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Datum kreiranja: 30.01.2014.

Jelka Crnobrnja Isailović

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 28.08.1962
  • Mesto rođenja: Beograd
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu
  • Odsek / Grupa / Smer: Biološke nauke/Opšta biologija/Biologija populacija
  • Godina diplomiranja: 1986
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    1. Gasc, J-P., Cabela, A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Dolmen, D., Grossenbacher, K., Haffner, P., Lescure, J., Martens, H., Martinez-Rica, J.P., Maurin, H., Oliveira, M.L., Sofianidou, T.S., Veith, M., Zuiderwijk, A. (Eds.). (1997). Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. Societas Europaea Herpetologica & Museum Nationall d' Histoire Naturelle (IEGB/SPN), Paris, 496 p.

    2. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Haxhiu, I. (1997). Vipera ammodytes, in: Gasc, J-P et al (Eds.): Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. Societas Europaea Herpetologica & Museum Nationall d' Histoire Naturelle (/), Paris, 384-385.

    3. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Džukić, G. (1997). Lacerta mosorensis; in: Gasc, J.-P. (Eds.): Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe Societas Europaea Herpetologica & Museum Nationall d' Histoire Naturelle (/), Paris,  250-251.

    4. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G. (1997).Lacerta oxycephala, in: Gasc, J.-P. (Ed.): Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe Societas Europaea Herpetologica & Museum Nationall d' Histoire Naturelle (/), Paris, 252-253.

    5. Tomović, Lj. Ajtić, R., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2003). Contribution to Distribution and Conservation of Herpetofauna on Bjelasica Mountain in Montenegro. In Pešić, V (Ed.). The Biodiversity of the Biogradska Gora National Park. Monographies I, Department of Biology, University of Montenegro & Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro, 140-148

    6. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2007). Cross - section of a refugium: genetic diversity of amphibian and reptile populations in the Balkans. In: Weiss, S and Ferrand, N. (Eds.), Phylogeography of Southern European refugia. Springer, 327 - 337.

    7. Anthony, B., Arntzen, J.W., Baha El Din, S., Böhme, W., Cogalniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Crochet, P.-A., Corti, C., Griffiths, R., Kaneko, Y., Kuzmin, S., Wai Neng Lau, M., Li, P., Lymberakis, P., Marquez, R., Papenfuss, T., Pleguezuelos, J.M., Rastegar, N., Schmidt, B., Slimani, T., Sparreboom, M., Ugurtas, I., Werner, Y., Xie, F. (2008). Amphibians of the Palaearctic realm. In: Stuart, S.N., Hoffmann, M., Chanson, J.S., Cox, N.A., Berridge, R.J., Ramani, P., and Young, B.E. (Eds.), Threatened Amphibians of the World. Lynx Edicions, with IUCN - The World Conservation Union, Conservation International and NatureServe, Barcelona, 106-113.

    8.  Crnobrnja Isailović, J., Adrović, A., Ćafuta, M, Ćosić, N., Jelić, D., Kotrošan, D., Lisičić, D, Marinković, S., Poboljšaj, K., Presetnik, P., Sekulić, G. (2015). Fauna of the Riparian Ecosystems – Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals. In:  (R. Milačič, J. Ščančar, M. Paunović Eds.)  The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 31.  The Sava River . Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, 401-436.

     9. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Paunović, M. (2015) Conservation and Decline of European Amphibians: The Republic of Serbia. In: (H Heathvole, J Wilkinson Eds) Amphibian Biology Vol 11. Part 4.Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Eastern Hemisphere: Southern Europe and Turkey. Pelagic Publishing, Exeter, UK, 45-55.

    10. Crnobrnja Isailović, J., Milojković, D., Macura, B. (2015) Vodozemci i gmizavci Đerdapa/Amphibians and Reptiles of Đerdap. JP Nacionalni Park Đerdap/PE Djerdap National Park, Donji Milanovac, Serbia, 192 p. (bilingual monograph – Serbian/English)

    11. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Polović, L., Ljubisavljević, K., Čađenović, N., Čubrić, T., Haxhiu, I. (2018) Diversity and Conservation Status of Batrachofauna and Herpetofauna in the Lake Skadar Region. In (V. Pešić, G. Karaman, A. Kostianoy, Eds.) The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol. XX.  The Skadar/Shkodra Lake Environment. Springer-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, 383-414.

    12. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Jovanović, B., Čubrić, T., Ćorović, J., Gopčević, K. (2020) Chapter 7. The benefits of active substances in amphibians and reptiles and the jeopardy of losing those species forever. In (Ozturk, M., Egamberdieva, D., Pešić, M.,  Eds.) Biodiversity and Biomedicine - Our Future. Academic Press Elsevier, London, UK, 107-122.

    13. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Adrović, A., Bego, F., Čađenović, N., Hadžiahmetović Jurida E., Jablonski, D., Sterijovski, B., Jovanović Glavaš, O. (2022) The importance of small water bodies’ conservation for maintaining local amphibian diversity in the Western Balkans. In (Pešić, V., Milošević, Đ., Miliša, M.,  Eds.) Small Water Bodies of the Western Balkans. Springer Nature Switzerland A.G., 351 - 387.

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    1. Pešić, V., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Tomović, Lj. (2010). Principi ekologije. Univerzitet Crne Gore.

    2. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. Јеlić, I., Stanisavljević, B., Ćosić. N. (2012) Vodozemci i gmizavci Beograda. Endemit, Beograd.

    3. Stamenković. S., Milošević, Đ., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2014) Opšta Ekologija. Praktikum i radna sveska. Univerzitet u Nišu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet.





  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    1. Gonzales-Candelas, F., Crnobrnja, J., Kalezić, M.L., Moya, A. (1992). Gene flow rates in Yugoslavian populations of the Smooth Newt Triturus vulgaris. J. Evol. Biol., 5: 481-490

    2. Crnobrnja, J., Kalezić, M.L., Tucić, N. (1992). Multilocus structure of the Smooth Newt (Triturus vulgaris, Caudata) natural populations. Gen. Sel. Evol., 24: 385-394.

    3. Bejaković, D., Aleksić, I., Kalezić, M.L., Džukić, G., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (1995). Reproductive cycle and clutch traits in the Dalmatian wall lizard (Podarcis melisellensis). Folia Zoologica, 44, 371-380.

    4. Bejaković, D., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G., Kalezić, M. (1996). Reproductive cycle and clutch size in female sharp-snouted rock lizard, Lacerta oxycephala. Amphibia-Reptilia, 17, 73-77.

    5. Bejaković, D., Aleksić, I., Tarasjev, A., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G., Kalezić, M.L. (1996). Life-history variation in a community of lacertid lizards from the Lake Skadar region (Montenegro). Herpetological  J. 6, 125-132.

    6. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G., Krstić, N., Kalezić, M.L. (1997). Evolutionary and paleogeographical effects on the distribution of the Triturus cristatus superspecies in the central Balkans. Amphibia-Reptilia, 18(4), 321-332.

    7. Milošević-Zlatanović, S., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Stamenković, S., Savić, I. (1997). Genetic variability of Roe deer populations (Capreolus capreolus L.) from northeast Yugoslavia. Z. Saugetierkunde 1, 1-11.

    8. Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. & Ajtić, R. (2004). A preliminary study of the population ecology of Vipera ursinii macrops from eastern Montenegro. Amphibia-Reptilia 25: 316–320.

    9. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Aleksić, I., Bejaković, D. (2005). Fluctuating asymmetry in Podarcis muralis populations from Southern Montenegro: detection of environmental stress in insular populations. Amphibia-Reptilia 26: 149–158.

    10. Babik, W., Branicki, W., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Cogalniceanu, D., Sas, I., Olgun, K., Poyarkov, N., Garcia-Paris, M., Arntzen, J.W. (2005). Phylogeography of two European newt species – discordance between mtDNA and morphology-based specific and subspecific boundaries. Molecular Ecology 14: 2475–2491.

    11. Milošević-Zlatanović, S., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Stamenković, S. (2005). Trends of allozyme variability and differentiation in Serbian roe deer populations (Capreolus capreolus Linnaeus 1758). Acta Theriologica 50 (4), 429-444.

    12. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. Ajtić, R. & Tomović, Lj. (2007). Activity patterns of the sand viper (Vipera ammodytes) from the central Balkans. Amphibia-Reptilia 28: 582–589.

    13. Mikulíček, P., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Pialek, J. (2007). Can microsatellite markers resolve evolutionary relationships between closely related crested newt species (Triturus cristatus superspecies)? Amphibia-Reptilia 28: 467–474.

    14. Tomašević, N., Cvetković, D., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2007). The effect of climatic conditions on post-hibernation body condition of Bufo bufo females. Arch.Biol. Sci.,Belgrade, 59 (3), 51P - 52P.

    15. Cvetković, D., Tomašević, N., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., (2007). Phenotypic selection in Common toad (Bufo bufo). Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 59 (4), 327 - 333.  

    16. Ursenbacher, S., Schweiger, S., Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Fumagalli, L., Mayer W. (2008). Molecular phylogeography of the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes, (Linnaeus, 1758)): evidence for high genetic diversity and multiple refugia in the Balkan peninsula. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46: 1116–1128.

    17. Tomašević, N., Cvetković, D., Aleksić, I., Miaud, C., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2008). Interannual variation in life history traits between neighbouring populations of the widespread amphibian Bufo bufo. La Terre et la Vie – Revue d’écologie 63: 73–83.

    18. Tomović, Lj., Carretero, M. A., Ajtić, R. & Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2008). Evidence for post-natal instability of head scalation in the meadow viper (Vipera ursinii) – patterns and taxonomic implications. Amphibia-Reptilia 29: 61–70.

    19. Cvetković, D., Tomašević, N., Ficetola, G.F., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Miaud, C. (2009). Bergmann’s rule in amphibians: combining demographic and ecological parameters to explain body size variation among populations in the common toad Bufo bufo. Journal of  Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 47(2): 171-180.

    20. Aleksić, I., Đorović, A., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Kalezić, M. (2009). Species and sex size/shape differences in the lacertid community (Podarcis sp. and Archeolacerta sp.) from the Skadar Lake region (Montenegro). Italian Journal of Zoology 76: 43-52

    21. Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Brito, J.C.   (2010). The use of geostatistics and GIS for evolutionary history studies: the case of the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) in the Balkan Peninsula.  Biological Journal of The Linnean Society 101: 651-666.

    22. Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ajtić, R., Aleksić, I., Djordjević, S. (2010). When do meadow vipers become sexually dimorphic?-Ontogenetic patterns of sexual size dimorphism. Journal of  Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 48: 279-282.

    23. Recuero, E., Canestrelli, D.,Voros, J., Szabo, K., Poyarkov, N.A., Arntzen, J.W., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Kidov, A.A, Cogalniceanu, D., Caputo, F.P., Nascetti, G., Martinez-Solano, I. (2012). Multilocus species tree analyses resolve the radiation of the widespread Bufo bufo species group (Anura, Bufonidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62: 71-86.

    24. Ferchaud, А.-L., Ursenbacher, S., Cheylan, M., Luiselli, L., Jelić, D., Halpern, B., Major, A., Kotenko, T., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Tomović, Lj., Ghira, J., Ioannidis, Y., Arnal, V., Montgelard, C. (2012): From south to north: mitochondrial markers reveal an unexpected colonization route for vipers of the Vipera ursinii complex in the Palaearctic region. Journal of Biogeography 39: 1836-1847.

    25. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ćurčić, S., Stojadinović, D., Tomašević-Kolarov, N., Aleksić, I., Tomanović, Ž (2012) Diet Composition and Food Preferences in Adult Common Toads (Bufo bufo) (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae). Journal of Herpetology 46: 562-567.

