017, pp.18-22, 6-7 oktobar, Mećavnik, Mokra Gora, Užice, Srbija (M 33 = 1,0)

    J. Bijeljić, N. Ristić: "Ecological and mechanical characteristics of traditional and modern building materials", Fourth international symposium on corrosion and materials protection, environmental protection and protection against fire, 18.-21. September 2018. Bar, Montenegro, p 153 - 164, ISBN 978-9940-9334-3-2 (M 33 = 1,0)

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    - J. Bijeljić, N. Petrović, N. Tošić, N. Ristić: „Građevinski otpad iz javnih objekata kao posledica koncepta linearnog upravljanja otpadom“, 4. Naučno-stručni skup Politehnika 2017. Beograd, 8. decembar 2017., p.p. 47- 52, (M 63)  

    - N. Petrović, N. Tošić, J. Bijeljić, M. Pavlović: „Analiza koncentracije čađi u vazduhu u Gradu Nišu za period 2010. do 2017. godine“, 17. Nacionalni naučni skup sa Međunarodnim učešćem „Upravljanje komunalnim sistemom i zaštita životne sredine“ Niš, 06-08 decembar 2017. p.p. 182-188, ISBN 978-86-6093-084-4, (M 63) 

    - J. Bijeljić, N.Tošić: „Analysis of campaign for collection of waste batteries” Druga naučna konferencija, Visoka škola strukovnih studija – Aranđelovac 2017, ISBN 978-86-81089-04-0, pp 56-61, (M 63)

    - N. Tošić, A. Boričić, J. Bijeljić, M. Pavlović; Ispitivanje fizičko-hemijskih parametara vode iz reke Nišave na karakterističnim mernim mestima“, 4. Savetovanje sa međunarodnim učešćem, Opasan industrijski otpad, tretman industrijskih otpadnih voda i komunalni otpad, Subotica, Maj 2018. ISBN: 978-86-80464-11-4, (M 63)

Poslednji put izmenjeno ponedeljak, 12 decembar 2022 11:08