    26. Lazić, MM., Carretero, MA., Mihailov-Krstev, T. Lazarević-Macanović, M., Krstić, N., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2012). Incidence patterns of ectodermal lesions in wild populations of Common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). Amphibia Reptilia 33: 327-336.

    27. Carretero, M.A., Sillero, N., Lazić, M.M., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2012). Nocturnal activity in a population of Podarcis muralis from Serbia. Herpetozoa 25:  87-89.

    28. Marosi, B., Zinenko, O.I., Ghira, I.V., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Lymberakis, P., Sos, T., Popescu, O. (2012). Molecular data confirms recent fluctuations ofnorthern borderof range of dice snakeNatrix tessellatainEastern Europe NorthWestern Journal of Zoology 8: 374-377.

    29. Ralev, A., Popović, M., Ružić, M., Shurulinkov, P., Daskalova, G., Spasov, L., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2012). A new record of Testudo graeca ibera PAllAS, 1814, in southern Serbia, Herpetozoa 25 (3/4): 151-153

    30. Jelić, D., Ajtić, R., Sterijovski, B., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Lelo, S., Tomović, Lj. (2012). Distribution of the genus Vipera in the western and central Balkans. Herpetozoa 25 (3/4): 109-132.

    31. Lazić, M.M., Kaliopontzoulou, A., Carretero, M.A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2013) Lizards from urban areas are more asymmetric: using fluctuating asymmetry to evaluate environmental disturbance. PLOS ONE 8 (12) e84190: 1-9.

    32. Dufresnes, C., Wassef, J., Ghali, K., Brelsford, A., Stöck, M., Lymberakis, P.,  Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Perrin, N. (2013). Conservation phylogeographics: does historical diversity account for regional vulnerability in European tree frogs (Hyla arborea)? Molecular Ecology 22:5669-5684

    33. Wielstra, B., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Skidmore, A. K., Sotiropoulos, K., Toxopeus, A. G., Tzankov, N., Vukov, T., Arntzen, J. W. (2013). Tracing glacial refugia of Triturus newts based on mitochondrial DNA phylogeography and species distribution modeling. Frontiers in Zoology 10: 13.

    34. Böhm, M., Collen, B., Baillie, J.E.M., Bowles,P.,Chanson, J., Cox, N., Hammerson, G., Hoffmann , M., Livingstone, S.R., Ram, M., Rhodin, A.G.J, Stuart, S.N., van Dijk, P.P., Young, B.E., Afuang, L.E., Aghasyan, A., García, A., Aguilar , C., Ajtic, R., Akarsu, F., Alencar, L.R.V., Allison, A., Ananjeva, N., Anderson, S., Andrén, C., Ariano-Sánchez, D., Arredondo, J.C., Auliya, M., Austin, C.C., Avci, A., Baker, P.J., Barreto-Lima, A.F., Barrio-Amorós, C.L., Basu, D., Bates, M.F., Batistella, A., Bauer, A., Bennett, D., Böhme, W., Broadley, D., Brown, R., Burgess, J., Captain, A., Carreira, S., del Rosario Castañeda, M., Castro, F., Catenazzi, A.,Cedeño-Vázquez, J.R., Chapple, D.G., Cheylan, M., Cisneros-Heredia, D.B., Cogalniceanu, D., Cogger, H., Corti, C., Costa, G.C., Couper , P.J., Courtney , T., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Crochet, P.-A., Crother, B., Cruz, F., Daltry, J., Daniels, R.J.R., Das, I., de Silva, A., Diesmos, A.C., Dirksen, L., Doan, T.M., Dodd, K., Doody, J.S., Dorcas, M.E., Duarte de Barros Filho, J., Egan, V.T., El Mouden, E.H., Embert, D., Espinoza, R.E., Fallabrino, A., Feng, X., Feng, Z.-J., Fitzgerald, L., Flores-Villela, O., Franca, F.G.R., Frost, D., Gadsden, H., Gamble, T., Ganesh, S.R., Garcia, M.A., Garcia-Perez, J.E., Gatus, J., Gaulke, M., Geniez, P., Georges, A., Gerlach, J., Goldberg, S., Gonzalez, J.-C.T., Gower, D.J., Grant, T., Greenbaum, E., Grieco, C., Guo, P., Hamilton, A.M., Hare, K., Hedges, S.B., Heideman, N., Hilton-Taylor, C., Hitchmough, R., Hollingsworth, B., Hutchinson, M., Ineich, I., Iverson, J., Jaksic, F.M., Jenkins, R., Joger, U., Jose, R., Kaska, Y., Kaya, U., Keogh, J.S., Köhler, G., Kuchling, G., Kumlutas, Y., Kwet, A., La Marca, E., Lamar, W., Lane, A., Lardner, B., Latta, C., Latta, G., Lau, M., Lavin, P., Lawson, D., LeBreton, M., Lehr, E., Limpus, D., Lipczynski, N., Lobo, A.S., Lopez-Luna, M.A., Luiselli, L., Lukoschek, V., Lundberg, M., Lymberakis, P., Macey, R., Magnusson, W.E., Mahler, D.L., Malhotra, A., Mariaux, J., Maritz, B., Marques, O.A.V., Marquez, R., Martins, M., Masterson, G., Mateo, J.A., Mathew, R., Mathews, N., Mayer, G., McCranie, J.R., Measey, G.J., Mendoza-Quijano, F., Menegon, M., Metrailler, S., Milton, D.A., Montgomery, C., Morato, S.A.A., Mott, T., Munoz-Alonso, A., Murphy, J., Nguyen, T.Q., Nilson, G., Nogueira, C., Núñez, H., Orlov, N., Ota, H., Ottenwalder, J., Papenfuss, T., Pasachnik, S., Passos, P., Pauwels, O.S.G., Pérez-Buitrago, N., Pérez-Mellado, V., Pianka, E.R., Pleguezuelos, J., Pollock, C., Ponce-Campos, P., Powell, R., Pupin, F., Quintero Díaz, G.E., Radder, R., Ramer, J., A.R., R., Rasmussen, A.R., Raxworthy, C., Reynolds, R., Richman, N., Rico, E.L., Riservato, E., Rivas, G., Rocha, P.L.B., Rödel, M.-O., Rodríguez Schettino, L., Roosenburg, Ross, J.P., W.M., Sadek, R., Sanders, K., Santos-Barrera, G., Schleich, H.H., Schmidt, B.R., Schmitz, A., Sharifi, M., Shea, G., Shi, H., Shine, R., Sindaco, R., Slimani, T., Somaweera, R., Spawls, S., Stafford , P., Stuebing, R., Sweet, S., Sy, E., Temple, H., Tognelli, M.F., Tolley, K., Tolson, P.J., Tuniyev, B., Tuniyev, S., Üzüm, N., van Buurt, G., Van Sluys, M., Velasco, A., Vences, M., Veselý, M., Vinke, S., Vinke, T., Vogel, G., Vogrin, M., Vogt, R.C., Wearn, O.R., Werner, Y.L., Whiting, M.J., Wiewandt, T., Wilkinson , J., Wilson, B., Wren, S., Zamin, T., Zhou, K. & Zug, G. (2013). The conservation status of the worlds reptiles. Biological Conservation 157: 372-385.

    35. Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj., Sterijovski, B., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Djordjević, S., Djurakić, M., Golubović, A., Simović,  A., Arsovski, D., Andjelкović, M., Krstić, M., Šukalo, G., Gvozdenović, S., Aïdam, A., Michel, C. L., Ballouard, J.-M.,  Bonnet, X. (2013).Unexpected life history traits in a very dense population of dice snakes. Zoologische Anzaiger  252:  350–358. 

    36. Ballouard J.M., Ajtic R., Balint H., Brito J., Crnobrnja-Isailovic J., Elmouden E.L., Erdogan M., Feriche M., Pleguezuelos J.M., Prokov P., Sanchez A., Santos X., Slimani T., Sterijovski B., Tomovic L., Usak M., Zuffi M., Bonnet X. (2013). Schoolchildren and one of the most unpopular animals: are they ready to protect snakes? Anthrozoös 26: 93-109.

    37. Stojadinović, D., Milošević, DJ., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2013). Righting time versus shell size and shape dimorphism in adult Hermanns tortoises: Field observations meet theoretical predictions.Animal Biology, 63: 381-396.

    38. Jelić, D., Ajtić, R., Sterijovski, B., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Lelo, S., Tomović, Lj. (2013). Legal Status and Assessment of Conservation Threats to Vipers (Reptilia: Squamata: Viperidae) of the Western and Central Balkans. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8: 764 – 770.

    39. Sillero, N., Campos, J., Bonardi, A., Corti, C, Creemers, R., Crochet, P.-A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Denoël, M., Ficetola, G. F., Gonçalves, J., Kuzmin, S., Lymberakis, P., de Pous, P., Rodríguez , A.,  Sindaco, R., Speybroeck , J., Toxopeus, B., Vieites, D.R., Vences , M. (2014). Updated distribution and biogeography of amphibians and reptiles of Europe Amphibia-Reptilia 35: 1-31.

    40. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Dinov, J., Isailović, O., Ranđelović, V. (2015).  Westernmost record of Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823), in the Rhodope Massif, Serbia. Herpetozoa 27 (3/4):162-165

    41. Lazić, M.M., Carretero, M.A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2015). Effects of environmental disturbance on phenotypic variation: an integrated assessment of canalization, developmental stability, modularity and allometry in lizard head shape. American Naturalist 185: 44-58.

    42.  Dufresnes, C., Brelsford, A., Crnobrnja-Isailoviç, J., Tzankov, N., Lymberakis, P., Perrin, N. (2015). Timeframe of speciation inferred from secondary contact zones in the European tree frog radiation (Hyla arborea group). BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 155.

    43. Freitas, S., Vavakou, A., Arakelyan, M., Drovetski, S.V., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Kidov, A.A., Cogalniceanu, D., Corti, C., Lymberakis, P., Harris, D.J., Carretero, M.A. (2016). Cryptic diversity and unexpected evolutionary patterns in the meadow lizard, Darevskia praticola. Systematics and Biodiversity 14: 184-197.

    44. Lazić, M.M., Carretero, M.A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2016). Postnatal dynamics of developmental stability and canalization of lizard head shape under different environmental conditions. Evolutionary Biology, 43:368-379.

    45. Skourtanioti, E., Kapli, P., Ilgaz, Ç., Kumlutaş, Y., Avcı, A., Ahmadzadeh, F., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Gherghel, I., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2016). A reinvestigation of phylogeny and divergence times of the Ablepharus kitaibelii species complex (Sauria, Scincidae) based on mtDNA and nuDNA genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 103: 199-214.

    46. Ilić, M., Stamenković, G., Nikolić, V., Marković, V., Marinković, N., Paunović, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2016). Identification of syntopic anuran species at early tadpole stages: Corespondence between morphometric and genetic data. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 14: 381-397.

    47. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ćorović, J., Halpern, B. (2016). Deliberate tail loss in Dolichophis caspius and Natrix tessellata (Serpentes: Colubridae) with a brief review of pseudoautotomy in contemporary snake families. NorthWestern Journal of Zoology, 12: 367-372.

    48. Maritz, B., Penner, J., Martins, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Spear, S., Alencar, L.R.V., Sigala Rodriguez, J., Messenger, K., Clark, R.W., Soorae, P., Luiselli, L., Jenkins, C., Greene, H.W.(2016). Identifying global priorities for the conservation of vipers. Biological Conservation, 204: 94-102.

    49. Psonis, N., Antoniou, A., Kukushkin, O., Jablonski, D., Petrov, B., Crnobrnja - Isailović, J., Sotiropoulos, K., Gherghel, I., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2017). Recapitulating the phylogenetic relationships and species limits of the P. tauricus species subgroup (Sauria, Lacertidae) using multilocus phylogenetic and coalescent methods. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 106: 6-17.

    50. Lazić, M.M., Carretero, M.A., Živković, U., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J.  (2017). City life has fitness costs: lower body condition and increased parasite intensity in urban common wall lizards Podarcis muralis. Salamandra, 53: 10-17.

    51. Popović, M., Šašić, M., Medenica, I., Šeat, J., Đurđević, A., Crnobrnja - Isailović, J. (2017). Living on the edge: the population ecology of Phengaris teleius in Serbia. Journal of Insect Conservation, 21: 401-409.

    52. Stojadinović, D.M., Čubrić, T., Milošević, Đ. D., Jovanović, B.Lj., Ćorović, J.V., Paunović, М., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. M.(2017). Contribution to the knowledge of spatial movements of adult Hermann’s tortoises. Archives of Biological Sciences, 69: 671-677.

    53. Stojadinović, D., Milošević, Đ., Sretić, K., Cvetković, M., Jovanović, T., Jovanović, B., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. M. (2017). Activity patterns and habitat preference of eastern Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) in Serbia. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 41: 1036-1044.

    54. Psonis, N., Antoniou, A., Karameta, E., Leache, A., Kotsakiozi, P., Darriba, D., Kozlov, A., Stamatakis, A., Poursanidis, D., Kukushkin, O., Jablonski, D., Crnobrnja–Isailović, J., Gherghel, J., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2018). Resolving complex phylogeographic patterns in the Balkan Peninsula using closely related wall-lizard species as a model system. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 125: 100-115.

    55. Ćorović, J., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2018). Aspects of thermal ecology of the meadow lizard (Darevskia praticola). Amphibia-Reptilia 39: 229-238.

    56. Ćorović, J., Popović, M., Cogălniceanu, D., Carretero, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J.(2018). Distribution of the meadow lizard in Europe and its realised ecological niche model. Journal of Natural History, 52: 1909-1925

    57. Sillero, N., Campos, J., Bonardi, A., Corti, C., Creemers, R., Crochet, P.-A., Crnobrnja- Isailović, J., Denoël, M., Ficetola, G.F., Gonçalves, J., Kuzmin, S., Lymberakis, P., de Pous, P., Rodríguez, A., Sindaco, R., Speybroeck, J., Toxopeus, B., Vieites, D.R., Vences, M. (2018). NA2RE is reliable but aims for improvement: an answer to Vamberger and Fritz (2018). Biologia, 73: 1131–1135.

    58. Jovanović, B., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2019). Fluctuations in population abundance in two anurans from Central Serbia. Herpetozoa, 32: 65–71.

    59. Čubrić, T., Stamenković, G., Ilić, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2019). Contribution to the phylogeography of the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes, Linnaeus (1758)) in Central Balkan Penninsula. Archives of Biological Sciences, 71: 463-468.

    60. Ilić, M., Jojić, V., Stamenković, G., Marković, V., Simić, V., Paunović, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2019). Geometric vs. traditional morphometric methods for exploring morphological variation of tadpoles at early developmental stages. Amphibia-Reptilia, 40: 499-509.

    61. Garcia-Porta, J., Irisarri, I., Kirchner,M., Rodríguez, A., Kirchhof, S., Brown, J.L, MacLeod, A., Turner, A.P., ham Ahmadzadeh, F., Albaladejo, G., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., De la Riva, I., Fawzi, A., Galán, P., Göçmen, B., D. James Harris, D.J., Jiménez-Robles, O., Joger, U., Jovanović Glavaš, O., Karış, M., Koziel, G., Künzel, S., Lyra, M., Miles, D., Manuel Nogales, M., Oğuz, M.A., Pafilis, P., Rancilhac, L., Rodríguez,N., Concepción, B.R., Sanchez, E., Salvi, D., Slimani, T., S’khifa, A., Ali Turk Qashqaei, A.T., Žagar, A., Lemmon, A., Moriarty Lemmon, E., Carretero, M.A., Carranza, S., Philippe, H., Sinervo, B., Müller, J., Vences M., Wollenberg Valero, K.C. (2019). Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards. Nature Communications, 10: 1-12.

    62. Čubrić, T., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2019). A case of unusual head scalation in Vipera ammodytes (Squamata: Serpentes: Viperidae) in western Serbia. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 15:195-197.

    63. Jovanović, B., Kessler, E.J., Ilić, M., Ćorović, J., Tomašević-Kolarov, N., Phillips, C.A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2020). Possible implications of weather variation on reproductive phenology of European common toad in southeastern Europe. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 44: 44-50.

    64. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ćorović, J., Ćosić, N.(2020). New record of a Dalmatolacerta oxycephala (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) population in the northern part of Montenegro. Herpetozoa,33: 121- 124

    65. Freitas, I., Ursenbacher, S., Mebert, K., Zinenko, O., Schweiger, S., Wüster, W., Brito, J.C., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Halpern, B., Fahd, S., Santos, X., Pleguezuelos, J.M., Joger, U., Orlov, N., Mizsei, E., Lourdais, O.,  Marco A. L. Zuffi, M.A.L., Strugariu, A., Zamfirescu, S.R., Martínez-Solano, I., Velo-Antón, G., Kaliontzopoulou, A.,  Martínez-Freiría, F. (2020). Evaluating taxonomic inflation: towards evidence-based species delimitation in Eurasian vipers (Serpentes: Viperinae). Amphibia-Reptilia, 41: 285-311.

    66. Nikolić, M., Cvetković, J., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2020). Macro- and microhabitat prefrences of Eastern Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri). Amphibia-Reptilia, 41: 313-322.

    67. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Jovanović, B., Ilić, M., Ćorović, J., Čubrić, T., Stojadinović, D., Ćosić, N. (2021). Small Hydropower Plants' Proliferation Would Negatively Affect Local Herpetofauna. Mini Review. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: Article 610325.

    68. Jablonski, D., Sillero, N., Oskyrko, O., Bellati, A., Čeirāns, A., Cheylan, M., Cogălniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Crochet, P-A., Crottini, A., Doronin, I., Džukić, G., Geniez, P., Ilgaz, Ç., Iosif, R., Jandzik, D., Jelić, D., Litvinchuk, S., Ljubisavljević, K., Lymberakis, P., Mikulíček, P., Mizsei, E., Moravec, J., Najbar, B., Pabijan, M., Pupins, M., Sourrouille, P., Ilias Strachinis, I., Szabolcs, M., Thanou, E., Tzoras, E., Vergilov, V., Vörös, J., Gvoždík, V. (2021). The distribution and biogeography of slow worms 1 (Anguis, Squamata) across the Western Palearctic, with an emphasis on secondary contact zones. Amphibia-Reptilia 42: 519-530.

    69. Stratakis, M., Koutmanis, I., Ilgaz, C., Jablonski, D., Kukushkin, O.V., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Carretero, M.A., Christiano Liuzzi, C., Kumlutaş, Y., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2022). Evolutionary divergence of the smooth snake (Serpentes, Colubridae): The role of the Balkans and Anatolia. Zoologica Scripta 51: 310-329.

    70. Tomović, Lj., Anđelković M., Golubović, A., Arsovski, D., Ajtić, R., Sterijovski, B., Nikolić, S.,  Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Lakušić, M., Bonnet, X. (2022). Dwarf vipers on a small island: body size, diet and fecundity correlates. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 137: 267-279.

    71. Vörös, J., Ursenbacher, S., Jelić, D.,  Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ajtić, R., Sterijovski, B., Zinenko, A., Ghira, A., Strugariu, A., Zamfirescu, S., Tamás Nagy, Z., Péchy, T., Virág Krízsik, V., Márton, O., Halpern, B. (2022). Well-known species, unexpected results: high genetic diversity in declining Vipera ursinii in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Amphibia-Reptilia 43: 407–423.

    72. Čubrić, T., Bonnet, X., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2023) Body size and body condition in Vipera ammodytes: effects of sex and populations. Herpetozoa 36: 53–58. 

    73. Čubrić, T., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2023) Note on the group mating of Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus,1758) in Serbia. North-Western Journal of Zoology 19 (1): 102 - 104.

    74. Campbell Grant, E.H., Amburgey, S.M., Gratwicke, B., Chaves, V.A., Belasen, A. M., Bickford, D., Brühl, C.A., Calatayud, N.E., Clemann, N., Clulow, S., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Dawson, J., David A. De Angelis, D. A., Dodd, Jr., C.K., Evans, A., Ficetola, G.F., Falaschi, M., González-Mollinedo, S., Green, D.M.,  Gamlen-Greene, R., Griffiths, R.A., Halstead, B.J., Hassapakis, C.,  Heard, G., Karlsson, C., Kirschey, T., Klocke, B., Kosch, T.A., Kusterko Novaes, S., Linhoff, L., Maerz, J.C., Mosher, B.A., O’Donnell, K., Ochoa-Ochoa, L. M., Olson, D.H., Ovaska, K., Dale Roberts, J., Silla, A., Stark, T., Tarrant, J., Upton, R., Vörös, J., Muths, E. (2023). Priority Research Needs to Inform Amphibian Conservation in the Anthropocene. Conservation Science and Practice 2023: e12988.

    75. Luedtke, J.A., Chanson, J., Neam, K., Hobin, L., Maciel, A.O., Catenazzi, A., Borzée, A., Hamidy, A., Aowphol, A., Jean, A., Sosa-Bartuano, Á., Fong, A.G., de Silva, A., Fouquet, A., Angulo, A., Kidov, A.A., Muñoz Saravia, A., Diesmos, A.C., Tominaga, A., 20,21, Shrestha, B., Gratwicke, B., Tjaturadi, B., Martínez Rivera, C.C., Vásquez Almazán, Señaris, C., Chandramouli, S.R., Strüssmann, C., Cortez Fernández, C.F., Azat, C., Hoskin, C.J., Hilton-Taylor, C., Whyte, D.L., Gower, D.J., Olson, D.H., Cisneros-Heredia, D.F., Santana, D.J., Nagombi, E., Najafi-Majd, E., Quah, E.S.H., Bolaños, F., Xie, F., Brusquetti, F., Álvarez, F. S., Andreone, F., Glaw, F., Castañeda, F.E., Kraus, F., Parra-Olea, G., Chaves, G., Guido F. Medina-Rangel, G.F., González-Durán, G., Ortega-Andrade, H. M., Machado, I. F., Das, I., Ribeiro Dias, I., Urbina-Cardona, J.N., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Jian-Huan Yang, J.-H., Jianping, J., Tshelthrim Wangyal, J., Rowley, J.J.L., Measey, J., Vasudevan, K., Chan, K.O., Gururaja, K.V., Ovaska, K., Warr, L.C., Canseco-Márquez, L.,Toledo, L.F., Díaz, L.M., Khan, M.M. H., Meegaskumbura, M., Acevedo, M.E., Napoli, M.F.,  Ponce, M.A., Vaira, M., Lampo, M., Yánez-Muñoz, M.H., Scherz, M.D., Rödel, M.-O-., Matsui, M., Fildor, M., Kusrini, M.D., Ahmed, M.F., Rais, M., Kouamé, N.G.G., García, N., Gonwouo, N.L., Burrowes, P.A., Imbun, P.Y., Wagner, P., Kok, P.J.R., Joglar, R.L., Auguste, R.J., Brandão, R.A., Ibáñez, R., von May, R., Hedges, S.B., Biju, S.D., Ganesh, S.R., Wren, S., Das, S., Sandra V. Flechas, S.V., Ashpole, S.L., Silvia J. Robleto-Hernández, S.J., Loader, S.P., Sixto J. Incháustegui, S.J., Garg, S., Phimmachak, S., Richards, S.J., Slimani, T., Osborne-Naikatini, T., Abreu-Jardim, T.P.F., Condez, T.H., De Carvalho, T.R., Cutajar, T.P., Pierson, T.W., Nguyen, T. Q., Uğur Kaya, U., Yuan, Z., Long, B., Langhammer, P., Stuart, S.N. (2023). Ongoing declines for the world’s amphibians in the face of emerging threats. Nature 622: 308–314.

    76. Stojanović, J., Nikolić, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Žabar-Popović, A., Milovanović, A., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. 2023: Blood cell morphology of Testudo hermanni boettgeri wild populations from Serbia. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 19 (2):147 - 154.


    77. Ilić, M, Bugarski-Stanojević, V., Jovanović, B., Stamenković, G., Zorić, K., Paunović, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. 2024. Phylogeographic Substructuring in the Southernmost Refugium of the European Common Frog Rana temporaria. Animals 14(10), 1430.

    78. Dufresnes, C., Ghielmi, S., Halpern, B., Martínez-Freiría, F.,  Mebert, K., Jelić, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Gippner, S., Jablonski, D., Joger, U., Laddaga, L., Petrovan, S., Tomović, Lj., Vörös, J., İğci, N., Kariş, M., Zinenko, O., Ursenbacher, S. 2024: Phylogenomic insights into the diversity and evolution of Palearctic vipers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 197:108095.

    79. Ćorović, J., Ćosić, N., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. 2024. Comparing preferred temperatures and evaporative water loss rates in two syntopic populations of lacertid lizard species. Animals, 14(24): 3642.


  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:





    1. Crnobrnja, J. (1982). Faunističke crtice o gmizavcima i vodozemcima Homolja. Homolje ´81: Rezultati bioloških istraživanja. Mladi Istraživači Srbije, Beograd, 49 - 52.

    2. Kalezić, M.L., Džukić, G., Crnobrnja, J., Tvrtković, N. (1987). On the Triturus vulgaris schreiberi problem: electrophoretic data. Alytes 6, (1-2): 18-22

    3. Crnobrnja, J., Rohalj, A. (1988). Prilog poznavanju herpetofaune Kopaonika. Zbornik radova BID "Josif Pančić", Beograd, 59 - 76.

    4.Vujošević, M., Radosavljević, J., Crnobrnja, J., Živković, S.(1989). Evaluation of genotoxic effects of drinking water organic compounds on mammalian chromosomes in vivo. Arh.Biol. Nauka 41, (1-2):53-58.

    5. Crnobrnja, J., Kalezić, M.L., Džukić, G.,(1989).Genetic divergence in the crested newt (Triturus cristatus complex) from Yugoslavia. Biosistematika 15,(1): 81-92.

    6. Kalezić, M.L., Džukić, G., Stamenković, S., Crnobrnja, J.(1989). Morphometrics of the crested newt (Triturus cristatus complex) from Yugoslavia: Relevance for taxonomy.  Arh. Biol. Nauka 41 (1-2): 17-37.

    7. Crnobrnja, J.,  Kalezić, M.L.(1990). The organization of the genetic variation in the crested newt (Triturus cristatus complex) from Yugoslavia. Genetika 22 (2): 133-146.

    8. Crnobrnja, J., Bejaković, D., Džukić, G., Kalezić, M., Tucić, N. (1991). Asymmetry in common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) and sharp-snout rock lizard (Lacerta oxycephala) island populations from Skadar lake. Arh. Biol. Nauka, 43(3-4): 115-126

    9. Kalezić, M.L., Crnobrnja, J., Đorović, A., Džukić, G. (1992). Sexual size difference in Triturus newts: Geographic variation in Yugoslav populations. Alytes, 10 (3): 63-70 

    10. Crnobrnja, J., Bejaković, D., Tucić, N. (1993). Estimates of heritability and phenotypic selection for external morphology in sharp snout rock lizard (Lacerta oxycephala). Arhiv bioloskih nauka, 45 (3-4), 107-112.

    11. Avramov, S., Crnobrnja, J., Aleksić, I. (1994). On the systematic relations of six european lizard species (Lacerta spp. and Podarcis spp.): Electrophoretic data. Arhiv Biol. Nauka 46 (1-2), 23-27.

    12. Crnobrnja, J., Džukić, G., Aleksić, I., Vujičić, L., Avramov, S. (1994). Distribution and genetic variation of the Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis, Lacertidae) populations from Skadar lake: Preliminary results. Bios (Macedonia, Greece) 2, Proceedings of 6th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 275-286.

    13. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G. (1995). First report about conservation status of herpetofauna in the Skadar Lake region (Montenegro): Current situation and perspectives. In: Llorente, G., Montori, A., Santos, X., Carretero, M.A. (eds.) "Scientia Herpetologica" 1995, 373-380. 

    14. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G., Aleksić, I., Vujičić, L., Avramov, S. (1995). Podarcis muralis and Lacerta oxycephala (Reptilia, Lacertidae) on the islands of Skadar Lake: Distribution and genetic relationships of populations. In: Llorente, G., Montori, A., Santos, X., Carretero, M.A. (eds.) "Scientia Herpetologica" 1995, 71-80.

    15. Bejaković, D., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G., Kalezić, M.L. (1996). Female reproductive traits in the Common Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis) from the Skadar Lake region, Montenegro. Rev.Esp.Herp. 10, 91-96.

    16. Džukić, G., Đorović, A., Kalezić, M.L., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (1997). The Mosor lizard occurs also in the Prokletije mountain massif. Univ. Thought, Nat. Sci., 1996 (1997), III (2), 61-62.

    17. Kalezić, M.L., Džukić, G., Mesaroš, G., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (1997). The crested newt (Triturus cristatus superspecies) in ex-Yugoslavia: Morphological structuring and distribution patterns. Univ. Thought, Nat. Sci., 1997, IV(1), 39-46.

    18.Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G. 1997. Diversity of amphibian and reptile fauna in the Lake Skadar region and importance of its conservation.  In (Acad. Mijušković, M. et al, eds.): Natural values and protection of Skadar lake. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scient. Meet. Vol 44, Papers from Symposium Podgorica, November 8-9th 1995, 237-262.(in serbian with summary in english)

    19. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Aleksić, I. (1999). First record  of Coluber najadum Eichwald (1831) in Serbia. Arhiv Biol. Nauka, Beograd,51(3), 47P-48P.

    20. Tomović, Lj., Ljubisavljević, K., Ajtić, R., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2001). New records of the Snake -eyed Skink Ablepharus kitaibelli in Serbia. Biota 2(1), Proc. 1st International Scientific Meeting of The Biology and Ecology of Alpine Amphibians and Reptiles, Nazarje, Slovenia, September 1 - 3, 2000,  115 - 117.

    21. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2002). Notes about diurnal activity of Vipera ammodytes in Central Balkans. Biota 2(2), Proc. 11th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Žalec, Slovenia, July 13-17, 2001, 7 -14.

    22. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2002). Another population of Vipera ursinii macrops Mehely, 1911 in Montenegro (Central Balkans); (Squamata: Serpentes: Viperidae). Herpetozoa 14 (3/4),137-141.

    23. Cvetković, D., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2003). Reproductive traits in Common Toad Bufo bufo from the vicinity of Belgrade. Arhiv Biol. Nauka, Beograd, 55(3-4), 25P-26P.

    24. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Aleksić, I. (2004). Clutch size in two Central Balkans populations of European common lizard Lacerta vivipara. Biota 5(1-2),5-10.

    25. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Aleksić, I., Arntzen, J.W. (2005). The Status of Great Crested Newt Breeding Sites in Serbia. Froglog 67, 2-3.

    26. Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj., Aleksić, I. & Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2005). New records of Dalmatian Algyroides (Algyroides nigropunctatus, Dumeril et Bibron, 1839) (Lacertidae) in Montenegro with comment of its conservation status. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 57: 385–390.

    27. Cvetković, D., Tomašević, N., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2005). Assessment of age and intersexual size differences in Bufo bufo. Arhiv Biol. Nauka, Beograd, 57 (2), 157-162.

    28. Ristić, N., Tomović, Lj., Ajtić, R. & Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2006). First record of the four-lined snake Elaphe quatuorlineata (Lacépède, 1789) in Serbia. Acta Herpetologica 1: 135–139.

    29. Tarasjev, A., Stojković, O., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2006). Etički aspekti rada Nacionalnog Saveta za Biološku Sigurnost. U: Marinković, D., Magić, Z., Konstantinov, K. (urednici) BIOETIKA KOD NAS I U SVETU. Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa „Bioetika kod nas i u svetu“, održanog u SANU 20. oktobra 2006, 131-142.

    30. Ivančević, B., Savić, S., Ranđelović, V., Sabovljević, M., Lakušić, D., Tomović, G., Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Niketić, M., Ćetković, A., Pavićević, D., Krpoetković, J., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Puzović, S., Paunović, M. (2007). Diverzitet vrsta Stare planine. - Pp. 79-94 In: Lakušić, D., Ćetković, A. (eds.), Biodiverzitet Stare planine u Srbiji - Rezultati projekta: "Prekogranična saradnja kroz upravljanje zajedničkim prirodnim resursima - Promocija umrežavanja i saradnje između zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope". - Regionalni centar za životnu sredinu za Centralnu i Istočnu Evropu, kancelarija u Srbiji, Beograd.  

    31. Ivančević, B., Savić, S., Sabovljević, M., Tomović, G., Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Niketić, M., Lakušić, D., Ćetković, A., Pavićević, D., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Puzović, S., Paunović, M. (2007). Najugroženije vrste Stare planine u Srbiji. - Pp. 111-149 In: Lakušić, D., Ćetković, A. (eds.), Biodiverzitet Stare planine u Srbiji - Rezultati projekta: "Prekogranična saradnja kroz upravljanje zajedničkim prirodnim resursima - Promocija umrežavanja i saradnje između zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope". - Regionalni centar za životnu sredinu za Centralnu i Istočnu Evropu, kancelarija u Srbiji, Beograd. 

    32. Ivančević, B., Savić, S., Sabovljević, M., Niketić, M., Tomović, G., Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D., Ćetković, A., Pavićević, D., Krpoetković, J., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Puzović, S., Paunović, M. (2007). pregled vrsta Stare planine u Srbiji. - Pp. 159-219 In: Lakušić, D., Ćetković, A. (eds.), Biodiverzitet Stare planine u Srbiji - Rezultati projekta: "Prekogranična saradnja kroz upravljanje zajedničkim prirodnim resursima - Promocija umrežavanja i saradnje između zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope". - Regionalni centar za životnu sredinu za Centralnu i Istočnu Evropu, kancelarija u Srbiji, Beograd. 

    33. Lakušić, D., Ćetković, A., Pavićević, D., Krpoetković, J., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Puzović, S., Paunović, M., Ivančević, B., Savić, S., Sabovljević, M., Zlatković, B., Niketić, M., Tomović, G., Ranđelović, V. (2007). Bibliografija o biodiverzitetu Stare planine u Srbiji. - Pp. 227-252 In: Lakušić, D., Ćetković, A. (eds.), Biodiverzitet Stare planine u Srbiji - Rezultati projekta: "Prekogranična saradnja kroz upravljanje zajedničkim prirodnim resursima - Promocija umrežavanja i saradnje između zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope". - Regionalni centar za životnu sredinu za Centralnu i Istočnu Evropu, kancelarija u Srbiji, Beograd. 

    34. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., 2009. Humanizam Čarlsa Darvina-stav prema robovlasništvu. Flogiston, 17: 65-80

    35. Thomas Uzzell, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic (2009). Pelophylax shqipericus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    36. Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Milan Vogrin (2009).. Dalmatolacerta oxycephala. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    37. Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Milan Vogrin (2009). Dinarolacerta mosorensis. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    38. Petros Lymberakis, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Milan Vogrin, Wolfgang Böhme (2009). Podarcis erhardii. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    39. Wolfgang Böhme, Petros Lymberakis, Rastko Ajtic, Idriz Haxhiu, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Roberto Sindaco (2009). Algyroides nigropunctatus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    39. Rastko Ajtic, Wolfgang Böhme, Petros Lymberakis, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Roberto Sindaco (2009). Podarcis melisellensis. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    40. Petros Lymberakis, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Milan Vogrin, Idriz Haxhiu (2009). Rana graeca. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    41. Jan Willem Arntzen, Mathieu Denoël, Claude Miaud, Franco Andreone, Milan Vogrin, Paul Edgar, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Claudia Corti (2009). Proteus anguinus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    41. Franco Andreone, Mathieu Denoël, Claude Miaud, Benedikt Schmidt, Paul Edgar, Milan Vogrin, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Claudia Corti, Idriz Haxhiu (2009). Salamandra atra. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    42. Antonio Romano, Jan Willem Arntzen, Mathieu Denoël, Robert Jehle, Franco Andreone, Brandon Anthony, Benedikt Schmidt, Wiesiek Babik, Robert Schabetsberger, Milan Vogrin, Miklós Puky, Petros Lymberakis, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Claudia Corti (2009). Triturus carnifex. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    43. Jan Willem Arntzen, Theodore Papenfuss, Sergius Kuzmin, David Tarkhnishvili, Vladimir Ishchenko, Boris Tuniyev, Max Sparreboom, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Steven Anderson, Wiesiek Babik, Claude Miaud, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic (2009). Triturus karelinii. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    44. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avisi, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, U?ur Kaya (2009). Bufo bufo. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    45. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avci, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, U?ur Kaya, Matthias Stöck, Muhammad Sharif Khan, Sergius Kuzmin, David Tarkhnishvili, Vladimir Ishchenko, Theodore Papenfuss, Gad Degani, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Ahmad Mohammed Mousa Disi, Steven Anderson, Trevor Beebee, Franco Andreone 2009. Pseudepidalea viridis. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    46. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avci, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, U?ur Kaya 2009. Pelobates fuscus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    47. Aram Agasyan, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, Uğur Kaya 2009. Pelobates syriacus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    48. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avisi, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, Uğur Kaya 2009. Bombina bombina. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    49.Ugur Kaya, Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avisi, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, U?ur Kaya 2009. Hyla arborea. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    50. Thomas Uzzell, Franco Andreone, Petros Lymberakis, Milan Vogrin, Idriz Haxhiu, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Roberto Sindaco, Antonio Romano 2009. Pelophylax kurtmuelleri. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    51. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avci, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, Uğur Kaya, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Valentin Pérez Mellado, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan Pleguezuelos, Sherif Baha El Din, C. Varol Tok 2009. Hemidactylus turcicus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    52. Agasyan, A., Avci, A., Tuniyev, B., Lymberakis, P., Andrén, C., Cogalniceanu, D., Wilkinson, J., Ananjeva, N., Üzüm, N., Orlov, N., Podloucky, R., Tuniyev, S., Kaya, U., Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Vogrin, M., Corti, C., Pérez Mellado, V., Sá-Sousa, P., Cheylan, M., Pleguezuelos, J., Kyek, M., Westerström, A., Nettmann, H.K., Borczyk, B., Sterijovski, B. & Schmidt, B. 2010. Lacerta agilis. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    53. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avci, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, Uğur Kaya, Wolfgang Böhme, Rastko Ajtic, Varol Tok, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Murat Sevinç, Pierre-André Crochet, Hans Konrad Nettmann, László Krecsák 2009. Darevskia praticola. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    54. Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Valentin Pérez Mellado, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan Pleguezuelos, Hans Konrad Nettmann, Bogoljub Sterijovski, Petros Lymberakis, Richard Podloucky, Dan Cogalniceanu, Aziz Avci 2009. Lacerta viridis. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    55. Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Valentin Pérez Mellado, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan Pleguezuelos, Roberto Sindaco, Antonio Romano, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Aziz Avci (2009). Podarcis siculus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    56. Wolfgang Böhme, Petros Lymberakis, Rastko Ajtic, Varol Tok, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Murat Sevinç, Pierre-André Crochet, Idriz Haxhiu, László Krecsák, Bogoljub Sterijovski, Lymberakis, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Podloucky, Dan Cogalniceanu, Aziz Avci (2009). Podarcis tauricus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    57. Wolfgang Böhme, Petros Lymberakis, Rastko Ajtic, Varol Tok, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Murat Sevinç, Pierre-André Crochet, Idriz Haxhiu, Bogoljub Sterijovski, László Krecsák, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Yakup Kaska, Yusuf Kumlutaş, Aziz Avci, Dušan Jelić (2009). Ablepharus kitaibelii. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    58. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avci, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, Uğur Kaya, Wolfgang Böhme, Rastko Ajtic, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Valentin Pérez Mellado, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan Pleguezuelos, Bartosz Borczyk, Benedikt Schmidt, Andreas Meyer (2009). Zamenis longissimus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    59. Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Rastko Ajtic, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Valentin Pérez Mellado, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Petros Lymberakis, Roberto Sindaco, Antonio Romano, Dušan Jelić (2009). Elaphe quatuorlineata. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    60. Wolfgang Böhme, Petros Lymberakis, Rastko Ajtic, Varol Tok, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Murat Sevinç, Pierre-André Crochet, Claudia Corti, Idriz Haxhiu, Roberto Sindaco, Aziz Avci, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Yusuf Kumlutaş (2009). Zamenis situla. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    61. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avci, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, Uğur Kaya, Wolfgang Böhme, Rastko Ajtic, Varol Tok, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Murat Sevinç, Pierre-André Crochet, Ahmad Mohammed Mousa Disi, Souad Hraoui-Bloquet, Riyad Sadek, Yehudah Werner, Idriz Haxhiu (2009). Telescopus fallax. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    62. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avci, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, Uğur Kaya, Roberto Sindaco, Wolfgang Böhme, Petros Lymberakis, Rastko Ajtic, Varol Tok, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Murat Sevinç, Ljiljana Tomović, Pierre-André Crochet, Idriz Haxhiu, Ulrich Joger, Bogoljub Sterijovski, Göran Nilson, Dušan Jelić (2009). Vipera ammodytes. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    63. Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Ljiljana Tomović, Bogoljub Sterijovski, Ulrich Joger, A. Westerström, Bartosz Borczyk, Benedikt Schmidt, Andreas Meyer, Roberto Sindaco, Dušan Jelić (2009). Vipera berus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    64. Ulrich Joger, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Bogoljub Sterijovski, Alexander Westerström, László Krecsák, Valentin Pérez Mellado, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Roberto Sindaco (2009). Vipera ursinii. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    65. Agasyan, A., Avci, A., Tuniyev, B., J.C.Isailovic, Lymberakis, P., Andrén, C., Cogalniceanu, D., Wilkinson, J., Ananjeva, N., Üzüm, N., Orlov, N., Podloucky, R., Tuniyev, S., Kaya, U., Ajtic, R., Vogrin M., Corti, C., Mellado, V.P., Sá-Sousa, P., Cheylan, M., Pleguezuelos, J., Baha El Din, S.M., Nettmann, H.K., De Haan, C.C., Sterijovski, B., Schmidt, B. & Meyer, A. (2010). Natrix tessellata. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    66. Agasyan, A., Avci, A., Tuniyev, B., Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Lymberakis, P., Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, C., Wilkinson, J., Ananjeva, N., Üzüm, N., Orlov, N., Podloucky, R., Tuniyev, S., Kaya, U., Böhme, W., Nettmann, H.K., Crnobrnja Isailovic, J., Joger, U., Cheylan, M., Pérez-Mellado, V., Borczyk, B., Sterijovski, B., Westerström, A. & Schmidt, B. (2010). Zootoca vivipara. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    67. Crnobrnja-Isailovic , J., Bowles, P. (2011). Dinarolacerta montenegrina. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>.

    68. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Dinov, J., Ranđelović, V. (2011). Occurrence of European Adder (Vipera berus, Viperidae, Ophidia) on Vlasina Plateau (Southeastern Serbia). Biologica Nissana  2: 1-7.

    69. Sterijovski, B., Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj., Djordjević, S., Djurakić, M., Golubović, A., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ballouard, J-M., Desmont, D., Groumpf, F., Bonnet, X. (2011). Natrix tessellata on Golem Grad, FYR of Macedonia: a natural fortress shelters a prosperous snake population. Mertensiella 18: 298-301

    70. Lazić, MM., Crnobrnja-Isailović. J. (2012). Polydactyly in the Common Wall Lizard Podarcis muralis (Squamata: Lacertidae). Herpetology Notes 5:  277-279.

    71. Lazić, M.M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2012). Accessory femoral pores in Podarcis muralis from Southern Serbia. Biologica Nissana 2: 51-53.

    72. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Mesaroš, G. (2013). Conservation activities for the European Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Serbia. Herpetology Notes 6:  119-121.

    73. Tarasjev, A., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2014). Analiza rizika od GMO - međunarodni standardi i principi. U: Anđelković, M. (urednik) GENETIČKI MODIFIKOVANI ORGANIZMI - ČINJENICE I IZAZOVI. Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa održanog u SANU 20 - 23. novembra 2013, 131-143.

    74. Nikolić, M., Savić, D., Ilić, M., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2016). A note on scavenging behaviour of adult Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni). Biologica Nissana, 7:53-55.

    75. Čubrić, T., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2017). Malformation of eye pupil in nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) from a wild population. Herpetology Notes, 10: 229-231.

    76. Stojadinović, D., Vidojević, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2017). Variation of clutch characteristics in population of Eastern Hermann’s tortoises (Testudo hermanni boettgeri Gmelin 1789). Biologica Nyssana, 8: 123-127.

    77. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2019). Doprinos Milutina Radovanovića razvoju evolucione biologije. U: Marinković, D., Petanović, R. (urednici) Zbornik sa naučnog skupa povodom pedeset godina od smrti akademika Milutina Radovanovića. SANU, Beograd, Srbija, 196-206.

    78. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2020). Uticaj malih hidroelektrana derivacionog tipa na lokalne populacije vodozemaca i gmizavaca. U: Anđelković, M. (urednik) Uticaj malih hidroelektrana na životnu sredinu. SANU, Beograd, Srbija, 191-207. 

    79. Urošević, A., Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Krizmanić, I., Ajtić, R., Labus, N., Anđelković, M., Nikolić, S., Jović, D., Krstić, M., Maričić, M., Simović, A., Paunović, A., Žikić, V., Ćorović, J., Vučić, T., Čubrić, T., Džukić, G. (2021). Distribution of the slow worm (Anguis fragilis complex) with possible species delimitation in Serbia. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, 13: 253-265.

    80. Nikolić, M., Savić-Zdravković, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2021). Evaluation of ecological awareness and superstition on Hermann’s tortoise in Eastern and Southern Serbia. Biologica Nyssana, 12: 73-79.

    81. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2021). Learning about biodiversity conservation through training on how to write successfull ecological projects. In (Radovanović, S. ur.): Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development, October 8. 2021,  Užice, Serbia, 8 pp.

    82. Čubrić, T., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2022). A view on human perception of snakes in Serbia with special reference to nose-horned viper. Biologica Nyssana, 13: 47-57.

    83. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2022). How citizens’ votes can threaten local herpetofauna? A story from the Bakans. Naturalista Siciliana, S. IV, XLVI (1-2): 129-136.

    84. Urošević, A., Anđelković, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Krizmanić, I., Ajtić, R., Simović, A., Krstić, M., Maričić, M., Vučić, T., Jović, D., Džukić, G., Tomović, Lj. (2022). Distribution of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) in Serbia - implications of the recent taxonomic revision. Bulletin of The Natural History Museum, 15: 137-148.

    85. Urošević, A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ljubisavljević, K., Vukov, T., Anđelković, M., Ivanović, A., Golubović, A., Vučić, T., Tomović, Lj. (2022). An updated checklist of the Serbian batracho- and herpetofauna. Bulletin of The Natural History Museum, 15: 149-169.

    86. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Schmidt, B.R., Denoël, M., Ficetola, G.F., Cogălniceanu, D., Martínez-Solano, I., Corti, C., Crochet, P.-A., Ferri, V., Halpern, B., Jablonski, D., Krása, A., Litvinchuk, S., Maletzky, A., Manenti, R., Poboljšaj, K., Schulte, U., Sotiropoulos, K., Speybroeck, J., Strachinis, I., Romano, A., Üzüm, N., Wilkinson, J., Hobin , L., Bellotto, V., Clay, J., Allen, D.J., and Trottet, A. (2024). European Red List of Amphibians. Measuring the pulse of European biodiversity using the European Red List. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission. 55 pp.

    87. Bowles, P., Doronin, I.V., Carretero, M., Cogălniceanu, D., Corti, C., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Crochet, P.-A., Halpern, B., Jablonski, D., Jelić, D., Joger, U., Kirschey, T., Luiselli, L., Lymberakis, P., Maletzky, A., Martinez-Freiria, F., Mizsei, E., Razzetti, E., Romano, A., Salvi, D., Schulte, U., Speybroeck, J., Stănescu, F., Trottet, A., Clay, J., Bellotto, V., and Allen, D.J. (2024). European Red List of Reptiles. Measuring the pulse of European biodiversity. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission. 51 pp. https://doi.or/10.2779/5108

    88. Martel, A., Schmidt, B., Miaud, C., Corti, C., Andreone, F., Pasmans, F., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Denoel, M., Edgar, P., Poboljšaj, K & Romano, A. 2024. Salamandra atraThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T19843A227233771. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    89. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Denoel, M., Speybroeck, J. & Wielstra, B. 2024. Lissotriton graecusThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T79077482A228184805. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    90. Martel, A., Pasmans, F., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Denoel, M., Litvinchuk, S. & Sotiropoulos, K. 2024. Triturus macedonicusThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T88104000A227237916. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    91. Cogălniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ficetola, F., Halpern, B., Kornilev, Y., Krása, A., Litvinchuk, S., Lymberakis, P., Manenti, R., Naumov, B., Poboljšaj, K, Popgeorgiev, G., Sacdanaku, E., Schmidt, B., Wilkinson, J. & Üzüm, N. 2024. Bufo bufo (Europe assessment)The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T88316072A200188858. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    92. Cogălniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Litvinchuk, S., Wilkinson, J., Lymberakis, P., Üzüm, N., Poboljšaj, K & Halpern, B. 2024. Bombina bombina (Europe assessment)The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T2865A67862807. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    93. Krása, A., Avci, A., Tuniyev, B., Cogălniceanu, D., Mizsei, E., Ficetola, F., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Wilkinson, J., Üzüm, N., Lymberakis, P., Manenti, R., Schulte, U., Kirschey, T., Poboljšaj, K, Litvinchuk, S. & Halpern, B. 2024. Pelobates fuscusThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T196236126A228187875. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    94. Cogălniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Lymberakis, P., Wilkinson, J., Strachinis, I. & Üzüm, N. 2024. Pelobates syriacus (Europe assessment)The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T172313717A223143581. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    95. Agasyan, A., Avci, A., Tuniyev, B., Andrén, C., Cogălniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Poboljšaj, K, Halpern, B., Wilkinson, J., Ananjeva, N.B., Üzüm, N., Orlov, N.L., Lymberakis, P., Podloucky, R. & Litvinchuk, S. 2024. Hyla arboreaThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T82496838A228182338. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    96. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Jablonski, D. & Lymberakis, P. 2024. Rana graecaThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T58605A229005415. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    97. Ogrodowczyk, A., Schmidt, B., Tuniyev, B., Anthony, B.P., Miaud, C., Cogălniceanu, D., Ficetola, F., Andreone, F., Kiss, I., Bosch, J., Loman, J., Ogielska, M., Nyström, P., Manenti, R., Kuzmin, S., Kovács, T., Beebee, T., Ishchenko, V., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Schulte, U., Poboljšaj, K, Litvinchuk, S., Jablonski, D. & Halpern, B. 2024. Rana temporaria (Europe assessment)The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T173101508A200721782. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    98. Andreone, F., Anthony, B.P., Beebee, T., Cogălniceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Halpern, B., Kiss, A., Kornilev, Y., Kovács, T., Kuzmin, S., Litvinchuk, S., Nyström, P., Ogielska, M., Ogrodowczyk, A., Poboljšaj, K, Schmidt, B., Vörös, J. & Wilkinson, J. 2024. Pelophylax lessonaeThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species2024: e.T88416883A207983513. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    99. Mizsei, E., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Jablonski, D. & Uzzell, T. 2024. Pelophylax shqipericusThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T58715A207982996. Accessed on 13 January 2025.

    100. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Tomović, Lj., Dimaki, M., Jelić, D., Strugariu, A., Tudor, M., Strachinis, I., Ajtic, R., Sterijovski, B., Roussos, S.A., Kornilev, Y., Dyugmedzhiev, A., Mebert, K., Avci, A., Schweiger, S. & Cafuta, V.2024. Vipera ammodytes (Europe assessment)The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T62255A207991981 Accessed on 13 January 2025.


  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:


    1.Crnobrnja, J., Stamenković, S., Džukić, G., Kalezić, M. (1990). The Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus Complex) in Yugoslavia; morphological and genetic variability. - Triturus 4th. Conference, Valsain, Spain, 14. - 18.09.1990.

    2. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2001). Island effect in lacertid lizard populations from Lake Skadar archipelago. 11th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Žalec, Slovenia, July 13-17, 2001, Abstracts, 17.

    3. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Cvetković, D., Džukić, G., Vukić, A. 2001. Morphometric variation and sexual size dimorphism in the Agile frog Rana dalmatina from Central Balkans: preliminary results. 11th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Žalec, Slovenia, July 13-17, 2001, Abstracts, 60.

    4. Mančić, S., Džukić, G., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2001). Size and shape differences between Rana dalmatina and Rana temporaria from Central Balkans: preliminary results. 11th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Žalec, Slovenia, July 13-17, 2001, Abstracts, 88.

    5. Tomašević, N., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Džukić, G. (2001). Morphometric variability in Rana temporaria of the Central Balkans. 11th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Žalec, Slovenia, July 13-17, 2001, Abstracts, 116.

    6.Cvetković, D., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Aleksić, I., Nikčević-Rot, I. (2002). Reproductive traits in amphibian populations from human-altered habitats. ICSEB VI Sixth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology “Biodiversity in the Information Age”, Patras, Greece, September 9-16, 2002, Abstracts 282.

    7. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ljubisavljević, K., Aleksić, I. (2003). Growth rate and survivorship of Rana dalmatina tadpoles under conditions of high density. 12th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, August 12-16, 2003, Abstracts, 51.

    8. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Tomović, Lj., Ajtić, R. (2003). Syntopic populations of Orsinii’s viper (Vipera ursinii) and adder (Vipera berus) in Northeastern Montenegro. 12th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, August 12-16, 2003, Abstracts, 52

    9. Tomašević, N., Mančić, S., Pemac, D., Ljubisavljević, K., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2003). Fecundity in Rana temporaria and Rana dalmatina from Central Balkans. 12th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, August 12-16, 2003, Abstracts, 160.

    10. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ajtić, R., Aleksić, I., Tomović, Lj. (2005). Variation of clutch size in meadow viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) from eastern Montenegro. 13th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Bonn, Germany, September 27-October 2, 2005, Abstracts, 40-41.

    11.Tomović, Lj., Ajtić, R., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2005). Morphological characteristics and sexual dimorphism of meadow viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) from eastern Montenegro. 13th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Bonn, Germany, September 27-October 2, 2005, Abstracts, 112.

    12.Ajtić, R., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Tomović, Lj. (2005). Nose-Horned Viper (Vipera ammodytes) – Conservation problems in Serbia and Montenegro. 13th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Bonn, Germany, September 27-October 2, 2005, Abstracts, 22-23.

    13.Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Tomović, Lj. (2006). Importance of phylogeographic research for conservation of herpetofauna of the Balkans. Plenary lecture. II  International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro, Kotor, 20-24. September 2006, p. 25-26.

    14. Cvetković, D., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Tomašević, N., Aleksić, I. (2006). Variation in life-history traits in a widespread amphibian species: latitudinal and altitudinal patterns. II  International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro, Kotor, 20-24. September 2006, p. 87 - 88.

    15. Cvetković, D., Tomašević, N., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Aleksić, I. (2006). Selection on correlated characters in Bufo bufo. II  International Symposium of Ecologists of Montenegro, Kotor, 20-24. September 2006, p. 88 - 89.

    16.Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2007).  Morphological differentiation of mainland populations of the Kotschys Gecko (Cyrtodactylus kotschyi) from the Balkans and the Asia Minor. 14th Ordinary General Meeting SEH,  Porto, Portugal, 19 - 23 September  2007, Programme and Abstracts, 43.

    17. Cvetković, D., Tomašević, N., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ficetola, F., Miaud, C. (2007). Bergmann and converse Bergmann clines in amphibians: what can we learn from the Common toad Bufo bufo?14th Ordinary General Meeting SEH,  Porto, Portugal, 19 - 23 September  2007, Programme and Abstracts, 197.

    18. Cvetković, D., Tomašević, N., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2007). What are cold winters good for - the effect of climatic conditions on post-hibernation body condition and reproductive traits of female Common toads. 14th Ordinary General Meeting SEH,  Porto, Portugal, 19 - 23 September  2007, Programme and Abstracts, 198.

    19.Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2007). Thermal biology of meadow viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) from Bjelasica Mt. (Montenegro). Second Biology of the Vipers Conference, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 27 September 2007, Programme and Abstracts, 29.

    20.Tomović, Lj., Ajtić, R.,  Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2007). Ontogenic shift of sexual dimorphism in Meadow viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) from Bjelasica Mt. (Montenegro). Second Biology of the Vipers Conference, Porto, Portugal,, 24 - 27 September 2007, Programme and Abstracts, 23.

    21. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ajtić, R.,  Tomović, Lj. (2007). Population viability analysis of a local population of Vipera ursinii in Notheastern Montenegro. Second Biology of the Vipers Conference, Porto, Portugal,,24 - 27 September 2007, Programme and Abstracts, 41.

    22.Sterijovski, B., Tomović, Lj., Ajtić, R., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2007). Preliminary study of population ecology of an insular population of the Nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) from Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Second Biology of the Vipers Conference, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 27 September 2007, Programme and Abstracts, 40.

    23. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2008). Importance of long-term population studies for improvement of evaluation of conservation status of the species. European Workshop on the conservation of the Orsini Viper. 23-25 June 2008, Auzet, France

    24.Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Stojadinović, D., Tomašević-Kolarov, N., Aleksić, I. (2009). Some aspects of sexual selection in Bufo bufo population from Serbia.15th European Congress of Herpetology & SEH Ordinary General Meeting, Aydin, Turkey, 28. September-02. October 2009. Book of Abstracts, p. 51.

    25. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Tomović, Lj., Ajtić, R., Aleksić, I., Đorđević, S. (2009). Mirror Mirror on the Wall, do I look like Mom at all? Heritability for external morphology in an Meadow viper (Vipera ursinii) population from Montenegro. 15th European Congress of Herpetology & SEH Ordinary General Meeting, Aydin, Turkey, 28. September-02. October 2009, p.50.

    26.Tomović, Lj., Ajtić, R., Aleksić, I., Đorđević, S., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., (2009). Morphological characteristics and sexual dimorphism of adder (Vipera berus) from eastern Montenegro. 15th European Congress of Herpetology & SEH Ordinary General Meeting, Aydin, Turkey, 28. September-02. October 2009. Book of Abstracts, p. 19.

    27. Smiljković, N., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Zlatković, B., Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj. (2009). Herpetofauna richness in Pčinja region, southernmost Serbia. 15th European Congress of Herpetology & SEH Ordinary General Meeting, Aydin, Turkey, 28. September-02. October 2009., p. 134

    28.Ballouard, J.-M., Bonnet, X., Ajtić, R., Brito, J. C., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., El Mouden, H., Erdogan, M., Feriche, M., Halpern, B., Pleguezuelos, J. M., Prokov, P., Sánchez, A., Santos, X., Slimani, T., Sterijovski, B., Tomović, L., Uşak, M. (2009). Sorties sur le terrain et manipulations sont les clés de l’éducation à l’environnement : y compris avec les reptiles. Société Herpétologique de France, Le congrès annuel. Montpellet, France. Book of Abstracts, p 134 - 135.

    29. Ballouard, J.-M., Bonnet, X., Ajtić, R., Brito, J. C., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., El Mouden, H., Erdogan, M., Feriche, M., Halpern, B., Pleguezuelos, J. M., Prokov, P., Sánchez, A., Santos, X., Slimani, T., Sterijovski, B., Tomović, L., Uşak, M. (2009). A large survey shows that emotion hence field experiences are essential to stimulate pupils to protect local biodiversity. A comparative study. 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology. Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague. Book of Abstracts p. 53-54. 

    30. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Tomović, Lj. & Ajtić, R. (2009). Monitoring of Ursinii Viper on Bjelasica Mountain (Montenegro) – what we suppose to know after eight years? Opening workshop LIFE+ project “Conservation of Hungarian Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) in the Carpathian basin” (LIFE07 NAT/H/000322), 16 October 2009.

    31. Jelić, D., Ajtić, R., Sterijovski, B., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Lelo, S., Tomović, Lj. (2010). Distribution and conservation problems of the vipers in the western and central parts of the Balkans. 3rd Biology of the Vipers Conference Calci (Pisa, Italy), 31st March-2nd April 2010, Abstract Book, p. 8-9.

    32. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj. (2010). Some aspects of venom production and body mass variation in Vipera ammodytes kept under laboratory conditions. 3rd Biology of the Vipers Conference Calci (Pisa, Italy), 31st March-2nd April 2010, Abstract Book, p. 36-37.

    33. Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Brito, J. C. (2010). The use of geostatistics and GIS for evolutionary history studies: the case of the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) in the Balkan Peninsula. 3rd Biology of the Vipers Conference Calci (Pisa, Italy), 31st March-2nd April 2010, Abstract Book, p. 45-46

    34. Tomović, Lj., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ajtić, R., Sterijovski, B., Jelić, D., Đorđević, S., Đurakić, M., Bonnet, X. (2010). Sexual size and shape dimorphism of the vipers at the Balkans-small, medium and large scale. 3rd Biology of the Vipers Conference Calci (Pisa, Italy), 31st March-2nd April 2010, Abstract Book, p. 52

                                                                                                                                                     35. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ćurčić, S., Stojadinović, D., Tomašević-Kolarov, N., Aleksić, I., tomanović, Ž. (2011). Size- and sex-dependent variation in diet od Bufo bufo from Serbia. SEH European Congress of Herpetology & DGHT Deutscher Herpetologentag Louxembourg and Trier, 25th to 29th September 2011, Abstract Book, p. 32

    36. Chiari, Y., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Poboljšaj, K., Halpern, B., Gent, T., Ayres, C., Vacher, J.-P., Farkas, B., Ficetola, G. F., Salvidio, S., Raemy, M., Vamberger, M., Thienpont, S., D’Angelo, S., Ballasina, D., Barroci, M., Bonardi, A., Bottoni, L., Canalis, L., Centeno, A., Crosseto, S., Dankovics, R., Sabec, N. D., Ferri, V., Filleto, P., Genta, P., Molnar, T. G., Govedic, M., Greggio, N., Gyorffy, G., Jesu, R., Kovacs, T., Kiss, I., Luisselli, L., Mesaros, G., Masin, S., Mazzotti, S., Montanari, F., Noguer, M., Plana, I., Ottonello, D., Pechy, T., Sala, L., Scali, S., Somlai, T., Takacs, G., Tedaldi, G., Ursenbacher, S., Vianello, F., Zagar, A. (2011). European conservation projects on Emys. SEH European Congress of Herpetology & DGHT Deutscher Herpetologentag Louxembourg and Trier, 25th to 29th September 2011, Abstract Book, p. 97

    37. Ferchaud, А.-L., Ursenbacher, S., Cheylan, M., Luiselli, L., Jelić, D., Halpern, B., Major, A., Kotenko, T., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Tomović, Lj., Ghira, J., Ioannidis, Y., Arnal, V., Montgelard, C. (2011). From south to north: mitochondrial markers reveal an unexpected colonization route for vipers of the Vipera ursinii complex in the Palaearctic region. SEH European Congress of Herpetology & DGHT Deutscher Herpetologentag Louxembourg and Trier, 25th to 29th September 2011, Abstract Book, p. 78

    38.Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Paunović, M. (2012). Amphibians in transition: A case study from Southeastern Europe. World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, Canada, August 8th -14th 2012, Abstract Book, p 155

    39. Dufresnes, C., Wassef, J., Ghali, K., Brelsford, A., Stock, M., Lymberakis, P., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Perrin, N. (2012). Late Quaternary fine-scale phylogeography in Europe: Post-glacial recolonization, cryptic genetic structure, and diversity hotspots in the European tree frog (Hyla arborea). World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, Canada, August 8th -14th 2012, Abstract Book, p188    

    40. Lazić, M. L., Kaliontzopoulou, A., Carretero, M.A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2013). Fluctuating asymmetry in urban vs. Rural populations of Podarcis muralis. 8th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterrannean Basin, Koper, Slovenia, June 3rd-6th 2013, Abstract Book, p. 27 .

    41. Lazić, M.L., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2013). Influence of vegetation cover on tail break frequencies in Podarcis muralis. 8th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterrannean Basin, Koper, Slovenia, June 3rd-6th 2013, Abstract Book, p. 28-29.

    42. Vukašin Ćorović, J., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2013). Aspects of thermal ecology of meadow lizard (Darevskia praticola). 8th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterrannean Basin, Koper, Slovenia, June 3rd-6th 2013, Abstract Book, p. 30.

    43. Dinov, J., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2013). Species richness of amphibian and reptile fauna on Vlasina plateau. 11thSymposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighboring regions, Vlasina lake, Serbia, June 13th-16th 2013, Abstract Book, p.123.

    44. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Stojadinović, D., Milošević, Đ. (2013). Relation between righting time and carapace shape in adult Hermann’s tortoises.  17th European Congress of Herpetology, Veszprem, Hungary, August 22nd -27th 2013, Abstract Book, p. 102.

    45. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Milojković, D., Ilić, M., Macura, B. (2013). Status of amphibian breeding sites in Đerdap National Park, Serbia.  17th European Congress of Herpetology, Veszprem, Hungary, August 22nd -27th 2013, Abstract Book, p. 211.

    46. Sillero, N., Campos, J., Oliveira, M. A., Goncalves-Seco, L., Bonardi, A., Corti, C., Creemers, R., Crochet, P.-A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Denoel, M., Ficetola, G.F., Goncalves, J., Kuzmin, S., Lymberakis, P., de Pous, P., Rodriguez, A., Sindaco, R., Spreyboeck, J., Sousa, P., Sousa, F., Toxopeus, B., Vieites, D.R., Vences, M. (2013). Na2re project – the new atlas of amphibians and reptiles: new compilation and online system. 17th European Congress of Herpetology, Veszprem, Hungary, August 22nd -27th 2013, Abstract Book, p. 174.

    47. Psonis, N., Kukushin, V.O., Petrov, B., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ghergel, I., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N. (2013). Phylogeny and phylogeography of Podarcis tauricus group – insights from mitochondrial and nuclear data. 17th European Congress of Herpetology, Veszprem, Hungary, August 22nd -27th 2013, Abstract Book, p. 157

    48. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2013). A view on the status of Vipera ursinii macrops in Montenegro. Conservation of Hungarian Meadow Viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) in the Carpathian basin. Life + Programme Closing Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, August 21-22 2013.

    49. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Penner, J., Jenkins, C. (2014). The forthcoming Red List assessments on European Vipers. 4th Biology of Vipers Conference, Athens, Greece, October 10th-13th 2014, 49.

    50. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2014) European Viper Specialist Group Meeting. 4th Biology of Vipers Conference, Athens, Greece, October 10th-13th 2014, 12.

    51. Ćorović, J., Popović, M., Carretero, M.A., Cogaliceanu, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2015). Species distribution modelling of Darevskia praticola from the Balkan Peninsula. 18th European Congress of Herpetology, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-12 2015, 26.

    52. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Cogalniceanu, D., Denoel, M., Manenti, R., Martinez-Solano, I., Poboljšaj, K., Schmidt, B.R., Sotiropoulos, K., Uzum, N. (2015). Reevaluating IUCN Red List assesement on European Amphibians. 18th European Congress of Herpetology, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-12 2015, 28.

    53. Ilić, M., Stamenković, G., Nikolić, V., Marković, V., Marrinković, N., Paunović, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2015). Identfication of syntopic anuran species at early tadpole stages: could morphometric analysis resemble molecular genetics? 18th European Congress of Herpetology, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-12 2015, 50.

    54. Jovanović, B., Ilić, M., Ćorović, J., Tomašević-Kola.rov, N., Aleksić, I., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2015). A report on variation of breeding phenology in common toad. 18th European Congress of Herpetology, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-12 2015, 51.

    55. Roussos, S.A., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Strachinis, I., Sassoe, M., Gross, B. A., Dimaki, M., Ettling, J., Densmore, L.D. (2015). Recent observatons on Montivipera xanthina on the Dodecanese islands with comments on species regional IUCN Red List status in Europe. 13th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Irakleio, Crete, Greece, October 7-11 2015, Book of abstracts: 74.

    56.Ilić, M., Nikolić, M., Savić, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2016). Amphibians on the teritorry of Niš. 12th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighboring regions, Kopaonik, Serbia, June 16th-19th 2016, Book of Abstracts: 149.

    57. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Ilić, M., Milićević, J., Ćosić, N., Ćorović, J., Jovanović, B., Ilić, M, Nikolić, M, Savić, D., Čubrić, T., Lazić, M.M., Milošević, Đ., Stojadinović, D. (2016). Transition, urbanization approach and degree of impoverishment of local batracho- and herpetofauna. The  8th World Congress of Herpetology (WCH8), Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, August 15th -21st 2016, 238. 

    58. Maritz, B., Penner, J., Martins, M., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Spear, S., Alencar, L.R.V., Sigala Rodriguez, J., Messenger, K., Clark, R.W., Soorae, P., Luiselli, L., Jenkins, C., Greene, H.W.(2016). Conservation priorities for vipers - a comprehensive global analysis. The  8th World Congress of Herpetology (WCH8), Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, August 15th -21st 2016, 83.

    59.Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Stojadinović, D., Jovanović B., Ćorović J., Ilić M., Mijatović, J., Nikolić, M., Čubrić T., Milošević. DJ.(2017). Do fluctuations of local climate have impact on phenology, activity patterns and habitat requirements of selected European amphibian and reptile species? 3rd Workshop "Ecophysiology: Interactions of organisms with their environment", San Juan, Argentina, March 15th-17th 2017, 24.

    60. Čubrić, T., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2017).Nose-horned viper population status and threats in Serbia: a pilot study results. 5th Biology of Vipers Conference, Morocco, Chefchaouen, May 10th -20th 2017, 33.

    61. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Roussos, S., Perry, B., Strachinis, I., Sassoe, M., Gross, B.A., Dimaki, M., Ettling, J., Densmore, L.D.(2017). The Present and Future of Insular Populations: Montivipera xanthina on Dodecanese Islands. 5th Biology of Vipers Conference, Morocco, Chefchaouen, May 10th -20th 2017, 35.

    62. Jovanović, B., Ilić, M., Ćorović, J., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2017) Testing sexual selection in an explosive amphibian breeder (Bufo bufo). SEH 2017 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, Austria, September 18th-23rd 2017, Abstract Book, p.210.

    63. Ćorović, J., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2017). Insight into the thermal ecology of the meadow lizard (Darevskia praticola) in Serbia. SEH 2017 19th European Congress of Herpetology, Salzburg, Austria, September 18th-23rd 2017, Abstract Book, p.210.

    64. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2018). Homage to Professor Milutin Radovanović: two stories on variability and distribution of lacertid lizards on islands in ex- Yugoslavia. Plenary lecture. 10th Symposium on the lacertid lizards of the Mediterranean Basin & 2nd Symposium on the lizards of the Mediterranean Basin, Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 18th-20th 2018, Abstract Book, p.6.

    65. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2018). Water Management and Biodiversity Conservation - is there a conflict? Aquademica International Conference 2018 "Water Management in the Context of Climate Change - International Experience", Timisoara, Romania, October 11th-12th 2018, Abstract Book, p.23.

    66. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2019). Conservation Status and Current Issues on Vipers in Europe & North Asia. Plenary Lecture. 2nd National Conference on Mexican Vipers and Ophidism, Aguascalientes, Mexico, May 20th-24th 2019.

    67. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Milojković, D. (2019). Persistence and dynamics of amphibian breeding sites in Iron Gate national park, Serbia. XX European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, Italy, 2.-6. September 2019, 219.


    68. Ćorović, J., Jovanović, B., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2019). Termal preference and evaporative water loss rates in the north-west peripheral population of the meadow lizard (Darevskia praticola). XX European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, Italy, 2.-6. September 2019, 289.

    69. Martinez-Freiria, F., Freitas, i., Mebert, K., Zinenko, O., Schweiger, S., Wuster, W., Brito, J.-C., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Halpern, B., Fahd, S., Santos, X., Pleguezuelos, J. M., Joger, U., Orlov, N., Mizsei, E., Lourdais, O., Zuffi, M.A., Strugariu, A., Zamfirescu, S.R., Martinez-Solano, I., Vello-Anton, G., Kaliontzopoulou, A., Ursenbacher, S. (2019). Towards evidence-based species delimitation in Eurasian vipers. XX European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, Italy, 2.-6. September 2019, 101.

    70. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Cogalniceanu, D., Denoel, M., Ficetola, G.F., Gent, T., Maletzky, A., Manenti, R., Miaud, C., Martinez-Solano, I., Poboljšaj, K., Rannap, R., Schmidt, B., Schulte, U., Sotiropoulos, K., Stock, M., Uzum, N., Voros, J., Wilkinson, J., Luedtke, J. (2019). Reasessment of Red Rist Status of European amphibians. XX European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, Italy, 2.-6. September 2019, 201.

    71. Tomović, Lj., Arsovski, D., Golubović, A., Nikolić, S., Anđelković, M., Sterijovski, B., Ajtić, R., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Bonnet, H. (2019). Population characteristics of the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) on Golem Grad Island (North Macedonia). XX European Congress of Herpetology, Milan, Italy, 2.-6. September 2019, 85.

    72. Cvijanović, D., Novković, M., Galambos, L., Stojković Piperac, M., Weidendorfer, J., Damnjanović,B., Lorencová, E., Ńikić, A., Purić, K., Arifi, B., Orelj, M., Milovanović, A., Crnobrnja Isailović, J., Simić, V., Radulović, S. (2019). The Conservation Value of Macrophyte Communities in the Danube Floodplain in Serbia. ISEM 8, Budva, Montenegro, 2.-5. October 2019, 191.

    73. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2020). Diversion mini-hydropower plants on the Balkans and impact on local amphibian (and reptile) populations. 9th World Congress of Herpetology, Dunedin, New Zealand, 5.-10. January 2020, 118.

    74. Crnobrnja-isailović, J. (2021). European vipers: The ongoing IUCN Red List Update. Hungarian Meadow Viper Project: "Viability improvement of Hungarian meadow viper populations and habitats in the Pannonian region. Opening Workshop. October 15.-16, 2021, Budapest, Germany. Abstract Book: p. 22. 

    75. Ilić M, Jovanović B, Stamenković G, Bugarski-Stanojević V, Paunović M, Crnobrnja-Isailović J. (2022). Phylogeographic substructuring of the common frog (Rana temporaria) in Serbia. Program & book of abstracts, 21st European Congress of Herpetology, September 5th-9th, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia: p. 145.

    76. Ćorović, J., Ćosić, N., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2022). Seasonal variation in ecophysiology of the lizard Podarcis tauricus.Program & book of abstracts, 21st European Congress of Herpetology, September 5th-9th, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia: p. 165.

    77. Čubrić T., Crnobrnja-Isailović J. (2022). Limited body temperature variation in the Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus,1758) during six years study. Program & book of abstracts, 21st European Congress of Herpetology, September 5th-9th, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia: p. 154.

    78. Jovanović B., Ćorović J., Ilić M., Crnobrnja-Isailović J. (2022). More than a decade of monitoring population abundance in three anuran species from Central Serbia. Program & book of abstracts, 21st European Congress of Herpetology, September 5th-9th, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia: p. 220.

    79. Stamenković I., Stojadinović D., Kostić Kokić I., Bogdanović D., Anđelković T., Crnobrnja-Isailović J. (2022). Pesticides in the eggshells and nests of Testudo hermanni in a complex habitat system. Program & book of abstracts, 21st European Congress of Herpetology, September 5th-9th, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia: p. 241.

    80. Topliceanu S., Jovanović B., Stănescu F., Ćorović J., Aleksić I., Vlad S., Telea A., Cogălniceanu D., Crnobrnja-Isailović J. (2022). Life history changes observed over 17 years in a Common Toad population from Serbia. Program & book of abstracts, 21st European Congress of Herpetology, September 5th-9th, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia: p. 264.

    81. Dufresnes, C., Ghielmi, S., Halpern, B., Martínez-Freiría, F., Mebert, K., Jelić, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Gippner, S., Jablonski, D., Joger, U., Laddaga, L., Petrovan, S., Tomović, Lj., Vörös, J., İğci, N., Kariş, M., Zinenko, O., Ursenbacher, S. 2024Phylogenomic Insights on the Diversity and Evolution of Palearctic Vipers.Book of Abstracts 10th World Congress of Herpetology, 5.-9. August 2024, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: pp. 307-309.

    82. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Martinez-Freiria, Ursenbacher, S., Joger, U., Zinenko, O., Mebert, K., Halpern, B., Mizsei, E., Szabolcs, M., Ajtić, R., Avella, I., Avcı, A., Cafuta, V., Cattaneo, A., Çiçek, K., Crochet, P.-A., Dimaki, M., Doronin, I. V., Dyugmedzhiev, A., Freitas, I., Ioannidis, I., Jelić, D., Kirschey, T., Kornilev, Y., Lucchini, N., Madsen, T., Milto, K., Pleguezuelos, J., Roussos, S., Santos, X., Schweiger, S., Sterijovski, B., Strachinis, I., Strugariu, A., Stümpel, N., Tomović, Lj., Tudor, M., Tuniyev, B., Vogrin, M., Zamfirescu, S., Zotos, S., Zuffi, M. A. L.,Martins, M. 2024. How Comfortable are Vipers in Europe? An Update Based on Regional IUCN Red List Status. Book of Abstracts 10th World Congress of Herpetology, 5.-9. August 2024, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: pp. 585-588.


  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1, Crnobrnja, J. (1987). Genska različitost u populacijama velikog mrmoljka - Triturus cristatus (Urodela, Amphibia) - 3. Kongres genetičara Jugoslavije, Ljubljana, 31.05. - 04.06.1987., Abstrakti: 122.


    2. Crnobrnja, J., Kalezić, M. (1989). Protok gena i populaciona organizacija mrmoljaka (Triturus, Urodela, Amphibia). - II Simpozijum "Savremena populaciono-genetička istraživanja u Jugoslaviji", Donji Milanovac, 03. - 06.10.1989., Abstrakti, str. 6.


    3. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Aleksić, I. (1994). Genetička strukturiranost populacija  tri vrste guštera (Sauria: Lacertidae) na području Skadarskog jezera. - I Kongres genetičara, Vrnjačka banja, 08.-11.06. 1994., Abstrakti, str. 202-203.


    4. Karadžić, B., Marinković, S., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Orlandić, Lj. (1996). Biodiverzitet kanjona Zapadne Srbije.  5. Kongres ekologa Jugoslavije, Beograd, Abstrakti, 31.


    5. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj. (2004). Contribution to Batrahofauna and Herpetofauna of Pčinja River in the Southern Serbia. 1st Symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro, Tivat, 14. – 18. Oktobar 2004., Abstracts, p. 72.


    6. Cvetković, D., Tomašević, N., Aleksić, I., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. (2004). Assessing patterns of intersexual difference in body size parameters and age structure data from the common toad Bufo bufo. 1st Symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro, B Tivat, 14. – 18. Oktobar 2004., Abstracts, p. 105


    7. Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., Ajtić, R., Tomović, Lj. (2005). Prilog poznavanju herpetofaune Stare planine sa okolinom. 8. Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih regiona, Niš, 20.-24.6.2005, Apstrakti, 141.


    8. Jovanović, B., Ilić, M., Ćorović, J., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J., (2018). uvid u uticaj klimatskih faktora na reproduktivnu fenologiju lokalne populacije obične krastače (Bufo bufo). II kongres biologa Srbije, Kladovo, 25.-30. septembar 2018, abstrakti, 291.


    9. Nikolić, M., Cvetković, J., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2018). Preferencija staništa istočne podvrste šumske kornjače (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) u Srbiji. II kongres biologa Srbije, Kladovo, 25.-30. septembar 2018, abstrakti, 294.

    10. Conić, J., Vukelić-Nikolić, V., Aleksić, M., Žabar-Popović, A., Stojadinović, D., Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Vasiljević, P. (2018). Ispitivanje morfometrijskih parametara ćelija krvi i prisustva hemoparazita kod šumskih kornjača vrste Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789. II kongres biologa Srbije, Kladovo, 25.-30. septembar 2018, abstrakti, 159.

    11. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2021). How citizens' votes can threaten local herpetofauna? A story from the Balkans. Plenary LectureXIII Congresso Nazionale Societas Herpetologica Italica, Lipari (Messina), Italy, 22.-26. September 2021, 49.

    12. Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2021). Learning about biodiversity conservation through training on how to write successfull ecological projects. 12th International Scientific Conference Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development, Užice, Serbia, October 8. 2021.

    13. Crnobrnja-Isailović J., Battisti C. (2022). Europe - a small and unpleasantly changing continent from an amphibian perspective. In: Ferri V., Gambioli B., Lapadula S., Marini D., Nesi P., Roscetti C., Di Tizio L., (Eds), 2022. Riassunti e Programma del Quinto Convegno nazionale “Salvaguardia Anfibi”, Solaro, Roma, Chieti, Montegrotto Terme, Italy, May 18-22  2022, 21-22.

     14. Илић М, Јовановић Б, Стаменковић Г, Бугарски-Станојевић В, Зорић К, Пауновић М, Црнобрња-Исаиловић J. (2022). Полиморфизам 16S rRNK гена врсте Rana temporaria на територији Србије. Књига сажетака, Трећи конгрес биолога Србије, Златибор, 21-25.09.2022, п.104.

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